"Although His Highness the Prince is married, his title is still there and he is still a member of the royal family. Naturally, she was included in this family dinner. After receiving the news in the afternoon, she went directly to the palace. She fell ill on the spot after meeting the fourth prince. ”

Feng Youyu laughed softly as he spoke. Then he felt that his description might be too pale, so he came across a small screen and played a short video for Bai Qianchun to let her feel more intuitively.

The video begins with His Royal Highness walking into the open-air banquet spot. His Royal Highness in the video has changed his outfit today. It is no longer the slim and elegant skirt, but a red skirt with a large hem. There is also a pair of shoes under his feet. Thin high heels, high heels that look like they could stab someone to death.

She walked through the door step by step. Her gorgeous rose-red dress was dazzling. She was as proud and domineering as a queen. Her aura was even greater than that of the mother-in-law who hosted the fourth prince. The screen flashed by, and Bai Qianchun could still see it. Concubine Shen's face turned ugly for a moment, but she soon recovered her smile. She was worthy of being a woman in the palace, and she managed her expression well.

Well, of course, these are just minor episodes. The focus is on the next scene. I saw Her Royal Highness greeting the people around her in a slightly arrogant and noble manner. Then when she met the Fourth Prince, her expression suddenly changed. , first he rubbed his temples with a painful expression on his face, then the veins on his neck bulged, his eyes were scarlet, and he performed a manic episode for them on the spot.

Then the Fourth Prince Qin Yurun opposite her became miserable. His body froze and he wanted to step back, but it was too late. One of His Highness's hands coated with red kodan directly grabbed his hair, and the other hand She grabbed his collar and dragged him forward.

Then, with a bang, a fist struck Huang Longzai and hit Qin Yurun in the face.

Qin Yurun's warm skin held up two bottles of nosebleeds that ruined his image. You could feel his shock and confusion through the screen.

"Ah - what are you doing? Come on, come on! His Royal Highness is crazy."

Sharp and harsh screams rang out, and the originally harmonious banquet with peaceful singing and dancing immediately became noisy, and the surrounding waiters stepped forward to help.

But it was too late, how could the lunatic let go of his prey? Suddenly Qin Manyun's body flashed with dazzling supernatural power, and a golden blade of light swept through the air, as if his supernatural powers were also going crazy and out of control, cutting the wine glass. The table was cut off, the grass on the ground was overturned, and the things prepared for the banquet were scattered. Food, red wine and other utensils were scattered all over the floor.

And Qin Yurun in the center of the storm was like a dehydrated fish. No matter how much he struggled, even using his powers was of no avail. When Qin Manyun caught him, he hit her hard, and she was like a "madman" suffering from mania. "What kind of martial arts do you know? If you only hit people in the face, just hit Qin Yurun on that gentle face that can deceive thousands of girls.

Then with another force, Qin Manyun's legs under the hem of her skirt were very flexible, and she kicked Qin Yurun without any hesitation, knocking him to the ground, and stepped hard on his unspeakable buttocks, using the knife that could stab him to death. Qin Yurun stepped on the personal high-point sole, no longer caring about the prince's elegant face. He lay on the ground with one hand covering his butt and the other crawling on the ground. He crawled forward in grief, anger and panic. The look of panic on his face almost disappeared from the screen. It overflowed.

Bai Qianchun took one look and realized that these were the battle clothes and boots specially prepared by His Royal Highness for this "crazy show"!

By the end of the video, the belatedly arriving guards finally worked together to suppress His Royal Highness's rampaging powers. The general was already beaten into a beggar, with a pig-headed face that even his mother and concubine could hardly resist. Qin Yurun was rescued.

As for His Royal Highness, she did not suffer much. After Qin Yurun was rescued, she seemed to be in the weak stage of mania. She was "subdued" without much resistance. Then His Majesty the Emperor rushed over and had her rushed to the hospital. After being admitted to the hospital, there was no chance of accountability at all. As for the follow-up, I don’t know. The video is gone at this point.

However, she also had Feng Youyu who was very keen on sharing gossip with her. Without Bai Qianchun asking, he took the initiative to add the follow-up, "After His Highness the Prince was sent to the hospital, Qin Yurun's mother and concubine still wanted to hug him. She complained to her tattered son who had been beaten into a pig's head, but His Majesty the Emperor said lightly: "Manyun is manic. She didn't mean it. Why can't Yurun, a man, bear such an injury? A nephew must be considerate of his aunt." "Sent away."

Feng Youyu raised the corners of his mouth happily, and his low, magnetic voice was full of mockery, "My uncle, despite his usually kind and gentle appearance, is also confused when it comes to women, but he does care about the orthodoxy and stability of the royal family. , he must be dissatisfied with Qin Yurun's recent high-profile promotion of fame and reputation. My cousin is his destined heir. Although he also loves his other sons, it cannot affect my cousin's position as heir. This time he stands His Highness the Prince revealed the matter lightly, which means that he beat Qin Yurun, mother and son."

"So His Highness the Prince chose this time well. There will be no punishment if he hits someone "crazy", and His Majesty the Emperor will stand by her to help her get away."

As he spoke, he clicked his tongue, "It's a pity. His Royal Highness hit him so hard that his face was maimed. I can't see his expression clearly, but I can imagine it must be very exciting." Maybe he is so angry that he is vomiting blood now, and after what happened at the banquet, the people he used to win over through reputation are all in vain. Those people are smart and know what His Majesty the Emperor means by this approach."

After hearing his teasing words, Bai Qianchun realized deeply that no one in the royal family was stupid. His Highness the Prince was so clever.

How could it be her fault for hitting someone when she was manic? After all, it was not her subjective consciousness. She was just sick. Who would care about a patient? If you really care about it, that's called being petty.

Bai Qianchun sighed in her heart. It has to be said that Qin Manyun's acting skills are also excellent. If she hadn't been well versed in the micro-expressions of various patients, she really couldn't catch the slightest flaw. She would have thought she was having a manic episode. Woolen cloth.

"Are you back to the main star now?" Bai Qianchun couldn't help but ask as he looked at the opposite person with a wide smile on his face, like a fox that got a piece of chicken.

Feng Youyu shook his head, "No, I'm on Jinyuan Star now."

Bai Qianchun: "Then how come you have this video and how can you shoot it so cunningly?"

The video clearly showed the ugly state of Qin Yurun being beaten, and it was also a high-definition enlarged version. It was hard for her not to suspect that the person who shot the video had a big grudge against Qin Yurun.

Understanding the meaning of her words, Feng Youyu grinned, "Qin Yurun has many enemies, there is no need for me to do it myself."

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