I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 349: Give whitening pills as a gift

According to the plan, after discussing with everyone, while waiting for the big pot of rice to be served, Bai Qianchun picked up the communicator, operated it, and sent a second star blog.

[In response to everyone's enthusiastic appeal, at 8 o'clock tonight, three new products will be launched in the official store of Muyuanxing Specialty Products. One: Whitening Secret Whitening Pills, one pill will make your skin white from the inside out; : Beauty elixir, modify facial contours, make your facial muscle tissue perfectly distributed, and solve skin problems such as multi-layered wrinkles, eye lines, forehead lines, etc.; Three: Small treatment elixir, repair small wounds, a must-have medicine at home, details Please go to the store to view the product details. We will start buying at 8 o'clock tonight. The quantity is limited, while supplies last, first come, first served~]

As soon as this star blog was posted, the millions of fans who followed Muyuan Star Blog immediately received a ding-ding-dong-dong notification. They clicked in and took a look. It was amazing. Their eyes were as bright as two big light bulbs, flashing. People were blind, and then everyone complained in the comment area, setting off a carnival.

[Qiqiqi: Yes, yes, the big treasure on Muyuan Star is the pill. If it is so effective, I will definitely grab it. I will remember it at eight o'clock in the evening. See you there! 】

[My family lives by the sea: Although I don’t know much about pills, I was shocked. This should also be a kind of medicine, right? What does it look like? Let me be healthy. Let me be healthy. 】

[Internet addicted man picking at his feet: Look at my hand speed after being single for 40 years. No one should try to steal beauty pills from me. Damn, I failed in my blind date again yesterday. That girl dislikes me because I have heavy wrinkles on my forehead and I look like a bad old man. Hmph , when I got rid of the wrinkles on my forehead and became more handsome, I would slap her face in front of her and say, "You can't reach me today," hahahaha]

[Tuyuanxing Little Pimple: Wow, it turns out that the big baby is this whitening pill. Tell me, why did that boy from the Meng family go to Muyuanxing? Muyuanxing’s handsome little face became redder and whiter, which made my mother even more affectionate. When I asked him what skin care products he used, he said it was because of his natural beauty and the fact that the Mu Yuan star has good feng shui. Bah, I knew this guy was cunning and didn’t tell the truth. It turned out to be the effect of this whitening pill. Buy it. Buy it, I have seen the effect with my own eyes, it is worth buying. Hey, my face, which is as black as briquettes, can be saved nowjpg]

[Twin Gemini Stars: The secret of whitening is so popular that it even became a hot search. I’m just a passerby. I’m just joining in the fun. But you can try these whitening pills. I’ve used so many whitening products. I don’t mind trying this one again. One, I hope that Jupiter can be worthy of the glory of its origin star and stop selling fakes. 】

[Girl in Love: My boyfriend went to Muyuan Star and sent me a photo of a fancy dress wearing a goldfish bowl. He said he was buying something. He came back to bring me a gift, and then he brought me two Big Macs and peaches. , although the Big Mac peach is indeed delicious, I still feel that something is wrong, and now I understand! ! ! I feel sorry for him, his face turned white when he was picking things in the wild. He lied to me and said that his physique is just like this. The more he is exposed to the sun, the whiter he becomes. Oh, bah, that dog is probably stuffing whitening pills into his own mouth. Fuck).

Dogs are better than men. Just wait, I'm going to break your dog's legs! 】

[Serious cadre: Girl, I advise you not to have a man like you. Dishonesty is the biggest trauma in a relationship, and even small healing pills cannot save it. 】

[Tuyuanxing Xiaoqiaozai: Yes, yes, you can’t keep this man for the New Year. The most glib-tongued guy like a pretty boy is unreliable, but a rough guy like me who is upright and upright is more reliable. 】

[The young man from the Li family: Yes, you can’t be a bitch. Even a man like me can’t stand it. Girl, I don’t want a man who can’t give you whitening pills. 】

[Girl in Love: You are all right. When I kick this one off, the next person who grabs the whitening pill and beauty pill and gives it to me will be my boyfriend. 】

In the bustling comment area, people gradually said, "Gifts include whitening pills as gifts" and "If you want a boyfriend, look for someone who can give you whitening pills and beauty elixirs." However, Bai Qianchun still smiled brightly after seeing this. Okay, and reading these gossips occasionally can also relax the body and mind, and then give birth to some emotions and desires.

The corners of Bai Qianchun's mouth curled up, feeling the peace and excitement in this prosperous age that concealed the undercurrent. There was light in a pair of black eyes, which gradually became distant.

She didn't know what was going on with Feng Youyu. It had been several days since he left Muyuan Planet. Although he had received constant news, he had never mentioned the matter of red silk cells. She couldn't help but think about it when she was free. It was also carried slightly.

When Cao Cao arrived, Feng Youyu's name immediately lit up in his address book.

Bai Qianchun looked at the time. This time after dinner was indeed the time when he usually contacted her.

After picking up the call, Bai Qianchun looked at the person on the other side of the screen staring straight at her without saying anything. She raised her eyebrows slightly and the smile at the corner of her mouth spread unconsciously, "Speak, don't waste time. I hurried back to research new pills, and I have to check the sales situation at eight o'clock in the evening. If you don't tell me, I will give up."

The expression on Feng Youyu's demonic face with flying eyebrows suddenly fell. He looked at the soft and beautiful face opposite him who thought about it day and night, and shouted quickly, "No, no, no, don't be so heartless, I say."

Just one communication opportunity a day can relieve his lovesickness. Usually, even if he has nothing to do, he will find something to do and just talk about it to prolong the communication time. Today, it is rare that he has an interesting thing that he can talk about for a long time. How could the communication be disconnected so early?

He adjusted the angle and stared at the screen with his face at the perfect angle. He smiled with peach blossom eyes and said, "Do you still remember that His Highness the Prince returned to Yaoyang Prime to settle accounts with the Fourth Prince?"

Bai Qianchun stopped pressing the hang-up button and leaned back under a tree with flying red silk. Under the sunset, her facial features became more delicate and beautiful. She raised her eyebrows and looked, "I can't remember. As for how bad it is, it’s not even half a month away, how can I forget about it.”

Feng Youyu raised his lips, smiled fondly, and whispered, "Well, I know you have a good memory, so I just asked casually."

Then with a gossipy smile on his face, he officially got to the point, "His Royal Highness flew directly back to the main star and entered the palace, but he did not see the fourth prince. He went out to participate in school activities and did not come back until today. Fourth Prince In order to compete for her son's favor, the prince's mother and concubine specially invited His Majesty the Emperor to hold a family banquet. All members of the royal family who had free time in the afternoon returned to the palace. No, she didn't know yet that this family banquet to compete for favor could be given to her son. Her son has caused big trouble, and has also given our Prince a legitimate reason to enter the palace."

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