I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 354 Give her daughter-in-law a face

The rude son of a certain planet's nouveau riche, the arrogant playboy of a certain aristocratic family who was so famous that no one who knew his true story was willing to marry their daughter to him, a certain aristocratic boy who was spoiled and turned into a waste.

The best one is Bai Chengjun, the only male agent of Duke Bai's family. Although Bai Chengjun is a fool, he was seduced by her third sister, crying and shouting that he would not marry anyone other than her third sister, but his father Bai Zhuangquan is not stupid, and he still wants to marry her. Quite shrewd and well-managed, he not only controlled the Duke Bai's family's industry, but even the Bai family's ninth legion also got involved.

Qin Yuru didn't understand her twists and turns, but she heard her second emperor brother say that although Bai Zhuangquan is still unjust and unjust, as long as he takes control of the Bai family's ninth legion, he will become one of the majors in the future. One of the aristocratic families has become the top figure in the empire. It is conceivable that as Bai Chengjun, Bai Zhuangquan's only son, can inherit his father's property and power, his net worth will not be too bad.

But no matter how good he is, Bai Chengjun is just a taller one among the short ones. He is still very different from the elite young men with great future who followed Qin Yushan and bowed under her pomegranate skirt.

What is this called? If you don't do it, you won't die. Who would have thought that Qin Yushan, the third sister, would be so bold. She dared to pay for murder even though she kept silent. The person she killed was Feng Youyu's wife, Mrs. Feng Shao, Mu Yuanxing's Star Lord.

This is good, because the identity of Muyuan Star Master is sensitive, her father is furious; because of the identity of the young lady of the Feng family, she can't please her mother.

You must know that Queen Mother and Mrs. Feng are direct biological sisters, and they are also Feng Youyu's biological aunt. Because Feng Youyu disappeared since childhood and was later found, these two treat him as a pain in the ass. She is even better to Feng Youyu than her eldest brother Qin Yuchen and eldest sister Qin Yutang. Now that Qin Yushan dares to kill his wife, how can these two not be angry?

The reason why there are so many people here today is to help her, the third sister, choose her fiancé.

Empress Feng Wanxian patted Feng Lanyan's hand and comforted her with a smile, "Okay, okay, it's not easy for You Yu's child. If you want to blame it, it's those shameless people who even miss married men."

Feng Lanyan's face looked better and she smiled a little at her sister, "Sister, you are right. It is true that those men who are shameless and miss getting married are more at fault."

The faces of the three imperial concubines who were shot were turning green and white, and they were extremely ugly. Was the emperor and empress trying to ridicule them?

But now they don't dare to jump out of this situation, so they can only hold back. There are conditions for them to be the emperor's concubine here peacefully. His Majesty the Emperor does not allow them to conflict with the emperor and the empress. Besides, the empress is not They were easy to mess with. Many experiences told them not to have a direct conflict with the emperor or empress, otherwise they would not only have to be scolded but also have to apologize bitterly.

Feng Wanxian glanced at them with a smile, the corners of her mouth curved a little wider, and then she turned her attention to her son and got down to business, "I asked you to come here today to answer your father's question. The emperor said that he would choose a suitable husband for you, the third sister, and secondly, he wanted you to help with the purchase."

"Rush buying??" Qin Yuchen looked over suspiciously with question marks on his forehead.

"Yes, it's just a rush to buy." Feng Wanxian opened the optical brain interface with a smile, clicked into the Muyuanxing specialty store, and pointed to the interface selling beauty pills for her son to look at.

"This is a pill made by your cousin. Now it is a hot search on the Star Network. Everyone is waiting for it to be sold at eight o'clock in the evening. I'm afraid you haven't received the news since you have been locked up in the First Army these days. "

Qin Yuchen raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the introduction of the beauty pill on the interface, and then nodded, "It's true that I didn't receive the message. I came over as soon as the ban was lifted, so I didn't have time to read it."

He is very busy now, not only doing all the things assigned to him by his father, but also receiving some secret information that the emperors of the Huayao Empire need to know one after another, and also taking care of the information that the boy Feng Youyu sent to him a few days ago. With his confidential information, his head has almost exploded in the past two days.

If his father hadn't asked him to rest and balance work and rest, and ordered him to suspend his military affairs and come back to attend the family dinner to show his face, he would still be in the First Army Corps, and he would have no time to watch the Star Network.

But my cousin, that girl Bai Qianchun, she caused quite a big fuss.

Didn't you agree to hide your identity and avoid that boy Feng Youyu? How much time has passed before your identity was revealed?

Qin Yuchen was suspicious in his heart, but he did not forget to look at the interface to check the information. The introduction of this beauty pill is quite good. It is something that women like. If the effect is real, it is indeed a good product. But in order to take pictures of this thing, The queen mother asked him to help with the shopping, which was outrageous.

Feng Wanxian was very clear about her son's virtues. She knew what he was thinking just by looking at his appearance. She didn't give him a chance to refuse and said directly, "Hurry up and turn on your optical brain to help me buy this beauty elixir and Whitening pills, these two pills developed by your cousins ​​are very popular. People who have used them say they are good. There will definitely be a lot of people rushing to buy them tonight. The mecha hand speed you have practiced for so many years can finally come in handy. Yes, grab it for me."

Qin Yuchen:

He still wanted to struggle, "You can ask Yutang to help you. She is also good at mecha training."

Qin Yutang, who was opposite, looked over expressionlessly, "Brother, I'm always ready to grab it."

Qin Yuchen: "You can find a back door with your cousins."

Feng Wanxian: "Your cousins ​​have asked Yutang to bring a copy for your aunt and me, but we plan to use those for ourselves. The ones we took now will be given away to several female elders on your grandmother's side. But we all need these pills, and no amount is too much. Not only did your sister help me grab it, but everyone in the palace, except your father, I asked them to help, if it weren't for the fear of destroying your first legion. In order to maintain military discipline, I plan to ask them to help me snatch it too."

The third concubine forced out a smile in frustration. You are using the majesty of the emperor and empress to overwhelm others. How dare they refuse?

They also want beauty elixirs and whitening pills. How can women refuse these two things?

Feng Lanyan nodded with a smile and was a little proud. The things her daughter-in-law made were worthy of this big battle. She was worthy of being her eldest sister. The pomp she arranged was big enough to make her daughter-in-law look good.

Qin Yuchen wiped his face silently. If he had known it, he would have chatted with his father for a while and come back after eight o'clock.

If his purchase record is revealed in the future, the crown prince of his country will be shameless. The people of the empire will not think that he is a bitch and cares about his appearance, right?

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