I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 345 Muyuanxing takes drastic measures to develop

After sending away Feng Youyu, Muyuan Star was officially closed to the outside world.

After all the battleships and starship transports at the starry skyport left, Bai Qianchun also conducted a planet-wide inspection of Muyuan Planet. After confirming that no one was stranded, he began to close the door and really start working in a big way.

The large machines that were still in her dimension, Newri, were no longer hidden, and she took them all out.

Agricultural robots are put into the fields, and the sound of rolling land is constant every day. Large tracts of forest are pushed over, and the trees are cut and placed in the open space to dry. In the future, they can also be used as building materials or materials for making furniture. The ground is turned over. A large area of ​​land was reclaimed for agricultural use, and seeds of seasonal vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs were planted.

Green Cuicheng had already drawn up a rough blueprint during the days when Ye Kuanxiu was recovering from his leg injury. Bai Qianchun made a few changes and made a decision on the spot to follow this plan.

Urban restoration also slowly began to advance.

Old buildings and large overgrown plants in the city need to be demolished and pulled out. Construction robots are involved in the demolition work in the early stage. Father and son Ye Kuan and Ye Qiang are the general commanders. During the demolition period, only one person needs to be left to supervise the work. One person continued to return to the Star Lord Mansion to carry out repair and reconstruction work.

It can be said that with the arrival of these robots, the labor force has been greatly liberated, and the two projects can be carried out at the same time.

Bai Qianchun takes charge of the overall development. Ye Qin becomes more energetic and youthful the more he works. Living up to his name as the chief steward of Mu Yuan Star, he coordinates the star master, cooperates with her orders and command, and liaises with the star people and divides the work among them. arrange work.

For a moment, everyone worked together as one, and the star citizens of Muyuan Star once again entered into a busy working state. The group of people who came back from Tuyuan Star were also quickly put into various positions. They were like mud in the river, unable to be lifted out at all. What Langhua, after spending a short time with their families, they also picked up their hoes one by one, picked up the seeds, and went to work together.

Now everyone is in the same state: don’t say anything, roll up your sleeves and just do it!

It can be said that the quality of these star citizens who are still on Muyuan Planet is guaranteed, and they are all working hard for the development of Muyuan Planet. Even the mercenaries of Nonggui seem to have forgotten them. Now they are just prisoners of the strong labor class. One or two of them are throwing off their arms and sweating profusely, working hard, fully demonstrating what it means to join them if you can't escape.

Now, they are also joining in and integrating very well.

In addition, Jian Zhan and Shi Lian, who immigrated on their own initiative, also gave full play to their abilities. After Shi Lian recovered from his injury, relying on his many years of work experience, he became a squad leader and worked for Mr. Ye Qin. He shared a lot of things. It can be said that in order to gain a firm foothold on Muyuan Star, he worked hard and worked hard. He considered everything for Muyuan Star and put forward many constructive suggestions. Based on this, he is a qualified citizen of Muyuan Star.

After Bai Qianchun completed the inspection, she felt that she no longer needed to worry about these basic constructions, so she left the careless matters to Mr. Ye Qin and Shi Lian, and she would do random checks at any time.

Shi Lian also realized his wish, was gradually trusted, and began to gain a firm foothold.

Of course, Bai Qianchun is not completely relieved. She can no longer be a hands-off shopkeeper. The trivial construction matters are left to others, but she cannot ignore Mu Yuanxing's main industry.

She is very clear about the future development direction of Muyuanxing, and will follow the characteristic development route of "mainly pills, supplemented by various fruits, vegetables and plants". Pills are the core industry and her own job, so she is very interested in the pill factory. Quite caring.

After several days of rush work, the assembly lines for small treatment pills, whitening pills and beauty pills have now started.

Mr. Mi Zhu, Cao Ting, and Cao Jiajia had already immigrated here. They did not follow the stream to leave Muyuan Planet. They moved the place where they worked making balls to the vicinity of the pill factory, built a small building, and built two rooms. When I get out of the office, I take care of the production of pills nearby.

Apart from Bai Qianchun, they were the only ones on Muyuan Planet who knew the pills best, so they were caught directly on their heads and made responsible for the quality supervision of the pills.

Cao Jiajia has also been prosperous and has transformed from a college student who has not yet graduated to a employed person, and has a high salary that exceeds most of the working-class people in the main star.

She screamed with joy when she received the news of the appointment. In order to live up to the salary Bai Qianchun paid her, she was like taking a blood shot every day. In addition to following her grandfather to make balls and study medicinal materials, she also had breakfast early I got up and went to inspect the factory, randomly checking the pills, and finally supervising the bottling and sealing.

Mr. Mi Zhu and Cao Ting, two drug addicts, like to sit in the laboratory. Now they are sitting next to the big pot studying pills. They don't like to do those trivial things, so the work in the factory is basically left to the young Cao Jiajia. An energetic little girl.

Cao Jiajia suddenly felt the pressure doubled, but it was undeniable that she was perseverant. In just a few days, she began to transform and grow, from a lively, casual and laughing little girl to a serious and reliable quality inspection supervisor. I also learned a little bit about the leadership style of a professional manager from Shi Lian.

Bai Qianchun was also very pleased to see it, and he safely handed over most of the supervision and inspection matters of the pill factory to her. Of course, the decision-maker was still Ye Qin, with Shi Lian as his assistant.

After all, Shi Lian came late and has little qualifications. Although he is very capable, it is related to the core of Muyuan Star. Now he can only be a peripheral deputy in charge of the construction of Muyuan Star.

In addition to the pill factory still needing to be expanded and made bigger and stronger, the necessary item "porcelain bottle" that pill pills need to be equipped with must also be prepared, and there will be a lot of demand for it in the future.

Because of the import trouble, Bai Qianchun had the idea to build a porcelain bottle manufacturing factory on Muyuan Planet, so that he could be self-sufficient.

Moreover, there are also professionals who make porcelain. It is Lin Bai, the leader of the group of people who just returned from Muyuan Star. Bai Qianchun calls him Grandpa Bai.

Lin Bai's strength is almost the same as that of Mr. Ye Qin. Mr. Ye Qin is the number one and strongest old man on Muyuan Planet, so he is the second most powerful old man.

Because of his many years of experience working outside with the people of Muyuan Xingxing, he has mastered many skills and can be said to be versatile. Porcelain making is one of his many talents.

Bai Qianchun just expressed her idea and asked if there were any talents in this field. He then volunteered and signed up. He spent a day making a high-end kiln and made the first kiln according to Bai Qianchun's request. One hundred white porcelain bottles were batched and marked with the anti-counterfeiting mark belonging to their Mu Yuan star.

One hundred porcelain vases were all fired successfully, which shows that Lin Bai is a man of real ability.

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