After a few days of sales at the Muyuan Star Specialty Official Store, fruits and vegetables have been successively taken by starship transport ships to the hands of buyers on major planets. The comments below the store’s comment area have also fermented for a period of time. It started popping up.

[I love big buns: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly TM I ate six meals a day and didn't even finish it. In the end, I had no choice but to call some of my good brothers to share it.

Everyone who has eaten there said it is good. I think the seller needs to solve one problem, that is, there is too little stock. I would like to buy a few more to cover all the meals for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but it is out of stock. Good stuff! ! ! Put it on the shelf, put it on the shelf, put it on the shelf quickly, I will buy a few bunches of grapes first to keep myself alive, and then I will buy them again when my big watermelon comes. 】

[A certain tycoon from the main star: I didn’t catch up with the opening of Muyuan Star to pick it in person, so I had to buy it online and try it out. The result was incredible. The star master I chose this time from Muyuan Star was good. The additional attributes are even more annoying. Hello, Mom, it’s much better than the previous dog named Wang Ze. I just don’t like eating small and delicate things. If you are a macho man, you should eat big ones.

Durian, the super giant durian must be the first fruit on the throne. With its mellow aroma and size, it took our family of five to kill one for five days in a row. But my family does not lie to my family, even if they eat giant durians for five days in a row. I'm not tired of it either, but the supply is too little. The customer service said that all the durians on Muyuan Star have been taken over by an unknown tycoon. It's sad that it's sold out! ! ! Once again I regretted not rushing to Muyuan Star. 】

[Someone from Edge Star is a stupid rich man with a lot of money: Hahahaha, I also jumped on the fashion and bought fruits from Muyuan Star. To be honest, after experiencing that shit called Wang Ze from the previous star master, I'm not interested in Mu Yuanxing. The things are cheap and expensive. Yuanxing is amazing. I'm giving you face. Even if I'm a rich man, I won't be willing to be deceived.

But, here comes the point, but this time it’s a Muyuan Star Master. Alas, it’s really different. Originally, I just wanted to see what kind of bird the Muyuan Star Master was this time, so I hurried back to buy a super big pomegranate and observed the character of this Star Master. Who knew that this big pomegranate was taller than me? It conquered me directly.

A pomegranate is called a large one with a thin skin and filling. No, it has a thin skin and large particles. The pomegranate particles inside are about the size of my fist, which is as big as a sandbag. When crushed, it is full of fresh and sweet juice. In one word, it’s refreshing! Pomegranate juice is so refreshing, I asked my stupid brother to crush it, put it in a glass bottle and keep it chilled. I'm going to have a barbecue party at home tonight. This is the best drink, and it also helps me earn face, hahaha. I won't say any more, I'm going to send invitations to my wealthy friends. 】

[Miss Pink: This big banana tastes so good, it’s soft and waxy, and the price of this fruit is the same as the market price. It’s really not expensive at all. Even an ordinary civilian like me can afford it, woo woo woo .Muyuan Star Master is really great. I heard that Muyuan Star Master is a young lady and a hero in the previous border war. I hope that young lady will get well soon and live for a long time, so that I can eat cheaply for the rest of my life. Affordable and delicious fruit. 】

[Miss Haijia: Big cherries, I have to recommend big cherries. They are big, red, and taste great. They are countless times more delicious than the cherries carefully cultivated in my plantation. Damn it, if I had known I would have followed them to Jupiter. I heard from my little sisters who went to Jupiter that you can pick and eat by yourself on Jupiter, in the morning when there are still dewdrops. It tastes the sweetest when you eat it, 嘤嘤嘤~ I really want to experience it. 】

[Duduyu: +1, good sisters, I am also the one who regrets not going to Muyuan Star together, and there is another sad thing. My little sisters who went to Muyuan Star all turned white, turned white. , we agreed to be members of the Wu family together, but in the end, they turned white behind my back, from the inside out, white and rosy, with a very good complexion. I was so jealous of them. The most important thing is that they You didn't even tell me the secret to whitening.

Damn it, the secret to whitening must be hidden on Jupiter. Customer service guys, can you tell me the secret to whitening? Please, please, please, I give your big strawberry a five-star rating. 】

This comment quickly caught the attention of Ye Xue, who manages the Xingwang store.

Ye Xue, Ye Yang's second sister, this girl is beautiful. Although she looks weak, she is actually tough and strong. She has her own opinions. She was targeted by the unscrupulous Shui family on Tuyuan Star and promised After being offered a lot of benefits, I could still remain calm and rational and refuse.

After getting along with each other, Bai Qianchun felt that this girl was smart, meticulous, and a good talker, so the Xingwang store became more and more lively, with more and more people consulting, and Du Le and Jian Yang were almost squeezed out of time. I brought her over when I was selling pills to be in charge of customer service.

Facts have proved that Bai Qianchun is very discerning, and Ye Xue is also very capable. She got started immediately on the first day of work. She comforted the customers very well, and even those who deliberately wanted to criticize were met with gentle words without using any curse words. When she returned, her methods were gentle and not rude. She is largely responsible for maintaining the current harmonious scene in the comment area.

Now, after Ye Xue saw this comment, her smart mind immediately thought of the future business of selling pills.

So I took the opportunity to reply and leave a comment.

[ @Duduyu: For the sake of such a cute little fish, I can tell you a little bit. We do have a whitening secret on Muyuan Planet, and our Star Master is generous enough to share it with the Empire. Girls who love beauty, please share it together. The details are still under confidentiality. Please pay more attention to the news on our Muyuan Xingbo. Any news will be announced there. 】

[Dudu Fish: Ouch, ouch, is it true, great, I'm waiting, I'm waiting, follow Muyuan Xingbo immediately, move the small bench and sit and wait, well-behaved jpg]

Countless replies quickly followed this comment, triggering an upsurge in building construction.

[Dongfang Yue: Ah, ah, are you going to sell that? Are you going to sell that? I know that the ancient medicine star master will not hide his secrets. Hahaha, I don’t have to fight alone this time. I have to call everyone in my family. I can't beat you all together, but I can't beat you in reality. How can I beat you on StarNet? I don't believe that I, a top lady in the shopping world, can't grab you with the hand speed I have developed over thirty years. 】

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