The last day Muyuan Star was open was so lively and prosperous. After admiring Qin Yushan's frightened and wilting face, Bai Qianchun politely rejected the request of another militant Sheng Dongjing to discuss, and then He quietly changed the subject and led the four of them to the square, intending to let them taste Muyuanxing's special big pot rice.

This lunch meal is the penultimate meal that tourists stay on Muyuan Planet. Leng Jun, Leng Xiao and the wedding the day before yesterday failed to go to the end. Now the groom Xue Pan who was invited to help out can be said to have used all kinds of tricks. He tried his best to make this meal a presentable one, from the original standard of two dishes, one soup and one rice to five dishes, one soup and one rice. He also generously got Bai Qianchun's approval to select a few dishes from the back mountain valley. A cherry valley duck was made into fragrant roast duck and served to everyone's dining table.

Of course, these are also the last two opportunities for the chefs to empty tourists' pockets, so they have to work harder!

As soon as the food was served, Qin Yutang and Sheng Dongjing worked together to finish a whole roast duck, three plates of meat, two plates of vegetables, and four large bowls of rice. The meal was like a mouthful of oil, and they didn't eat at all. The only men, namely Qin Yujin and Sheng Donghuai, were left with the opportunity to use their chopsticks. The two men could only hold a bowl in their left hand and a pair of chopsticks in their right hand, dumbfoundedly watching the two women eating boldly.

Sheng Donghuai looked at Sheng Dongjing with a distressed look on his face: Dear sister, please be more careful. You are such a bold and bold food-grabber who doesn't leave food for others, and you still want to chase the second prince. I think you are thinking of eating shit. It’s good if no one is scared away by you.

"Ahem, His Highness the Second Prince, let's call for another table. My sister-in-law just said that we can take the internal priority channel. I'll go find the star citizens of Muyuan Planet and ask."

Sheng Donghuai said to Qin Yujin in embarrassment with the corner of his mouth pulled, then put down the chopsticks in his hands and rushed away from this place of right and wrong like a dog, lest his sister wake up from the delicious food and feel ashamed and transfer her anger to him.

Qin Yujin, who had just raised a smile and was about to nod gently, looked at Sheng Donghuai's retreating back. The corners of his curved mouth froze, but he soon returned to his normal expression and looked gently at the two other women on the square table. , said with a smile, "It seems that the food on Muyuan Star is very delicious. Sister Huang and Miss Sheng are very satisfied. It's a pity that we came too late. Today is the last day that Muyuan Star is open. Otherwise, we can stay longer." A few days."

Sheng Dongjing touched her belly, the smile on her satisfied face froze, and she suddenly felt suffocated.

It’s over, I was so happy with my meal just now that I forgot about the second prince!

I’m asking online, should I be saved after my crush sees me eating like a glutton?

Qin Yutang had no scruples. He didn't know where he got a long and thin grass leaf to pick his teeth with. He looked leisurely after eating and drinking, and sighed, "Yes, we arrived too late, but This is the time that the cousins ​​have decided before, and as relatives we should abide by it. Second Emperor Brother, don’t think about taking advantage of the relationship to take advantage of the situation and stay for a long time."

Qin Yujin's original words were suddenly choked in her throat, and she could only smile helplessly as she was exposed, "Sister Huang, I just like the environment here. The green air is good and it is very suitable for vacation."

"Oh, I want to go on vacation." Qin Yutang raised his eyebrows and said boldly with a smile, "I remember that under my father's name there was a vacation star with 60% green plant coverage. You did a good job in the legion before. You have made a great contribution not long ago, and I will help you ask your father for a manor on a holiday planet as a reward. Then you can also farm on the manor yourself, which will be more comfortable than on Muyuan Planet."

Qin Yujin's raised corners of his mouth dropped slightly, and he sighed, but he still kept smiling and nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Huang."

Sheng Dongjing looked left and right, her eyes lingering on the two of them, and she was suspicious. Why did it seem that the second prince wanted to stay on Muyuan Planet for vacation but the eldest princess was not willing?

Qin Yutang noticed her eyes, smiled and glanced sideways at her, "What are you looking at? There is no conflict between the second emperor brother and I. The second emperor brother likes places with good mountains and good water, and it is well known that he is not resistant to these. I also I understand, but the current Mu Yuan Star is not suitable. My cousin plans to build Mu Yuan Star after the outsiders leave. Although we have become a relative with her due to the relationship between the cousin and the boy, in the end, we are just a relative. Outsiders. If it were you, you would be happy to have outsiders roam around on your territory relying on connections while you are building your own base camp."

Sheng Dongjing thought for herself, then shook her head, "I really don't want to. Even if that person doesn't have bad intentions, he has a strong sense of presence. For safety reasons, he has to be vigilant and guarded. It's really bad."

Not far away, Bai Qianchun, who was helping Sheng Donghuai bring the dishes with her pointed ears, completely absorbed their words. The corners of her mouth were raised. She decided to like this eldest princess more. She was generous, transparent and could help others. For her own sake, it didn't match her bold and bold style at all, but she liked it.

Sheng Donghuai had never practiced ancient martial arts and had poor hearing. He was very puzzled by Bai Qianchun's sudden smile. What happy things did his siblings think of?

And where was that boy Feng Xiaoer? Why was there no trace of him when they were just having a meal?

The two came over with the dishes and immediately attracted the attention of the three people at the table.

Qin Yujin stood up with a gentle smile and quickly reached out to take the dinner plate from Bai Qianchun's hand.

Bai Qianchun dodged sideways, "No, the visitor is a guest. Your Highness, please sit down. I'll come."

Qin Yujin noticed the change of her title, and the curvature of his mouth tightened, but he still smiled good-naturedly, "Then I'm in trouble with Miss Ancient Medicine, and Miss Ancient Medicine forgot to call me Brother Yujin, this habit Just like You Yu, they are worthy of being a couple."

His tone was gentle and comfortable, without any hint of force or aggression.

But Bai Qianchun's eyes flashed and she chuckled casually, "It's okay for a married woman to be a married woman. Brother Yu Jin, then brother Yu Jin shouldn't call me Miss Ancient Medicine. Just call me cousin like cousin."

Qin Yujin's brown eyes seemed to twinkle with sweetness, and she smiled, "cousin."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about other things. Let's eat quickly when such a delicious meal is here. My stomach is already growling. Your Highness, hurry up and try this roast duck. I just walked all the way past those Everyone is praising this roast duck." After Sheng Donghuai quickly put the dishes on the table, he couldn't wait to sit back, then interrupted the conversation between the two, and enthusiastically pulled Qin Yujin, who was smiling helplessly, to eat quickly.

Of course, he didn't forget to ask the eldest princess if she wanted to eat more. After receiving the eldest princess's refusal, he began to eat with great pleasure, and from time to time he shared with Qin Yujin which dish was delicious.

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