On the other side, after helping deliver the food, Bai Qianchun casually chatted with Qin Yutang and Sheng Dongjing for a few words before returning, and bumped into Feng Youyu who had just returned from sending the small robot to the factory.

Feng Youyu smiled at her subconsciously, then walked towards her faster and said casually, "Where were you just now?"

Bai Qianchun also quickly took two steps forward, pulled him and led him to the nearby woods, while replying, "I went to the kitchen, and happened to meet the eldest son of the Sheng family who came to add food, so I helped him deliver the food."

"Oh." Feng Youyu pursed her lips and responded, feeling a little dissatisfied. That boy Sheng Donghuai was so proud that he asked her to take the initiative to help.

His eyes flashed, and he changed the topic calmly, not wanting to mention Sheng Donghuai again, "What about my cousin? Did she say how to arrange it? When do they plan to leave?"

Bai Qianchun lowered her eyes, a little absent-mindedly, "In the evening, after dinner, they plan to stay and play in the afternoon. They seem to be very satisfied with the scenery of Muyuan Star."

Feng Youyu immediately sneered, "They are not very satisfied with this scenery. They are obviously very satisfied with the dating environment here."

Bai Qianchun suddenly became energetic. She temporarily put aside the thoughts in her mind, turned her head and looked over with bright eyes, "A date? What's going on?"

Feng Youyu looked at her beautiful and curious eyes and was happy to share interesting gossip with her.

"My cousin and brother Yu Jin are here to take Qin Yushan back, yes, but the two from the Sheng family are definitely here for my cousin and the two of them. Sheng Donghuai has liked my cousin for many years and often comes to see me. Help create opportunities for him to spend time alone with his cousin. In order to allow my cousin to go to the place designated by Sheng Donghuai so that the two of them can have a wonderful "encounter", I have often taken the initiative to come to my cousin's door to discuss with her, and then let her My cousin, who felt refreshed after the fight, promised me to go to that place.”

Speaking of this, Feng Youyu's tone was quite sad. He felt that he had suffered a lot for the love between these two people, but who made the "matchmaker fee" sent by Sheng Donghuai at that time so delicious?

Not long after he returned to the Feng family, Feng Youyu, who had just taken over the Feng Group and was in urgent need of funds for turnover, agreed to this no-cost transaction without thinking. Not only could he get money but he could also exercise his skills, which was an urgent need for him. For Feng Youyu who has established a firm foothold, this is a business that is absolutely guaranteed to make a profit, so why not do it.

But now, Feng Youyu, who has been abused a thousand times by her cousin and is no longer short of money, doesn't like this business very much. However, due to the original favor and her aunt's eagerness to help her cousin go on a blind date, Feng Youyu still resisted kicking Sheng Donghuai away.

"As for Brother Yu Jin and Sister Sheng, it was Sister Sheng who had her eye on Brother Yu Jin. She found out about my deal with Sheng Donghuai and approached me, hoping that I could help her create opportunities to be alone with Brother Yu Jin. .”

Bai Qianchun asked curiously, "Did you help?"

Feng Youyu chuckled, shook his head and said, "No, Brother Yu Jin and I only had friendship when we were young, and our relationship is not that good. Besides, Brother Yu Jin has a caring temperament that shines on the earth, and I can't tell which girl he is interested in." , I don’t want to take on this thankless job.”

"Then Miss Sheng is not entangled?" According to her understanding of Sheng Dongjing in the past few meetings, this girl, like the eldest princess, is sassy but definitely not someone who gives up easily.

Sure enough, looking at Feng Youyu's expression, she said, "She came to me several times later to threaten me, but when the Orc Empire launched a massive attack and we all went to the battlefield, she had no chance to continue to pester me. But this time”

Obviously Feng Youyu could tell that Sheng Dongjing hadn't given up yet, and her little eyes would glance at his brother Yu Jin from time to time. He wasn't blind, so how could he not have seen it.

That's why he said that the Sheng siblings were a problem. He didn't eat with them just now. He claimed that he had something to do and left early because he didn't want the siblings to catch him and let him create opportunities for them.

He could barely give it a try with the pairing of Sheng Donghuai and his cousin, but he really couldn't and didn't want to get involved with the pairing of Sheng Dongjing and Brother Yu Jin.

Bai Qianchun had a look of understanding on her face. She rolled her beautiful black eyes and asked, "As for your brother Yu Jin, there seems to be very little news about him in the outside world. Even five days in a row... Even the prince is more famous than him, why? Since he can make Sister Sheng like him, he must be pretty good, why is there so little news about him?"

Feng Youyu glanced at her and immediately pricked up his ears alertly. This woman actually praised Brother Yujin for being excellent?

He looked at her suspiciously, "Why are you asking about Brother Yu Jin?"

Bai Qianchun met his guarded eyes, paused, and finally said without hiding it, "I think there's something wrong with him."

Feng Youyu breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and it wasn't just because he had a good impression.

Then he frowned and asked in confusion, "There's a problem, what problem?"

"He looks too good. Anything that is too perfect will always feel inconsistent. Also, at first he asked me to call him Brother Yujin like you, but he called me Miss Ancient Medicine. This title The question is very strange. Just now I tentatively called him Second Highness, and he corrected me and insisted that I call him "Brother Yujin." Then I took advantage of the situation and asked him to call me cousin. His eyes seemed a little unnatural. "

Bai Qianchun touched her chin and continued with a serious expression, "So I suspect that he wants to get close to me. He wants to seduce me."

"Pfft, what-"

This speculation directly poked Feng Youyu's lungs.

Originally, he didn't take Bai Qianchun's suspicion and analysis seriously. Brother Yu Jin has been with his cousin since he was a child. He is his cousin's brother or right-hand man, so although he and Brother Yu Jin are not very close, they are definitely There was no doubt. Even if Bai Qianchun suddenly said that he had a problem, Feng Youyu still believed in him and had a natural affection for him.

But Bai Qianchun's last guess was astonishing. It directly hit his explosive point, exploded the film of goodwill, and dragged him out of the latitude of goodwill.

What a good guy, how dare you covet a wife that he hasn't even got yet? This is definitely a big deal and absolutely intolerable.

Feng Youyu's head immediately sounded an alarm crazily, pulling people to the opposite side.

Anyone who wants to take advantage of him is his enemy, even if that person is his cousin's right-hand man.

Feng Youyu and Bai Qianchun faced each other and advised her with a serious face, "Brother Yu Jin is like a central air conditioner. He is good to everyone. Being his friend is not bad, but being his girlfriend is definitely not a good choice. Yao Wenxian I said it, a man with central air conditioning is a warm man at best, a scumbag at worst. Ten of his ten girlfriends will be heartbroken and break up, so you must not look at Qin Yujin, a charming person. , a gentle and warm man, in fact he is definitely not a good partner."

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