I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 330 I suspect you are not a serious person

After that, Bai Qianchun bent down and handed several other inducers on the workbench to Feng Youyu, leaving only one for himself. "You take these first. It's useless to leave them here. I'll take this one." Let’s give it to His Highness the Prince to try.”

Feng Youyu had no objection. After carefully putting a few inducers into the space button, he put the small robot back, and then followed Bai Qianchun downstairs.

The time they spent in the pharmacy just now was a little longer than expected, so the two of them ate breakfast like a fight. They finished it within three minutes, and then each of them took a glutinous rice cake and went straight to the speeding car, eating while flying.

On a speeding car.

Bai Qianchun bit the glutinous rice cake and said, "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I didn't mention just now. The attractant is only effective when the red silk cells are still in the incubation period or have just entered the supernormal core. It is not very effective if they have grown and grown in the energy core for a period of time. However, it will be better if they drink the attractant red thread cells. The red thread cells may be restless because they cannot come out of the energy core, which will cause some movement. Warriors with supernatural powers are unwell, and some even riot with supernatural powers."

"When the time comes, you will observe and observe. The people who suffer from these situations are really in danger. These people cannot survive just by taking medicine. They have to manually remove the red filament cells from their superpower nuclei."

"Yes." Feng Youyu ate the glutinous rice cakes in his hand in three mouthfuls, and then nodded solemnly, "After we finish counting the number of these people, we will discuss whether to send them here or teach another apprentice to go there. "

Bai Qianchun originally wanted to say that she could go directly, but since he said so, she agreed, "Well, we'll see how many people there are then."

The place Bai Qianchun designated for Qin Manyun is in the extreme north. The climate distribution on Jupiter is special. The temperature at the poles is much lower than that in other central areas. If it is summer in the central area, then it is late autumn at the two poles. It's not yet time for snow and ice, but the tops of the mountains are already covered with a thick layer of white snow.

The reason why Bai Qianchun arranged Qin Manyun here is because the low temperature can reduce her inner fire, and the autumn scenery is more suitable for her. Loneliness is not intense, leisurely and comfortable, which can relieve her mental pressure.

Doesn’t it mean that the environment can affect people?

In addition, Bai Qianchun also asked her to remove heavy makeup to relax her body, which was also beneficial to her mental relief.

As a patient, Qin Manyun is quite obedient. Except for going out for a while to attend the wedding, Qin Manyun has been staying here the rest of the time.

No, when Bai Qianchun and Feng Youyu came, she was lying on a recliner wearing a long cold gray dress that looked like a monk's robe, her eyes were slightly closed, and she had a pair of standard flaming red lips and enchanting electric eyes. I also took off my makeup.

Although the color is gone, the eyes are a little smaller, and the lips are a little dull, they are still clean and the face is calm, with a natural beauty that returns to nature.

However, due to her poor mental state all year round, after taking off her makeup, there were a few small wrinkles in front of her eyebrows and on her forehead, which were obviously caused by long-term frowning due to irritability.

When she heard the sound, she subconsciously opened her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. However, after seeing Feng Youyu also jump off the flying car, the slightly raised corners of her mouth flattened again.

"Why did you bring this kid here?"

Ignoring Feng Youyu, she curled her lips lightly, looked at Bai Qianchun and asked quietly.

Although there was not much expression on her face, it was obvious that she was in a bad mood because of Feng Youyu's arrival.

Bai Qianchun smiled at her and shook the blue attractant in his hand, "I may have found the cause of your illness."

"Oh -" Qin Manyun sat up from the recliner, the light in his eyes flashed away, and then asked with a hint of urgency, "What is it?"

Bai Qianchun pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word, but glanced at Feng Youyu who was following him.

Feng Youyu took a step forward in cooperation, said hello to Qin Manyun in a gentle and polite manner, and then asked, "Before that, I need His Highness to answer a question, who gave you your orchid cigarette leaves?"

The smile on Qin Manyun's face suddenly disappeared, and his eyebrows scanned their faces warily, "Are you here to get information from me?"

Feng Youyu straightened the corners of his mouth, and his smiling peach blossom eyes were now solemn and cold, "Your Highness, don't worry, as long as you don't do anything to disgrace the empire, we won't do anything to you."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly condensed. After Qin Manyun stared at him with a cold face for a minute, he raised the corner of his mouth, changed from his previous gloomy vigilance, and smiled playfully and seductively, "It seems that you do know something. ah."

"I will definitely not betray the empire. After all, my imperial brother treats me well, and the empire treats me well. As for the orchid-flavored tobacco, I can't tell you now. I have an agreement with that person. I If it is revealed to him, he will no longer provide me with this stuff, but if the little girl cures my disease and relieves me of worries, that person will be worthless, so it doesn’t hurt to tell you then.”

Bai Qianchun also laughed. She knew that this was the case. His Highness the Prince would not suffer at all, not to mention that she was her own patient, so she could still ignore it.

It was just a test, and both of them were quite satisfied with the result.

So Bai Qianchun handed over the test tube in his hand, "I suspect that your mental state may be related to a special virus. I turned this virus into red silk cells. As for the reason for suspicion, it was because of the orchid cigarettes you used before. Ye, I have found the raw material of this kind of tobacco leaf. That raw material has both suppressive and attracting effects on red blood cells. It all depends on how the drug user makes it."

"Your orchid cigarette leaves have a suppressive effect and can suppress restless red blood cells in the human body, while my bottle of attractant has a luring effect and can lure red blood cells out of the body."

As soon as Bai Qianchun finished speaking, Qin Manyun's eyes flashed with anger, suppressed and suppressed in his body. It seemed that the man never wanted to let her go.

But at this time, Qin Manyun became calmer and did not drink it directly. Instead, he pointed out, "What if your suspicion is wrong?"

"It doesn't matter if it's wrong. This inducer is only effective against red blood cells. If it's wrong, it's just like a mouthful of boiled water."

Hearing this, Qin Manyun calmed down a bit, and finally the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Okay, I believe you."

"Wait a minute -" Bai Qianchun suddenly shouted, stopping Qin Manyun from raising his head to drink, and quickly asked, "Did you drink water just now?"

Qin Manyun didn't know why, "Does having a drink have something to do with this attractant?"

Bai Qianchun nodded seriously, "Yes, then come and drink after you go to the toilet. Return the attractant to me first and I will hold it for you."

Qin Manyun: If you hadn't been so serious during treatment a few days ago, I would have almost suspected that you were not a serious person!

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