I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 337: Feng Xiao and the two will not be beaten to death, right?

Qin Yushan, who was originally jealous and crazy after hearing these remarks, grabbed the iron wood that trapped her with both hands, and her fingernails almost flipped over due to excessive force. It was not until she heard the last sentence that she took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Yes, what's wrong with this? It's just two moves. How can that bitch Ancient Doctor be compared with the eldest sister? The elder sister's fighting skills are famous even in the First Legion. She doesn't believe that bitch Ancient Doctor can. Compared to her eldest sister, she waited for her to overestimate her abilities and have her bones broken by her eldest sister, ending in an embarrassing situation.

Qin Yushan's eyes were fixed on the two people who continued to be intertwined. She didn't even look at Bai Chengjun who was already deeply in love and trying to attract her attention.

Shen Shenxiang looked at Bai Chengjun's hot face and cold butt, and couldn't help showing contempt and ridicule at the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes fell on Bai Qianchun in the battle.

There was a lot of ambiguity in her eyes. She once thought that this woman was just a shield pushed out by Feng Youyu, a weak and bully Cuscuta flower, but she didn't expect that as soon as Mu Yuanxing saw this woman, she would completely overthrow her. conjecture.

This woman is powerful, with powerful wood-type abilities. A few vines can easily make His Highness the Prince's group of black-clothed bodyguards fall into the trap, and even be beaten to pieces. Even so, His Highness the Prince has not yet blamed her. On the contrary, she had a good impression of her, which completely disrupted the plans arranged for her by the Shen family and the Fourth Prince;

This woman is also talented and capable. Those pills have never appeared before but have miraculous effects, making countless nobles rush to pursue her. The noble ladies who originally disliked her and were her love rivals all worshiped her because of these pills. Idol;

Now that she doesn't have the power, this woman is still very powerful, and she doesn't lose at all when fighting against the eldest princess who is famous for her martial arts. After a few minutes, she is still able to do so with ease, and even has a slight upper hand.

Ask yourself, how could such a woman be a dodder attached to Feng Youyu? No one would believe it this time even if they tried to spread the word.

As she looked at it, Shen Shenxiang still felt a little envious and yearning. If she could become more capable, wouldn't she no longer have to rely on the Shen family and accept the marriage that the Shen family had set for her?

Bai Chengjun is not a good person. If she really gets married, can she really get what she wants?

At this time, Shen Shenxiang began to waver in everything she had done before, but this wavering was only momentary after all. The reality was that even if she wanted to back down, the Shen family who had already used her to gain benefits did not. Will let her go, now she has only two choices, either continue to follow the Shen family's arrangements to be engaged and married to Bai Chengjun, or use Bai Chengjun and Qin Yushan to make a fuss and get rid of this marriage.

However, if she chooses the second option, even if she gets rid of Bai Chengjun, as long as she is still in the Shen family, the marriage will still be controlled by the Shen family in exchange for benefits. There is no guarantee that there will not be another Hong Chengjun or Hei Chengjun. By then, those people will not be as stupid as Bai Chengjun, who knows everything.

Shen Shenxiang stood among the noisy and screaming crowd, unable to make a decision for a moment.

And while she was thinking and tangled, the scene had become more and more exciting, and it was beginning to take shape which of the two people competing in the central committee had the advantage and who had the disadvantage.

The most obvious thing is that Qin Yutang's breathing is messed up, his attacks are getting slower and slower, he seems to have fallen into a period of excessive consumption, and his strength has gradually weakened.

But her opponent Bai Qianchun's breathing was not messed up. Except for the fact that her tied hair was thrown away during the fight because the headband was not secure, causing her hair to be scattered and her black hair to fly, her figure was still nimble and light, and she was able to do everything with ease.

Her figure, attack, and evasive steps were all light and airy, and she didn't even seem to hurt Qin Yutang opposite her at all. But in fact, only her opponent Qin Yutang knew what was going on.

What seemed like a light palm actually concealed a strong wind. If she hadn't dodged quickly, her neck would have been almost bruised into a gourd of blood, and the hand holding her arm was so strong that she couldn't easily shake it off. It took three lashes for her to free her arm.

There was also the light and nimble steps, which seemed to be just enough to avoid her attack. In fact, she had anticipated it and avoided it with ease. Qin Yutang himself had no upper hand at all.

The evenly matched fight that outsiders saw from the beginning was actually the other person trying to save her face, as if giving her a tutorial.

Gan! Where did my cousin find such a powerful daughter-in-law who is so good at fighting skills? No, that's not right. This shouldn't be called fighting skills in her. There is no hardness in fighting at all, only softness, like dancing and doing Tai Chi. Incredibly flexible and soft.

Qin Yutang felt his gradually losing physical strength. He braked his steps, raised one hand and rushed forward, panting and shouting, "Stop, stop, stop, I admit defeat, I admit defeat, I lost."

Bai Qianchun took back the hand that was about to swat, put it on her back, and stood three steps away from Qin Yutang. She was breathing steadily and nodded to her with a steady smile, "Cousin, I accept."

Qin Yutang straightened up her aching waist, casually raised her hand to wipe the sweat on her arm, then walked over with a smile and gave her a thumbs up, "Cousin, you are so humble. If you really If you get serious, I might not be your opponent with just a few moves."

Feng Youyu agreed with this point, and raised his chin proudly. Bai Qianchun, a woman on the Phoenix Battleship, could always hit the target with one kick. It was no problem to kill someone in two or three moves.

But Sheng Donghuai next to him had a big problem.

Others were so shocked that they died.

From the moment the two started sparring, his mind started to flash.

From the beginning, "Princess, please be merciful, don't kill Feng Xiaoer's wife. When Feng Xiaoer goes crazy, he won't be able to hold her back" to "Oh, Feng Xiaoer's little wife." "Looking so delicate and frail, I didn't expect that she could actually avoid the attack in a moment. Her steps and skills are as if someone is floating, so beautiful."

And then, "Oh my God, what's wrong with this little wife Feng Xiaoer? She took some awesome magic medicine, and she's evenly matched with the eldest princess."

"Oh my god, she, she, she can actually suppress the eldest princess. Could it be that there is some alien species inside her delicate body?"

"Li, it's amazing. The eldest princess actually lost. Where did Feng Xiaoer find such a powerful little wife? If the couple quarrels in the future, Feng Xiaoer won't be beaten to death, right?"

In short, Sheng Donghuai's mental journey was soaring and ups and downs, so much so that the two people who had returned from the competition came closer, and he was still there in a daze.

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