Next, relying on the truth pill, two more informants planted by other forces were discovered during the interview. One was from the Shen family behind the fourth prince, and the other was from the Lin family behind the fifth prince.

This is all expected. The rise of Muyuan Star is obvious. It can be said that these forces cannot be ignored and even have far-reaching influence. As long as they can clearly see the benefits, they will definitely want to intervene in Muyuan Star.

This is just the first wave of people now, and there will definitely be a second, third, and fourth wave next.

Bai Qianchun will pass the truth pill test, and all those who have no problem will be assigned to the security team. Even those who were previously eliminated by Shi Lian's screening, Bai Qianchun will be interviewed again using the truth pill.

Facts have proved that Shi Lian does have a good eye. Those who have been eliminated are either people with no ambitions, short-sightedness, and just want to make a living. If someone like this pays a high price in the future and promises a lot of money, they will betray and sell out in a matter of minutes. Without Muyuan Star, even if there is a shortage of people, such people cannot be used;

Others are clueless or have excessive vanity, and cannot be used by people who are easily led and tempted.

The remaining eight are all personnel deployed by other forces.

Shi Lian had seen someone behind them before but didn't know who the person behind them was, but now with the help of Zhenhuawan, they dug up the foundations of these people in minutes, and some of them came from certain people. The big forces come to monitor Muyuan Star, but there are also some small forces and small families who overestimate their capabilities and want to steal the medicine.

After Bai Qianchun dug out their bases, without saying much, she searched the eleven spies, removed their optical brains, packed them, fed them poison, and sent them to be with Nong Gui and others.

Don't waste the labor that comes to your door for free. Muyuan Planet has a vast territory and vast land. The few large agricultural machines Bai Qianchun bought before are simply not enough, or they can't do detailed work, so they are short of people. What did they call this wave? They sent her a pillow just as she was about to take a nap. This was really sending goose feathers from a thousand miles away, but the courtesy was light and the affection was heavy!

Bai Qianchun was in a good mood and personally sent a few free laborers to work in Nonggui, and inspected the farming situation along the way.

After the tourists left, Nong Gui and others finished their work of selling pills and returned to the land again. They were sweating profusely and waving their hoe with a humming sound on the ground.

As soon as he saw Bai Qianchun leading the people over, the clever Nong Gui immediately wiped the sweat that obscured his sight, and then trotted over in a hurry.

He looked at Bai Qianchun with a flattering smile, "Star Master, do you have any orders? Do you want to arrange some big brothers for us to work together?"

Nong Gui's eyes are really good. He saw at a glance those people whose hands were tied up with vines and being pulled over one after another like shackled prisoners. Then he looked at each of them, who looked dejected. , or doubting life, or rolling his eyes as if he wanted to run away, he clicked his tongue inwardly.

Isn't this group of brothers who suffered the same fate as him at the hands of the Star Master?

Nong Gui, who was stared at angrily by eleven "brothers in distress", grinned widely and looked quite happy.

Haha, finally a group of unlucky guys who were as unlucky as them came. Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, and he wanted to cross his arms for a while. Look, someone was stupid enough to join them again. , they will no longer be considered the lowest level personnel in the future.

Nong Gui's eyes were shining, he rubbed his hands and looked at the eleven people eagerly, as if he was looking at some big fat guy.

Bai Qianchun handed the vine he was holding to Nong Gui, "Well, these people are indeed going to arrange to work with you. If you have performed well during this period, I will leave these people under your control." Come on, as long as the person doesn't die, you can do whatever you want, but if one of them escapes, you and your brothers will have to sit together."

Nong Gui and the few people who were waving hoes and listening quietly with their ears straightened up immediately. Nong Gui immediately patted his chest to express his loyalty, saying that he would never let them escape.

His brothers also nodded like chickens one by one. Yes, yes, yes, they must have kept a close eye on him. He couldn't even sit down. It was so painful when the poisonous pills took effect.

Bai Qianchun was satisfied. Then his serious face softened and he smiled. He glanced around the land being cultivated and asked in a good mood, "What are you planning to plant on this piece of land?"

Nong Gui's face, which had been tanned by the sun during this period, suddenly became energetic. There was a bit of pride in his tone, "Strawberries are going to be planted here."

"I suggested to Mr. Ye Qin before that we could create a public opinion poll on about what to plant, and let netizens on vote, and then we would choose the top fruits and vegetables for planting. No, not long ago, The results of the first phase of voting are out. The five most popular fruits are durian, cherry, strawberry, grape and blueberry. The area we were allocated is a plain area with flat terrain, which is just suitable for growing strawberries. Over there we One acre of land has been reclaimed and strawberry seedlings have been planted, and now this is the second acre of land."

Nong Gui said with a smile, and also told his role, seizing the opportunity to show his merit.

Bai Qianchun glanced at him with a smile, understanding what he meant, but she had no intention of letting go. As a prisoner, he wanted to express his merits and break away from his status as a prisoner before his sins were atoned for. Hmm, it was a beautiful thought.

If Shi Lian hadn't been here before, she might have drawn him a big cake to give him some sweetness for Nong Gui's sake, but now she has Shi Lian, a secretary who is more useful than Nong Gui. Nong Gui Not so important.

She nodded slightly calmly, "Yes, how are the seedlings when they are newly sown? I heard that strawberry seedlings are delicate and difficult to take care of. What difficulties did you encounter when sowing?"

Upon hearing this, Nong Gui knew that he still couldn't get rid of his identity as a prisoner at this level. After being lost for a moment, he quickly regained his energy and answered the questions seriously.

"There is no problem with the strawberry seedlings. Now there is abundant wood element on Muyuan Star. These plant seedlings are as if they have been soaked in fairy water. Every plant is full of water. They can last for a day even if they are not watered. Star Master does not have to worry. .”

"However, there are difficulties. After the recovery of Muyuan Star, the voles in the ground also recovered and overpopulated. They burrowed in the ground in groups and liked to dig up seeds and gnaw on seedlings. We planted the first batch I was unprepared when I was there, and half an acre of strawberry seedlings were eaten by these little things. Last night, my two brothers and I took turns guarding and saved that acre of land. I think that in the future, large-scale reclamation and planting of Muyuan Star will be needed. Take precautions against rats.”

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