On Muyuan Star, after the first batch of pills were sold, a large amount of funds were injected into the special fund account for the construction of Muyuan Star that Bai Qianchun asked Shi Lian to set up. With the funds in place, the operation of Muyuan Star officially started.

Bai Qianchun looked at Ye Yang and Leng Xiao who were practicing ancient martial arts in the forest in a good mood, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. It seemed that the previous method of coexisting ancient martial arts and supernatural powers was correct.

Ye Yang and Leng Xiao both had a thorough understanding of the ancient martial arts in their previous lives. Now that they have started over again, their cultivation speed has skyrocketed. Ye Yang, who could only lift one large durian in the past, can now lift two without difficulty. Maybe he can still lift two. He raised three, but because the durians couldn't be stacked on top of each other, he could only lift one in each hand.

Leng Xiao's Thunder Technique was even more powerful, and its lethality was also more powerful. A few of his palms were like thunderous winds coming down from a big banyan tree that even three people could not hold together. The big banyan tree was broken in half on the spot. The big knife is very good at cutting. Whoever sees it can’t help but admire how awesome it is!

Especially Shi Kun, who ran over to report the news. When he saw the tree that fell with a rumble, and then looked at Leng Xiao's skinny arms that were even smaller than his own, his mouth watered with envy. Out.

These days, he could see two boys, Ye Yang and Leng Xiao, practicing a kind of wonderful kung fu, and then he watched helplessly as these two underage boys became more and more powerful and powerful. , stepping on the tree trunk and running horizontally upwards in one breath, running hundreds of meters to the top of the tree without using any protective measures, which made him seriously doubt the scientific concept of gravity and gravity taught in military academies.

But today, Leng Xiao has evolved again. Without using any superpowers or any auxiliary offensive items, he can break a big banyan tree with just two hands. Shi Kun is now particularly doubting whether their star master has developed another weapon. A new drug called Dali Pill has been obtained, and Leng Xiao is currently testing the drug.

Shi Kun also quietly clenched his fist and punched a small banyan tree next to him a few times, hiss——

He held his fists and grinned silently, then looked at the tree, which was motionless.

Then he looked at Leng Xiao with even more envy.

Bai Qianchun had noticed him coming over a long time ago. Seeing his appearance, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Shi Kun met her eyes, and the big man suddenly turned red and lowered his head in shame.

Damn it, did the Star Lord see him just smashing a tree like a fool?

Oh, what a mighty and burly image he has!

Bai Qianchun's lips curled up, "You also want to practice the same Kung Fu as Leng Xiao, who can break a tree with just a few slaps?"

Shi Kun raised his head again for a moment, looked over with a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes, and said excitedly, "Can I practice too?"

Bai Qianchun smiled and nodded, "Yes, but their Kung Fu is more complicated. I have another Kung Fu book that is more suitable for you, but it requires you to be able to endure hardships and to spend some more money."

Shi Kun nodded excitedly without even thinking about it, and slapped his strong chest with his big hands, "No problem, no problem. I can endure hardship and have strong endurance. As for money, my brother If he has money, he will definitely support me."

Bai Qianchun looked at his sturdy physique and felt that he was very suitable.

Then she took out a book called "Body Training Technique" from her arms. This was a technique she accidentally found from Wang Batian when she, Ye Yang, and Leng Xiao were looking for golden needles. She copied a book. , handed it to Shi Kun casually, "You should think about this book carefully. When you reach the peak of practice, you will be able to break the tree that Leng Xiao just made with one finger."

Shi Kun held the book in both hands, swallowed excitedly, stared at the book with bright eyes, and then looked at Bai Qianchun, "You really gave it to me like this?"

"Yes." Bai Qianchun smiled and nodded, "You are now the captain of the security team on Muyuan Planet. You still have to worry about the security issues on Muyuan Planet. Naturally, the stronger you are, the better. In the future, it will not only be you, but also others. After the security team recruits people, as long as they join Muyuan Star and contribute enough, they can also train, and then you will take care of those people."

After so many days, Bai Qianchun really felt the determination of the two brothers Shi Lian and Shi Kun to stay on Muyuan Planet. Not to mention Shi Lian, Shi Kun was very talkative and talkative. She was loyal, and as long as she accepted her kindness, she would not be afraid of him running away in the future. This was why Bai Qianchun unconditionally gave him the body-building technique to practice.

Now the defense of Muyuan Star is still too weak, so the overall strength of the security team must be enhanced. The Body Refining Technique is definitely a good choice, and it is an external skill for tempering the body. Although it also depends on qualifications, it The good thing is that it doesn't pay as much attention to qualifications and suitability as other ancient martial arts methods. Basically, everyone can practice it. As for the level of practice, it depends on the qualifications and one's own endurance.

Shi Kun pointed his head straight, "Don't worry, Star Master, I promise to train the people properly and contribute to the defense of Muyuan Star."

"Oh, by the way, a few people came today who wanted to immigrate to Muyuan Planet and join our security team. I initially selected a few suitable ones based on their physiques and abilities. The others who were not selected were not willing. Let’s go. I still want to stay and become a citizen of the Muyuan Star. Star Master, would you like to go over and have a look? My brother’s side has probably already conducted a preliminary screening review.”

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Then let's go and take a look. I happened to have researched a new pill in the past two days to help with the screening."

Mu Yuanxing has just started, and those who join must be carefully refined. Bai Qianchun does not intend to have those informants who have evil intentions or have been installed by others. What Mu Yuanxing needs now is stability.

So for the sake of safety and convenience, Bai Qianchun followed this direction in the past two days and made a new pill, Zhenhua Pill.

This kind of truth pill is actually not her latest development. It is a prescription that she already had in her previous life. However, in order to match the current physical condition and mental state of the interstellar people, she made it after slightly adjusting the dosage.

It is perfect for screening people who want to immigrate to Jupiter.

No, once the truth pill is used, it will have excellent results immediately.

One of them was a tall and strong man who even Shi Lian had not investigated and screened out. He looked about 1.9 meters tall, with a strong back and a weathered face. He looked honest and honest, like an ordinary lower-class person, an immigrant. The reason for Yuan Xing is that he likes to farm and make a living.

It can be said that there are no flaws, but after the truth pill dissolved into the water and he drank it, Bai Qianchun asked him what he came to Muyuan Star for. He immediately told the truth uncontrollably. It turned out that he was from Shuiyuan Star. An elite trained since childhood, specializing in undercover eyeliner work.

After he finished speaking, his eyes widened, his face was stunned, and he looked in disbelief, which showed that these words were the truth.

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