I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 338 There are so many candidates

The corners of Bai Qianchun's lips were raised, but she was not proud. Her tone was still modest, "That's because my cousin just had a discussion with Miss Sheng and spent some energy. I got some advantages now. Cousin, don't belittle yourself."

Looking at her sincere eyes, Qin Yutang understood what she meant. He didn't want to be too pushy and wanted to save face for her.

Qin Yutang accepted her feelings. Recently, she really needed to maintain her face.

Because she just took over the "honorable" title of princess representative yesterday.

There are three royal princesses in total. The first princess representative is her second sister who was implicated in the incident involving the third emperor's brother and was removed. The second princess representative is her third sister because she is stupid and poisonous and paid to commit murder. It was exposed on the spot and spread among the upper-class nobles. She turned from a proud girl into a stinking ditch. The title of Princess Representative was also withdrawn a few days ago.

Now of the three princesses, she was the only one left with only a few fruits left, so she was pushed out of the market.

Since yesterday, the royal family has been vigorously promoting her achievements, trying to replace the old elegant princess with a completely different image of a decisive, heroic and heroic princess, and completely eliminate the negative news about the royal princess.

But if the news spreads that she lost in today's competition and lost at the hands of a weak and weak girl, yesterday's publicity from the royal family would be all in vain.

Although she doesn't care much about image issues. If she loses, she loses. She feels that being yourself is the least likely to fall over, but the relatives of the royal family and the people in the elders' house are always giggling, and she feels that Trouble, since the cousin wanted to save her face, she made excuses for her, she appreciated it.

In this way, the propaganda can be reversed and controlled more easily, and her ears no longer need to be tortured.

Qin Yutang had a smile on his face. Even after losing, he was in a very good mood. He was still thinking about competing with his cousins ​​more often in the future.

But there were people who just wanted to be an eyesore. Feng Youyu came over without fear of death and smiled gracefully, "Then cousin, do you still want to compete with me now? I'm afraid I won't win without fighting."

Qin Yutang's smile froze and his eyes narrowed dangerously, "I think your skin is itchy. It's really incomparable to me today, but tomorrow."

"Not even tomorrow. Muyuan Star will be closed today. Cousin, you have to leave. I have something to do with the legion recently and will not return to the main star. Cousin, I don't know when we will meet next time." Feng Feng Youyu smiled and answered quickly.

He had already thought out his way out, otherwise he wouldn't have come forward.

Qin Yutang grinded his teeth and thought that this boy was ruthless, "We have a long way to go. We will meet one day. If not, I will come next time you get married. When the time comes."

Feng Youyu: It's over. It's a pleasure to talk. Wedding and crematorium. Is it too late for him to take back what he just said? He didn't want to cause any trouble at the wedding. This half of his cousin was really hard to mess with.

Fengyou Yuyu died!

But the one who is in the worst mood now is not him, but Qin Yushan who is still in the Sifang Cage.

Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it. How could it be possible? How could her eldest sister lose to that bitch of the ancient doctor? Her eldest sister was such a powerful person, and all the experienced warriors in the legion were defeated by her. Why? He would lose to the ancient doctor, a woman who would collapse at the slightest hint of wind.

On purpose, they must have done it on purpose, joining forces to put on a show to support the ancient doctor.

Anyway, she, Qin Yushan, doesn’t believe that the Ancient Medical Association is so good. She definitely doesn’t believe it.

Qin Yushan, who was in a state of madness, did not notice that the focus of the field had slowly moved here with Qin Yutang and others from a short distance away.

Qin Yutang stood outside the cage, looking at the man holding his head in his hands, as if he was in a state of madness. His eyebrows that were originally raised in joy were frowned, "What's wrong with her?"

Bai Chengjun froze when she stared at him, his head shook slowly like a machine that had forgotten to grease it, "No, I don't know."

"Well -" Qin Yutang glanced over with another stern look. Bai Chengjun immediately straightened up as if on clockwork and started gibbering, "No, no, I mean the third princess is probably too happy." , I proposed to the third princess before, and I am willing to pay a bride price of 60 billion to marry the third princess. Just now we were talking about our future married life."

Qin Yutang sneered at his nonsense, she didn't believe a word he said.

The third sister had ruined her reputation just because she liked her cousin, and she was so stupid that she hired a murderer to kill her. It had only been a few days, and she was so excited because of this man's proposal?

It's not so fast to fall in love with someone else.

Not to mention that compared to his cousin, this weak pretty boy has no capital to be attracted to someone else.

She is more inclined to think that there is something wrong with the third sister's brain. Although the third sister was a little cautious in the past, she had a treacherous heart but not that courage. At most, she could do her best to ensure that nothing went wrong, but it was limited to small fights. No, now she actually escalated the matter to the level of assassinating the Muyuan star master, affecting the entire empire. Qin Yutang didn't believe it when she heard the news at first. She didn't believe that this third sister would be so bold.

But with the facts in front of her, she couldn't help but disbelieve the evidence her cousin presented. She, the third sister, had become really courageous, and there was something wrong with her brain.

But no matter what, she was responsible for everything. Although Qin Yutang didn't have much affection for this third sister, she was still disappointed.

She looked at Bai Chengjun who was still describing the future life after marrying the third princess, and interrupted him, "I know, needless to say, since you have 60 billion betrothal gifts, just wait in line, except There are a few other people besides you who are willing to spend 60 billion to marry my third sister. You should be prepared and there is no need to think too early about future marriage matters. There are so many candidates. In the end, who can marry my third sister? must."

Bai Chengjun suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue. With a high betrothal gift of 60 billion, he actually had competitors?

Qin Yushan in the cage also recovered from her madness, but compared to Bai Chengjun's shock, her face was a little more excited, "Sister, are there really so many people willing to pay this betrothal gift to marry me?"

Qin Yutang lowered his eyes and glanced at her, with a cold look in his eyes, "Well, you still retain the title of Third Princess, so naturally someone is willing to pay for it."

Qin Yushan's smile was stuck, just because of her title as the Third Princess?

She felt that her eldest sister was humiliating her.

Qin Yutang added at this time, "Don't worry, you are also my father's biological son after all. My father will not treat you like an auction item for the highest bidder. He will choose a good candidate for you."

It doesn't matter whether this candidate is a good candidate in Qin Yushan's heart. She had already been convicted by the royal family when Qin Yushan made such a big mistake. If it weren't for the purpose of "selling" her at a good price and filling the hole, she The name of the third princess is no longer guaranteed.

Seeing the cold look on her face, Qin Yushan's eyes were filled with panic and panic, and the uneasiness in her heart began to spread.

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