I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 360 It’s really hard to get a wife

After young Xu Fu drank the water, his tense nerves relaxed a little. He glanced at Feimeng with gratitude, then cautiously glanced at the man in the corner who was tied into a rice dumpling with hemp rope, and subconsciously shrank. He shrunk his neck, quickly looked away, and then secretly glanced at Bai Qianchun sitting above him with a shy smile.

He thought to himself that this is the Muyuan Star Lord who has been rumored recently on the Star Network. She is so beautiful and smart, and can develop such powerful pills. Xu Fu suddenly felt infinite awe for her in his heart and did not dare to treat people like this. Looked like an ordinary beautiful girl.

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows and called up basic information about the applicant in front of her, Xu Fu, without any expression on her face.

Xu Fu, male, 21 years old, from the lower class Xingcao Huaxing.

Reason for applying: I hope to move to Muyuan Planet, join the security team, and make a lot of money to support my parents;

Declaration of becoming the civil queen of Muyuan Star: I hope to contribute my own strength to the construction of Muyuan Star!

Well, according to the information he submitted, although this young man looks skinny and has no body, his thinking is positive enough.

Bai Qianchun closed the light screen and looked at the young man in front of her, "Is that Xu Fu?"

Xu Fu straightened his back immediately, nodded quickly, looked over with expectant eyes, and replied with a trembling voice, "Yes, I am Xu Fu, hello, Star Master."

Bai Qianchun nodded to him slightly and then asked directly, "What is the purpose of your application?"

Xu Fu muttered in his heart, hadn't he written this question and asked it again and again before? Why did he ask it again? However, he didn't dare to say it. He opened his mouth to recite the recruitment resume that he had already memorized. But I didn't expect that what came out of my mouth was, "Of course I want to make money and marry a wife. Xiaohong, who lives next door to our house, is very beautiful. We have been childhood sweethearts growing up together. Xiaohong also promised to marry me, but she Her parents are not good people and want to use her bride price to buy a house for her brother in the city. The price is too high. If I can't earn the money her family wants for the gift within a year, her parents will marry her off to a middle-class star. You’re a fool from a rich family.”

Xu Fu looked sad and angry, filled with righteous indignation.

But after he finished his grief and anger, it took several seconds before he realized what he had said.

Xu Fu: w(Д)w

His eyes widened in horror, and he opened his mouth to explain quickly, but Bai Qianchun didn't give him a chance, and then asked, "Why do you want to come to Muyuan Star to be a security guard?"

Xu Fu's thoughts immediately came to his mind, and he blurted out, "Because I happened to see Mu Yuanxing's recruitment advertisement. The salary for being a security guard is high. It is the highest salary among the recruitment messages I saw before. I can immigrate, so that after I marry Xiaohong, I can move here with my family and disconnect from her group of vampires."

Bai Qianchun raised his eyebrows. This kid was thinking quite clearly, and a smile appeared on his face, "Then why did you choose Mu Yuanxing?"

Xu Fu swallowed in panic, thinking what was going on. How could he open his mouth and speak out what was in his heart? This would not affect the Star Master's impression of him. He said this in the application class. , if you want to apply for a job successfully, you have to talk about being selfless, and you have to package your thoughts in a high-level way, one is a parent and the other is the company, but now... It's all ruined, it's all ruined, he told all his selfishness Out.

He was feeling aggrieved and couldn't cover up his mouth that was leaking out everything in his heart, so he just threw it out and said, "Of course it's because Mu Yuanxing has a future, just look at the pills on the star network now. The ability of the Jupiter star can be known by the sales situation. In addition, the Jupiter star is the original star and a high-class star. Although it is still in its infancy and has nothing, it is even worse than the conditions of a low-class star. , but the stars will always shine, and the future development of Jupiter must not be underestimated. I think the sooner you enter Jupiter as a star citizen, the more advantage you will have. If you can seize the opportunity, you may be able to make a lot of money."

Bai Qianchun looked at him with more and more satisfaction. This boy has a bright mind, a good vision, and a good idea. He is just a little weak in body, but this is not a problem. With the body-building technique, even a thin and weak boy can do it. Become a man with big shoulders and round waist.

She smiled and clapped, "Okay, you passed. Go to the room on the right and wait."

Xu Fu's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief, "I, I just passed like this?"

Bai Qianchun smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Xu Fu's face was red and he was in a trance. When he came back to his senses, he regretted it and shouted in his heart, liar, liar, so he is a liar when he applied for the small classroom. Did he agree to be selfless and flattering?

Did you agree to package your thoughts in a high-level way?

Now he actually got through when he revealed his selfishness.

No, he must ask the small class to refund the money. Damn it, if he really answered according to what the small class said, what would happen if the Star Master didn't recruit him? It's a shame that he opened his mouth today and told the truth for some reason. Mouth.

In the excitement and anger of wanting to find a small class for a refund, Xu Fu hadn't turned the corner yet, and he didn't even think about the problem in the water. He thought he was too nervous and made a fuss.

Seeing that this kid was so excited and still standing there blankly, Feimeng put an arm on his shoulder and took him to the next room.

Bai Qianchun and the three people in the room heard him suddenly ask, "What color are you wearing underwear today?"

Xu Fu immediately opened his mouth and said, "Red."

Feimeng burst out laughing, "Oh, you're so cool then."

Xu Fu:.

Bai Qianchun and the other two couldn't help but laugh.

Shi Kun couldn't hide his smile and gave a thumbs up to Feimeng who came back. "I'm a bull or you are a bull, you would ask such a question!"

Later, while waiting for the next person to come in, the two of them casually chatted about how difficult it was to get a wife, and how they actually required a bride price. Except for Bai Qianchun, who was already married, the other three men present were all singles, and they didn't want to be married at all. I knew the trivial matters of getting married, so I just sighed a few words and then said nothing more.

Bai Qianchun's divergent thinking has reached the point when she got married. Feng Youyu seemed to have only given her living expenses but not the bride price. Did she lose money?

Feng Youyu, who was far away on Jin Yuan Star, suddenly sneezed, then turned around and continued to give instructions to Lao Liu with an expressionless face. When he sent the Star Network Cabin to Mu Yuan Star, he brought along some new seasonal skirts and beautiful clothes that he had bought. The jewelry was also taken to Muyuanxing and handed over to Bai Qianchun.

He would never break his promise to give something away. He had already arranged this when he was on Jupiter. He also specially found a designer to design some unique clothes. They were finally ready yesterday. , but he didn’t have time to deliver it in person, so he had to bear the pain and let Lao Liu take it with him.

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