[Mecha's stunning shot: Hey, is this the one that sells whitening? We tough guys don't need whitening. If we do, we need to heal our wounds. Even with my hand speed of practicing mecha for 20 years, I will never give up. 】

[I love big steamed buns: What’s your condition, what’s the whitening, what’s the treatment? Is it possible that the awakening attribute of Muyuan Star Lord is more than huge? Are there any other properties with special effects? ? ? 】

[Big Strawberry Saigao: Yes, yes, don’t get excited, someone can give us some popular science. I’m so curious. 】

[Oops: Is there anything that we, the people of the empire, cannot know? 】

[Miss Hai Family: Yes, yes, who can tell me what is the secret to whitening? My little sisters who came back from Jupiter seem to be mysterious and they just refuse to tell me. I, huh, they must be jealous of my beauty, and are afraid that I will overwhelm them when I turn white. 】

[Dongfang Yue: Don’t be anxious. You’ll know when the Muyuanxing store puts it on the shelves. Okay, okay, let’s all go away. There’s nothing to talk about. 】

[Miss Hai Family: Why are you rushing people in such a hurry? Do you not want our attention? Ah, you have a problem. You must be hiding some big treasure. Everyone, hurry up and mobilize your relatives and friends who have been to Muyuan Planet to ask what big treasure is hidden on Muyuan Planet. 】

[Pomegranate owner: Yes, yes, I really want to know. Ah, I remembered that my neighbor’s cousin’s sister seems to have traveled to Muyuan Planet. I will ask her right away. 】

[Blue kid should also protect himself: I will also ask, my cousin’s cousin and her cousin’s husband have both been to Muyuan Star, they must know. 】

Dongfang Yue never expected that. She originally wanted to disperse this floor so as not to attract more competitors. Who would have thought that it would be better if she didn't post it? Once she did, it immediately aroused the curiosity of others. As a result, the floors were getting higher and higher, and more and more people said that they knew someone who had been to Muyuan Planet, and wanted to ask what big treasure was hidden.

Dongfang Yue; it’s very strange!

She was panicking, fearing that some acquaintances would find out about her vest and attract a siege, so she felt guilty and quickly went offline and slipped away.

It was just that she was happy for a while, but she didn't expect that the comment would become more and more popular, and it would become a hot search on Star.com.

It's over, Barbie is Qing now. The news that there is a big treasure hidden on Muyuan Planet can no longer be concealed. Countless people in the empire are either curious or watching, and they know everything they should know and shouldn't know.

She didn't know she was in trouble until her good sister who went to Muyuan Star sent her an angry essay of a thousand words.

It was a moment of pleasure, leaking secrets about the crematorium.

Fortunately, her little vest was still tightly wrapped, so no one knew about it except this little sister. However, to be on the safe side, she quickly withdrew the account and planned to register a new one to stay at Muyuan Xingbo.

But this hot search has set off a huge wave, sending "Muyuanxing Big Baby" to the top of the hot search. With his C-position debut, the popularity can no longer be resisted. Curious people come one after another. Muyuanxing Bo's number of fans has soared from a few single digits to millions, and the official store of Muyuanxing Specialty Products has also benefited from this. The number of orders has increased crazily. Within a few minutes, all the fruits and vegetables that were just put on the shelves today were sold out. Even 300 million wild onions and 300 million pieces of garlic were sold out and marked as sold out.

It’s crazy to kill and buy like crazy! ! !

This rapid sweep shocked Ye Xue, Du Le and others who managed Star Network, and also made Bai Qianchun deeply understand that popularity is traffic, and traffic is money.

The people of this interstellar are really making money, especially this star network. Before, she only paid a few more attention to the public opinion war on Shaking Star, but now she really feels its benefits.

Mr. Mi Zhen, who silently posted the post on Xingwang and added fuel to the flames, drank the boiled water in his hand with a raised eyebrow and a smile, hiding his fame and fortune.

Star Network store managers Ye Xue, Du Le and Jian Yang looked at Bai Qianchun with bright eyes, "Star Master, when will we start selling pills?"

Du Le couldn't hide the excitement on his face, "This hot search is focusing on whitening pills, so should we follow the original plan and sell the small treatment pill first?"

"This" Bai Qianchun lowered her eyes and hesitated for a moment. She originally planned to take it step by step. First, she would promote a small treatment pill that is cheap and easy to use and suitable for everyone to have as a household medicine, gain popularity and lay a solid foundation, and then sell it. Other expensive pills. But now the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the whitening pill seems to have become famous first.

In addition, netizens with powerful skills also dug out the hair growth pills that she originally sold at the Yaoguangxing Free Trade Market. Countless bald patients sent in urging her to put the hair growth pills on the shelves. This is coming fiercely. The momentum of promoting the product to the shelves is no less than that of promoting the secret of whitening.

She never expected that the perseverance of bald patients could still be preserved to this day.

In addition, the group of people who had added communications at Yaoguangxing Sanatorium also sent messages urging them to order, hoping to use the priority channel.

Because these people were her first loyal customers, and they had an order form before, Bai Qianchun couldn't refuse, so she gritted her teeth and said.

"Sell, sell together. The production process of the small treatment pill is less. In addition, the second assembly line is started, so the inventory quantity will be larger now. The whitening pills also entered the assembly line before and rolled out a batch. The quantity is smaller than that of the small treatment pill. Few, the beauty pill robots were only arranged yesterday, and the quantity is smaller. So, at eight o'clock tonight, these three kinds of pills will be sold together. We will sell as many as we have in stock, and then we will unify them after three days. sell."

After Bai Qianchun finished speaking, she turned to look at Shi Lian behind her, who looked like an elite male secretary, and asked, "Has the ball-making robot for the fifth assembly line in the factory been made?"

Shi Lian smiled gently, "Yes, Jian Zhan has already made the shape, and the last step left is program setting. He also asked before, what kind of pills should the fifth assembly line make? Star Master, you are needed. Send me the production process."

Bai Qianchun nodded, "Okay, let's make hair growth pills next. It seems that a lot of people are worried about baldness now."

As she spoke, she subconsciously glanced at the heads of the people present.

Mi Zhen reached out and touched his white hair, which was still very thick, and smiled happily. Fortunately, he was not one of those who suffered from baldness. His hair was fine, but that old boy Ye Bai was. You can try this new pill made by the star master. The old boy has been leading the juniors of Muyuan Star to travel around all year round. He has been worrying so much that the hair on his forehead is thinning.

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