I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 351 The best and favorite sister-in-law

The two of them watched a video and chatted for a few words. Time passed quickly. When they came back to their senses and looked at the time, it was almost 8:30 pm.

Bai Qianchun glanced at the man opposite who was smiling and kept spouting words. She sighed in her heart and told her all the time she had set to study the pills. She didn't interrupt him even after thinking about it. , letting him chatter on the other side, when she mentioned something interesting, the corners of her mouth also raised subconsciously.

And while the two were chatting casually and comfortably, nearly one-fifth of the people in the Huayao Empire were squatting at the Star Network, looking ready.

Feng Tangwei squinted at the several well-dressed people sitting in rows on the sofa, scratched her hair, with a depressed expression on her face, "I said you guys are grabbing pills, so why are you coming to my house? Why are you still here?" You’re dressed up so grandly, but my family didn’t say there was going to be a party.”

The most important thing is that she is now wearing a pair of sloppy bunny pajamas. She has not washed her hair or put on makeup. She is wearing a pair of slippers. She is just an ugly duckling in front of their exquisite and grand decorations. What the hell are they doing? What do you mean, do you want to see her laugh?

Realizing that she might be angry, Bu Wen quickly smiled and said, "Weiwei, don't be angry. We just temporarily thought that you were the sister-in-law of the ancient medicine star master. The feng shui may be better here, so we I ran out of the banquet and grabbed your place to grab some pills. Don’t worry, we’ll leave as soon as we grab the pills. We won’t take you long.”

Feng Tangwei rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky, "Let me tell you, when are you now? What kind of feng shui do you pay attention to? What you need to grab things is your hand speed, okay?"

Pu Yi slapped his thigh, "Then it's more appropriate to be here with you. How can we compete with those mecha-type people in terms of hand speed? They have been training for a long time, and their hand speed must be faster than ours, so we can only come here." You are trying your luck here, you are the sister-in-law who has the best relationship with the Ancient Doctor Star Master, maybe the Ancient Doctor will open a back door for you, and then we can also follow suit."

According to Pu Yi's several days of observation on Muyuan Planet, although the Ancient Medical Star Master and Feng Xiaojue are a fake couple, the Ancient Medical Star Master really has nothing to say to his sister-in-law Feng Tangwei, even though they are both here. We didn't spend much time together, but after Pu Yi's very careful observation, the eyes of the Ancient Medical Star Master when he looked at Feng Tangwei were much warmer than when he looked at Little Lord Feng.

It may also be to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

I heard that the Ancient Doctor Star Master had contact with Feng Tangwei when he was still on the main star. Feng Tangwei was also very kind to her sister-in-law. When she heard someone say bad things about her, she would go up and argue with them; she also helped Gu The Master of the Medical Star has sold fruit before; on the first day he went to Muyuan Planet, he stood up to find a place for the Master of the Ancient Medical Star. It can be said that he was more competent than the "husband" of Little Lord Feng, so Pu There is reason to believe that if the ancient medical star wants to open a back door, Feng Tangwei will definitely be the first one.

Feng Tangwei expressed that she was impressed by this flattery, and she immediately glanced at Pu Yi appreciatively.

"What you said is correct. I am indeed my sister-in-law's best and favorite sister-in-law. But if you want to take advantage of me, you are wrong. When I came back, my sister-in-law specially gave me several bottles of pills. There is no need to buy it at all. She also said that if I need it in the future, I can get it from her at any time. I will just take pictures of the pill auction tonight to join in the fun. I will treat it as a compliment to my sister-in-law. If I get the shot, it’s up to me. I'm lucky, it's not a pity if I didn't take the photo, unlike you guys who rush to take the photo."

Feng Tangwei raised her chin, so proud!

The ladies sitting in rows on the sofa wanted to beat her to death. Damn it, they also wanted to be the sister-in-law of the ancient medical star master. They only blamed their brother for not living up to expectations!

Bu Wen rubbed her hands and looked at Feng Tangwei eagerly, "Then can you ask the Ancient Medicine Star Master to go through the back door and get some pills? You see, we are all such good sisters, and we don't want it in vain. , paid for.”

Several other ladies also looked at her eagerly, nodding like a row of chickens pecking at rice, "Yes, yes, we will give you money."

Feng Tangwei snorted coldly and refused to accept this trick, "What you think is beautiful, now is the early stage of the development of Muyuan Star. My sister-in-law's pills are not enough to sell, so I have to save up the quantity and spread it out to increase the popularity. If I open the back door for you, my sister-in-law will use it to sell it and increase her popularity. If you want to buy it, you can take pictures yourself. I won’t hold my sister-in-law back."

"Also, Bu Wen, I remember that a few of you used to do it when you were on Muyuan Planet. There are hundreds of pills for each kind, which is enough for you to use for hundreds of years. Why are you still so eager and anxious? Shoot."

Bu Wen immediately pulled back her smile. No matter how delicate her makeup was, she couldn't hide her depression. "Don't mention this. I get angry when I mention it. The day I just came back from Muyuan Planet, who is the older sister in the family?" My aunt and uncle all came, and each person shared one or two pills before they were all gone. Even the few bottles I had hidden in advance were confiscated by my mother after they left.

My mother was very shameless and said that I didn’t need maintenance at such a young age. She asked me to honor her as a mother. She also asked me to regenerate myself and buy it myself. She also took away all the belongings of my eldest brother, younger brother, and cousin who are majors in mechas. I helped her snap up the purchases, and I didn’t even have anyone to help me. It was simply abominable. The old woman had indeed eaten decades more salt than me, so she had a higher level. "

The little sisters present took a breath when they heard this. Only Bu Wen dared to say that her own mother was an old woman.

But soon they no longer struggled with this point, and began to express their grievances one after another.

"Me too. My group of relatives and friends at home didn't know where they heard the news. I was surrounded by them as soon as I got home. They wouldn't leave until I gave them the whitening pills and beauty pills. They also threatened that those who live in my house would eat and drink from my house, and they would not leave until they got the pills.

How dare I not give it to them? I gave it to them on the spot. I also gave the big healing pill to a few brothers who were often injured while practicing mecha. I only have one pill of each of the three types of pills left on hand. , all of which I managed to save. "

"It was even worse for me. I had no status at home. My stepmother and stepsister acted like a spoiled child, so my father forced me to give them both pills. Fortunately, my relatives who came after hearing the news arrived in time. I didn't let these two bitches succeed. Then I distributed the pills to the relatives and elders on the spot. My stepmother and step-sister's noses almost broke off with anger, hahaha. Although I didn't have the pills anymore, it felt good. !”

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