Qin Yuchen clicked into the interface with a mask of pain on his face, staring at the "Buy" button above. He wanted to grab it. His mother's happiness was the most important thing, but he also didn't want to grab it. This purchase record would be a shameful time. bomb.

Feng Wanxian slapped him on the broad shoulder, "Cheer up, there are only two minutes left, and it will start in two minutes. If you can't get it, I will send out the photo of you wearing crotchless pants when you were a child. Let's all have fun together, and maybe it can help you improve your rapport."

Qin Yuchen looked over with his eyes wide open, looking at his mother with a speechless expression, "It's not like that, it's just two pills, is there any need to trick his son in such a high-sounding way?"

Feng Wanxian gave him a look with a smile, that's it, you are a rough guy and a brat who doesn't understand a woman's mind.

Qin Yujin, Qin Yutang and other princes and princesses sitting below secretly glanced at their aggrieved eldest brother, and then when the emperor and empress glanced over, they quickly sat upright, looking as if they were concentrating on buying.

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move, the mother can be so "cruel" to even her own son, let alone them.

Everyone suddenly became serious, gritted their teeth, and looked like they would not give up until they got the goods. Even the fourth prince Qin Yurun opened his swollen eyes as hard as possible, for fear of missing a second.

Naturally, the three concubines did not dare to make mistakes, but they were much more casual than the princes and princesses. They had been pampered for many years and had never practiced mecha. Their hand speed was definitely not as fast as others. No matter how serious they were, they could not win. They heard that Well, ever since those nobles came back from Muyuan Star, they have been boasting about the pills developed by the Muyuan Star Lord. This is the first official auction of Muyuan Star. Now there may be many in front of the Star Network. People are guarding the sales opening at 8:30.

Even the empress, who never abused her power, found foreign aid and mobilized everyone in the palace to help her snap up the purchases. Others must be even crazier, so among so many competitive forces, they should just join in the middle.

With countless people calling for it, the time finally arrived at half past eight.

The "Purchase" button in the Star Network store lit up when pressed. People from all over the Huayao Empire's eyes lit up and they quickly pressed the button.

In just one second, the "Buy" button couldn't be pressed and turned gray. After refreshing it, a huge red stamp of "Out of Stock" was printed on the page.

Suddenly some people cheered in surprise, while others wailed.

Du Lele flicked the light screen and ran to report, "No, no, Star Master, the photo was gone in one second, it was empty in seconds, this rush to buy is too strong."

The corners of Bai Qianchun's mouth curled up slightly. He was not surprised by this result. The pills they prepared this time were only more than 10,000. How many people are there in the Huayao Empire? There are billions. It is not natural to grab them so quickly. Well.

Feng Youyu, who was still communicating on the opposite side, was also very happy. His charming and handsome face smiled brightly, and his seductive and magnetic voice was encouraging, "Qianchun, you are so amazing."

Bai Qianchun's black eyes sparkled with starlight, and the curve of the corners of her mouth rose again.

Then I heard a door push on the screen opposite, followed by several voices coming from far and near, "Hahaha, second brother, I grabbed it, hehe."

"Sixth brother, you unlucky guy, don't barge in. The second brother must be secretly hiding in the room to communicate with the second sister-in-law at this time. I remember this untouchable time clearly."

As he spoke, the big faces of Lao Liu, Lao Qi and Yao Wenxian, who followed behind, came into the mirror one after another. Bai Qianchun subconsciously gave them a friendly smile.

The three people on the other side also hurriedly said hello. Lao Liu and Lao Qi showed their big white teeth. Yao Wenxian also called her "Sister-in-law" instead of insisting on calling her "Ms. Ancient Doctor". It was obvious that after these days, Feng Youyu became more and more obsessed and fell into love. From the looks of things, sister-in-law Bai Qianchun was shouting morning and night, so she might as well just shout.

Feng Youyu's brows twitched, and he turned around and glared at the three people displeased, "What are you doing here?"

Lao Liu scratched the back of his head and immediately laughed honestly, "I, I just grabbed the pills. I was so happy that I forgot to knock on the door."

Next to him, Lao Qi quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, that's right, Lao Liu was so excited that he came in without knocking. It's none of our business. As for me and Fourth Brother following us, I have something to report, Fourth Brother, please say so."

Yao Wenxian pushed up his glasses, being the calmest, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, there is indeed something important to report. It's news from the legion."

The flames of anger in Feng Youyu's eyes at being interrupted by these three people from chatting with his wife subsided.

Bai Qianchun also wisely said that we would chat next time, and then said good night to the reluctant Feng Youyu who forced a smile and hung up the communication.

She turned to Du Le, who was still waiting for instructions a few steps away. With a slight curve in his mouth, she walked over and said to him, "This first battle was fought very well. The next step is for them to use the product and build customers' trust in us." Trust is established, so you arrange people, everyone works hard, pack the pills and send them out in the evening, deliver the pills to them as soon as possible, and send a notice at the same time, the next sale will be three days later at 8 o'clock in the evening."

Du Le nodded happily, "Okay, I will arrange for people to pack overnight. Ye Yang said that a Feng family transport ship will pass by Muyuan Star at 11 o'clock in the evening, and we can ship the goods tonight."

The main star is in Feng Tangwei's home.

Several noble ladies looked gloomy, and even Feng Tangwei's palm-sized smile showed a hint of disappointment.

After two seconds of silence, their plaintive voices gradually sounded.

"I didn't catch it, I didn't catch it, they were too fast."

"Yeah, it was all gone in one second. I didn't even think about it. As soon as I pressed the "Buy" button with my hand, it turned gray, and then there was a huge red stamp saying it was sold out."

"Ahhh - it's over, it's over. If everyone keeps up with this speed, I wonder if I can still buy it in my lifetime."

"One year, the whitening pills and beauty pills are only valid for one year. What will I do next year? After using the whitening pills and beauty pills, I simply don't want to look at my original ugly face again."

Feng Tangwei also nodded at this point. After using beauty pills and whitening pills, the effect is indeed different. It is like applying a filter to beautify the face. Even a girl with just delicate facial features will have fair skin. After adding the perfect proportion of skin and facial muscles, the delicate appearance can be transformed into a little beauty. Who can not love this? No one wants to lose such beauty.

But understanding is understanding, Feng Tangwei still turned around and mercilessly rejected their look for help, eager to go through the back door, and drove them away with the excuse that she had to go to bed early and get up early, saying that she would leave after finishing the shopping, and she couldn't even take a minute. Stay longer.

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