Bai Qianchun beamed and immediately appointed him as the person in charge of the porcelain kiln factory, responsible for the production of porcelain bottles.

However, the porcelain kiln factory has just started, and the machinery is not equipped yet so it can only be done manually. Bai Qianchun assigned Lin Bai an assistant, Ye Yang's eldest brother Ye Feng.

Because Ye's parents were unreliable, Ye Feng left Muyuanxing early and became a migrant worker. He is a thirty-two-year-old man, mature, steady, independent, and protective of his younger siblings. His relationship with Lin Bai is Even better than his biological father, plus he is willing to learn and work hard, and has also learned some porcelain making skills, so it is completely feasible to become Lin Bo's assistant.

Bai Qianchun liked him very much because of his protective attitude towards Ye Yang, so she treated him generously and promoted his position and salary, which was equivalent to that of a deputy factory director. Salary.

After all, for such an old man who has yet to marry a wife, single tax is also a big burden. A higher salary can reduce his pressure.

Of course, in order to expand production, the porcelain kiln factory could not rely on these two labor forces alone, so Bai Qianchun placed an order with Jian Zhan and asked him to build a porcelain bottle manufacturing assembly line or a robot manufacturing production line to achieve scientific mechanized production. .

But Jian Zhan's major is not suitable for him. He can make a robot, but he has never been involved in such a large-scale engineering assembly line. However, in order to pay off the arrears of 120 million as soon as possible, Jian Zhan insisted. Gritting his teeth, he exerted the hard-working spirit that he had when he was in the military academy. He took the relevant information book provided by Shi Lian and started to chew on it. He made a ruthless look and said that he must work hard for the porcelain kiln factory and build the machine. Posture.

Ye Yang was interested in this and studied along with him. He used to study machine learning and had some knowledge of manufacturing machinery. He might as well study together and see how much the level of these machines has improved in the interstellar era.

After the porcelain kiln factory was managed by professionals, Bai Qianchun devoted most of his energy to the research of new pills and star network.

Xingwang's Muyuanxing official store is now Muyuanxing's only open channel to the outside world, and it is also the only source of economic income. It must be a top priority and cannot be left careless.

After handing it over to Du Le and Jian Yang, she kept an eye on it.

But the good news is that through Leng Xiao, she also discovered a talent, that is, Leng Xiao's grandfather, Mr. Mi Zhen, once studied star network construction and participated in the construction of the star network. Although the star network has now been revised Many times, it has been updated for several generations, which has long covered up the traces of his past, but it cannot change his professionalism and ability in this area.

Out of a thirst for talents, Bai Qianchun rushed to hire Mr. Mi Zhen as the general consultant of their Muyuan Star official website on the Star Network. Mr. Mi Zhen immediately agreed with a smile after she opened her mouth. As if he had been prepared for it.

Maybe he wanted to go out on his own, so he passed on his skills through his eldest grandson, Leng Xiao, who had a good relationship with Bai Qianchun.

But no matter what, it’s a good thing that talent comes to your door.

Mr. Mi Zhen was hired on the same day and couldn't wait to take office.

The other benefits haven't been seen yet, but the decoration changes in the store are real.

It was originally just a template web shop using ordinary random mode. Now after being renovated and designed by Mr. Mi Zhen, the homepage immediately became beautiful and energetic, with beautifully designed pictures and the scenery of their Mu Yuan planet. The fruits and vegetables in the pictures are even more fresh and mouth-watering. They are several times more beautiful than the pictures I took casually and put up there before, and my appetite immediately came up.

In short, after his one-hand operation, the store was dozens of times taller than the previous simple store. Du Le and Jianyang gave a thumbs up in admiration. They had been decorating the store recently. I'm worried, the appearance of the store represents the facade. If you want to do a good job in sales, the facade is also the top priority.

But neither of them is a professional. They originally wanted to learn from Jian Zhan, who was self-taught like Jian Zhan, who picked up a cantilever, a cone, and stabbed the buttocks, but now there is no need. Now that the professional comes and takes action, he immediately saves the recent The two of them were dizzy after learning, and they shouted excitedly that they wanted to become their apprentices.

In this regard, Mr. Mi Zhen said very reservedly that he would not accept his apprenticeship, but if the two of them didn't know anything, they could ask him at any time. The two younger ones were not dissatisfied, but were happy to have such a powerful person supporting them. Then they gave full play to the spirit of asking questions when they didn't understand and asked Mr. Mi Zhen for advice.

As the saying goes, love what you do. Since Du Le wants to do well in online sales, he must also know something about StarNet. In short, it is always right to learn more.

Their proactive learning attitudes satisfied both Mr. Mi Zhen and Bai Qianchun.

In this regard, the operation issues related to the Star Network store have also been resolved, and the staff are also very harmonious. Mr. Mi Zhen said that it is a pity that there is no Star Network cabin on Muyuan Planet, and you cannot directly log in to the Star Network. Otherwise, you can still open it on the Star Network. A formal shop.

Mr. Mi Zhen lamented that it was obvious that the current screen-based stores operated by optical computers could no longer satisfy him. Projection login Star Network was his home court.

Therefore, Bai Qianchun came up with the idea of ​​buying a batch of star network cabins to bring to Muyuan Planet.

Not only to open a store, but also to enter the military academy in the future.

In the past, military school examinations were said to include dangerous assessment competitions, similar to wilderness survival. Now there are many such simulated assessment competitions on the Star Network. You can experience the military school examinations in depth. If you don't experience it, you will fall behind.

In addition, you can also practice mechas. Mecha-type people must be able to operate some mechas, which is also the basis of the assessment.

Now that they have no mechas to practice on Jupiter, the only way to practice is on the star network, and the star network is safer than real practice. The individual mecha soldiers of the Huayao Empire all started practicing on the star network. .

For the military school examination and for the future of the children on Muyuan Planet, the star network cabin is indeed indispensable.

Bai Qianchun immediately placed a big order on the Star Network, buying thirty Star Network cabins, and then contacted Lao Liuguan Cao to ask him to help bring them.

As the young lady of the Feng family, she has many more resources than before. Taking transportation as an example, Muyuan planet did not have its own starship transport ship before. Without a passing starship, they would be trapped in the On Muyuan Planet, it costs a lot of money to buy things from outside and ship them in.

But now, Feng Youyu helped her open the transportation route and boarded the Sheng family starship. It was much more convenient to buy things from outside. Moreover, Guan Cao was now considered a person on Muyuan Planet, so he asked him to pick up a cargo. It's great to have it delivered to Muyuan Planet from the Space Center without having to pay transportation fees.

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