Bai Qianchun nodded understandingly, "Okay, I understand. You guys will stay here for two more days, and I'll go back and make some rat repellent."

Nong Gui and others had no doubt about their star master's ability in making medicine, and immediately flattered him happily, saying that they were waiting for the rat repellent medicine!

Facts have also proven that Bai Qianchun never overstepped her mark in pharmaceuticals. She prepared the rat repellent early the next morning, then transferred it to the fields and started using it.

The star citizens of Muyuan Star have used it and they all agree that they are no longer afraid of those chubby but hateful field mice stealing seedlings and eating them, and they can continue to sow happily.

In addition to rodent repellent, Bai Qianchun also received requests for help from star citizens in planting, and then she successively introduced pesticides, plant culture fluids and other agricultural drugs that are beneficial to plant growth. The research and development configuration was developed. Although she did not personally participate in farming, she also made a considerable contribution to the Muyuan planet's planting industry.

It is worth mentioning that these agricultural medicines have also been widely praised after being put on the official store of Muyuanxing Specialty Products. Many plantations and planting stars have come to buy them, and they buy them as if they are free. Every time they are put on the shelves, The speed at which they are sold out is the same as popular pills such as Beauty Pills and Whitening Pills. It can be seen that Bai Qianchun's medicines must be high-quality products.

The name of the Medicine God of Muyuan Star Lord also followed Bai Qianchunlu, who successively launched a series of magical pills such as Shengfa Pill, Wufa Pill, Blood-Building Pill, Qi-Building Pill, Repair Pill, Black Jade Purple Gold Pill, etc. The meatballs spread more and more widely, and eventually became famous throughout the empire.

It can be seen that Muyuan Star's route centered on pills and supplemented by planting industry has developed quite smoothly in the early stage under Bai Qianchun's control.

In less than a year, her Jupiter Pills had even replaced the Apothecary Association as the authority and became popular throughout the empire.

It is worth mentioning that after the Pharmacists Association was almost closed down by her, the old president of the Pharmacists Association shamelessly shut down the Pharmacists Association, and then kicked out some people with impure motives who were inserted into it by others. After the arrival, a group of elite members who were pure drug addicts rushed to Bai Qianchun to ask for shelter.

When Bai Qianchun refused, the old president became shameless. He roped in Mi Zhu and Cao Tiao to help him speak, and begged Bai Qianchun with snot and tears without caring about his image.

What else could be done? After Bai Qianchun assessed them one by one and determined that they were sincerely seeking to become apprentices, she could only accept this group of free laborers with "reluctance" on their faces. Bah, no, accept it. He formed a group of disciples who, although they were old, had good understanding.

Once these apprentices were accepted, Bai Qianchun had more people under her sect, and the benefits also came. Someone helped to share the work of developing new pills. In addition, she took over the elites of the entire Pharmacist Association, so As a result, Muyuanxing became the most authoritative and well-deserved presence in pharmaceuticals in the entire empire.

Jupiter has also become the temple of all pharmacists. People who study pharmacy and medicine want to make a pilgrimage to Jupiter.

It's a pity that Bai Qianchun stopped accepting those elites from the Pharmacists Association.

First, in terms of understanding of medicinal materials and medicines, those who can join the Pharmacist Association are already considered to be at the top of the Huayao Empire. She does not need to accept less qualified people. Although she wants to preach and promote medicine pills, she also Not all crooked melons and cracked dates can be harvested.

Secondly, it is troublesome to have too many apprentices, especially since each of them is very easy to learn. Facing those pairs of eyes eager for knowledge, Bai Qianchun couldn't bear to refuse, so the teaching time was added up, and the apprentices If more were added, wouldn't her lecture time and the time to answer questions after class have to be delayed even longer? In order to save more of her own time, Bai Qianchun decisively decided to suspend the recruitment of apprentices, waiting for these batches to understand the basics first. , and then consider continuing to collect after you can leave.


Time is a little fairy that can't stand the tossing. Nearly a year passed by twisting and turning among the flowers.

In the past nearly a year, Muyuan Star's infrastructure construction has been vigorously carried out. The amount of money in Muyuan Star's official account poured in like running water and was spread out like running water. After this large amount of money was spread, , the effect is also significant.

The population on Jupiter has increased significantly. It was originally only a few dozen households of the natives of Jupiter, but now the number of immigrants has increased, and it has become thousands of households;

The security team has grown from having only two commanders, Shi Kun and Fei Meng, as captains and deputy commanders, to thousands of members. After practicing the "Body Training Technique", all of them have become strong-backed, and the members of the security team with strong bodies have also become The brightest landscape in the Jupiter Star;

There are also 360 large-scale planting areas that have been reclaimed in separate areas, where medicinal materials, vegetables, fruits and vegetables are growing vigorously;

The livestock breeding area expanded to the two mountains behind, and later aquaculture was started. The meat here can completely make the people of Muyuan Star self-sufficient, and can even be exported.

Because the pasture on Muyuan Star is good, the meat quality of the livestock and poultry raised is not bad. After a batch of meat was sold in the official Muyuan Star specialty store because there was not enough to eat, many netizens complained Want to repurchase;

Green City was also repaired and rebuilt. High-rise buildings were erected one after another, and villas of various sizes were built one after another. Almost everyone on Muyuan Planet bought a house in Green City, and those with more money bought villas. , few bought apartments, and moved into this city one after another, revitalizing Green Cui City. Even Bai Qianchun bought a villa in the center of the city, adjacent to the one Feng Youyu asked her to help choose;

In addition, the renovation of her Star Lord Mansion has also been completed. The gorgeous garden style is combined with the rough manor style, with high buildings and rockery corridors. Every frame has a sense of a soft waterside garden. The architectural design skills of father and son Ye Kuan and Ye Qiang are also getting better and better as the Star Lord Mansion is gradually completed.

As for the large manor farmland behind the building, except for a few fruit trees that Bai Qianchun likes, the rest has been turned into a planting ground for medicinal materials. Bai Qianchun also built a laboratory in the Star Lord's Mansion, where medicinal materials are needed. You can go directly to the back of the manor and pick it yourself.

The hilltop next to the Star Lord's Mansion also made drastic changes. Bai Qianchun invested a large amount of money to build another manor, which covers an area larger than the Star Lord's Mansion. It is called the "Experimental Garden."

Bai Qianchun regarded this place as the work area for his apprentices. The laboratory, medicinal material planting area, and cultivation area were all arranged to create the best research conditions for the apprentices.

As the cornerstone of Mu Yuanxing, Yaowanzi must be given a Pai Nian, and this workspace with complete facilities in all aspects that is conducive to Yaowanzi's research is Pai Nian.

Jupiter also radiates outward from the center of this experimental park, becoming the foundation of the entire Jupiter.

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