I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 357 The fourth prince was slapped in the face by his brothers

"I also bought it, a bottle of beauty elixir." Qin Yujin said with a smile on his lips.

"Yes." Feng Wanxian responded lightly, then ignored the green and purple face of the Fourth Prince Qin Yurun who was looking down at him.

The smile at the corner of Qin Yujin's mouth dropped slightly, and he lowered his eyes sadly to hide the complicated thoughts in his eyes, and then smiled sarcastically.

The queen mother still doesn’t want to see him as always!

The ignored person was in a bad mood. Qin Yurun, who was being watched by her side, was also sweating on her forehead. It was Alexander.

He prides himself on being extremely talented. Whether it is the power behind him or his own natural ability, he is first-rate. Among the princes, except for the eldest brother and the third brother who has been abolished, no one can compare with him.

The second child smiles like a holy father all the time. He doesn't have much ability. He was just lucky enough to be born early. His age is the closest to that of his eldest brother. That's why he got his protection and joined the First Legion. Without his eldest brother, he would be nothing.

As for Lao Wu, his mother-in-law is quite powerful. She has witty words, intrigues, beauty, and emotional intelligence. She is a woman who should not be underestimated. But Lao Wu himself, hehe, is a coward who cannot hold up a wall with mud. She is cowardly and shrinks back, looking like she is afraid of seeing the sun. Any military cadet caught outside would be better than this girl;

As for the sixth child, he is just a little brat, a little bully who doesn't know anything and eats and eats all day long, so he just relies on his father to pamper him.

But now, the second dick that he looked down upon has actually been snatched away. This makes him somewhat embarrassed because he didn't grab it.

His eyes were too wide just now, and he accidentally cramped, causing him to miss the best time to buy. When he blinked and looked again, the buy button had turned gray.

That's not all, what hit him the most was yet to come.

I heard Concubine Li, the mother-in-law of Lao Liu's brat, suddenly exclaim, "Hey, looking at Lao Wu's interface, I also grabbed a bottle of beauty elixir."

Concubine Lin, the fifth prince's mother-in-law's face suddenly became even more ugly. It was a rare opportunity for her son to make a career, and the pills he bought could not be given to her. She was feeling very uncomfortable. It was the same as before. Concubine Shen, who was lucky enough to buy the pills herself, was also heartbroken.

Then she also glanced at Xiaoliu's screen interface, and the smile suddenly returned to her face, and she said with a trembling smile, "Oh, Xiaoliu also grabbed it, Xiaoliu is awesome, Concubine Li, can you do it when you go back?" I must reward Xiaoliu with a big chicken drumstick. He has such quick hands at such a small age and knows how to help the emperor and empress grab the pills. He will definitely be a filial son in the future."

Concubine Li grinded her teeth angrily. Concubine Lin, a bitch, knew how to rub salt into her heart, but her fat son helped to make her angry.

The sixth prince blinked his big black eyes and grinned happily, "Big chicken drumsticks, I love big chicken drumsticks. Concubine, I want to add a big chicken drumstick tonight."

Concubine Li slapped her son on the back, looked at him with a smile, gritted her teeth and said, "Look at the swimming ring on your belly. It's fatter than a pig. You don't eat big chicken drumsticks at night." Your father said that you can lose weight by eating more vegetables and leaves."

Suddenly, the little bully was like a bolt from the blue. His whole fat face was shocked and dumbfounded. It was rare that he was quiet for a long time without making a fuss. At this time, he finally couldn't hold it in anymore, twisted his body and howled, "No, no, no, I'm going to eat you." Chicken drumstick, you said that as long as I am obedient, you will reward me, and I will eat a big chicken drumstick."

For a time, the entire palace was filled with the cries and howls of the little overlord.

The fourth prince Qin Yurun, who felt that he had been slapped in the face by his brothers, breathed a sigh of relief. Now that everyone's attention was attracted by Xiaoliu, they would no longer pay attention to him, the only prince who had not been snatched.

But contrary to expectations, the empress spoke, and suppressed the irritable Concubine Li who wanted to teach her embarrassing son a lesson. She comforted Xiao Liu with a kind smile and gave him chicken drumsticks in the evening. Soon That calmed things down.

Then the scene returned to the main topic. The second princess Qin Yuru and the third princess Qin Yushan shook their heads, and then turned their attention to the fourth prince Qin Yurun who had not answered yet.

Qin Yurun:

His face was stiff, and he squeezed out three words through his teeth with embarrassment, "I didn't grab it."

As a result, he immediately received several looks of disgust, among them Concubine Lin and Concubine Li's eyes were the most unconcealed, with naked mockery.

That's it? That's it? He is also an extremely talented individual mecha soldier, even his six-year-old brother can't defeat him.

Qin Yurun was so embarrassed and angry that his green and purple pig-headed face became his best protective color, and he was not asked to take off the warm skin in public, revealing the sudden change in his face.

After talking about the panic buying, they got down to the main topic of the gathering today, which was to find a husband for Qin Yushan.

Naturally, her fiancé candidates cannot be compared with the young talents on Qin Yutang's blind date list. There are all the young talents on earth and in the sky. Those who can spend 60 billion to marry Qin Yushan are all those with bad reputation and difficulty in finding a wife. , or some crooked people trying to enter the upper class circle through her.

Qin Yushan didn't like anyone, and her face became uglier every time the empress announced a name. It was a pity that she, the client, had no say at all in this party to choose her fiancé. The empress said, for the sake of democracy and for She expressed that she would not avenge herself publicly, so she let everyone vote together.

Qin Yushan gritted her teeth fiercely, resentful in her heart, ah, that's fair, voting is the most unfavorable thing for her.

Except for the second emperor brother who was kind to her, everyone present wanted to see her laugh.

The empress, the eldest brother, the eldest sister, and Feng Youyu's biological mother Feng Lanyan must not like her because of her relationship with Feng Youyu's wife, and they will never choose a good candidate for her.

The third concubine also disliked her. Who told her mother to steal their favor in the first place? All their resentment towards her mother was transferred to her. It was so difficult for them to not give in when they had the opportunity to add insult to injury.

As for the Fourth Emperor Brother, he had tried to win over her before and wanted her to marry into the Shen family, but she did not agree. The Fourth Emperor Brother must have held a grudge in his heart.

Brother Five Emperors, forget it. He has always listened to his mother and concubine, and she has no friendship with him. As for Brother Sixth Emperor, he is just a brat, what does he know?

After all the calculations, everyone who could help her, her fiancée choice today must be the worst among all. Qin Yushan was unwilling to give in, and she decided to take the initiative.

In the end, Qin Yushan cried out and begged for mercy, and hinted that the other three concubines threatened them that they had something to do with him and her, and even moved out His Majesty the Emperor. The scene was filled with chaos, and all kinds of intrigues and tit-for-tat continued, so that today the candidate for her fiancé The people's voting party broke up unhappy, and no candidate could be selected in the end.

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