"This" Aunt Huang hesitated, "First tell me what disease your dad has and what medicine he needs. Although our internal star citizens have discounts, they are also subject to quota limits. You can't just buy as much as you want. Maybe My family has bought the medicine you want to buy before, but now there is no quota."

Di Yan scratched his head, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and said hesitantly, "I don't know exactly what disease he has. My dad won't tell me, and even my mom doesn't know. I, I'll just buy some to support my health." I heard that Mu Yuanxing’s Great Healing Pill is very good. It can cure any serious injury. Every time it comes on the shelves, it’s sold out. I’ve been grabbing it for a month and I haven’t grabbed it yet. I see my dad is there. The people in the legion who fight and kill all day long may be injured, so they want to buy a big healing pill."

"Also, my dad's face is not very good, his lips are white, and his face is a little pale. He may be weak due to excessive blood loss, so I want to buy some more Qi-Building Pills and Blood-Building Pills to nourish his body. By the way, I listen to my mother He said, my dad often doesn’t sleep well at night and sleepwalks. I heard that Muyuanxing has a kind of sleeping pill, which is very effective. You can take one pill and sleep until dawn. There are no side effects at all. However, the quantity is rare and only taken every half month. Selling more than a hundred pieces, I really can’t grab this one.”

Bai Qianchun still maintained a cold-faced persona, but her ears quietly perked up.

After listening, her eyes were filled with thoughtfulness. Marshal Di Rong had done a good job of keeping secret. Even his own son didn't know what disease he had.

He has a bad complexion, white lips, and sleepwalking. There are many diseases that can cause this disease. In addition, Feng Youyu mentioned that this disease will affect his life span. It is still difficult for people to judge what disease he has. It seems that we still need to see Marshal Di Rong himself to judge.

Aunt Huang here also answered Di Yan's words with an embarrassed expression. They have the big healing pill here. Xu Can has to take exams and practical tests. The possibility of injury is very high, so they have big healing pills, healing pills and small healing pills. They all brought a bottle of these three kinds of pills for treating major and minor injuries with them in case of emergency. They could take out one or two pills and give them to him first.

But they don't have the Blood Replenishing Pill and the Blood Replenishing Pill, and even the purchase quota is gone.

Because their family has a son who is practicing body-building techniques, the Blood-Building Pill and the Qi-Building Pill are necessary pills that the Star Master specially mentioned to prevent him from becoming weak due to excessive training, so his eldest son must take them. He had to take one or two pills almost every month.

But of course they couldn't tell the outside world about this reason. They only said that their eldest son was not in good health some time ago, so he took blood-tonifying pills and qi-tonifying pills to nourish his body, and used up his quota for this year.

As for the sleeping pills, they have never used them at home. Since moving to Muyuanxing, they have been breathing fresh air every day, looking at the greenery in their eyes, and they feel very comfortable physically and mentally. They taste delicious and they go to bed very early at night, and even more so when they wake up in the morning. They feel refreshed, so this sleeping pill is of no use to their family. The purchase limit is left alone, and there is no problem in giving it to Di Yan.

"Oh, thank you Aunt Huang."

Di Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth and thanked him. Although he had tried his best to suppress the depression in his heart, it was still impossible for him to completely hide his thoughts at his age. The two pills he wanted to buy most were not available, and the young man's feeling of loss was gone. It's written on his face.

The pitiful look with his drooped head was the same as that of the poor child hiding behind his long legs, holding his trouser legs with his little hands, and drooping his little head.

Aunt Huang rubbed her hands dryly beside her, trying to comfort her but there was nothing she could do.

"I have blood-replenishing pills and qi-replenishing pills. I can sell them to you at Muyuanxing's preferential price. Do you want them?"

A cold voice sounded, and Di Yan, Aunt Huang and Xu Can all looked over.

Di Yan said excitedly, "I want it, thank you, thank you."

The corners of Bai Qianchun's cold face curled up slightly, revealing a slight smile, "You're welcome. Anyway, I have a lot with me. We can trade as much as you want."

"Well, let's have a bottle of each. And girl, do you still have more Great Healing Pills? If you have more, I will also buy a bottle. I don't need Aunt Huang to give it to me. Xu Can also needs it for the exam. It’s never wrong to have more equipment.”

Bai Qianchun glanced at him coldly, making Di Yan shiver, and then she nodded, "Yes."

The excited Di Yan immediately put aside his first fear.

"The Great Healing Pill costs 100,000 per pill, the Qi-Building Pill costs 500 per pill, and the Blood-Building Pill costs 600 per bottle, 10 pills per bottle. The discount price offered by Muyuan Star to the star citizens is 20% off, totaling 808,800 star coins."

Di Yan glanced at his account, and his face suddenly froze. Oh my god, I almost forgot, he is a poor boy.

Now he only has a total of more than 500,000 yuan in his account. These are the money he earns from his usual part-time job, as well as the travel expenses and tuition fees that his mother sent him because he is going to take the exam on the main star this time. But even with these star coins Even if he gave it all away, there wouldn't be enough money to buy it, not to mention he couldn't leave some star coins for tuition.

Di Yan's face turned red with embarrassment, but he really didn't want to give up buying it. It's not like he didn't know how popular Muyuanxing's pills were. This time, he was lucky enough to meet someone who was willing to sell them at a discounted price. It was given to him. There is no shop like this after passing this village.

There were also those people around who were listening to the excitement with their ears perked up. One or two eyes looked over here with bright eyes. He could guarantee that as long as he said no or returned a few pills, these people would definitely rush to buy them. .

For a moment, Di Yan was in a state of confusion. What should he do? It would be inappropriate to call back and ask his family for help. His father's salary was all his mother's, and his mother had already spent a lot of money on the family. Part of it was given to him, and I definitely didn’t have 300,000 left.

As for his grandparents, he was too embarrassed to ask two old people to borrow their pension money.

Alas, Di Yan thought happily in his misery, there is no one like the son of a marshal who is as poor as him!

Fortunately, Aunt Huang was a kind aunt. She saw that he was short of money, so she took the initiative to lend him the money without much hesitation, which eased Di Yan's tangled emotions.

Bai Qianchun watched Aunt Huang and Di Yan collect more than 800,000 yuan and transfer it to her account. Without saying anything, she happily handed the pills to Di Yan.

That's fine, she doesn't need to take the initiative to ask for the credit. The two of them are not familiar with each other. If she takes the initiative, Di Yan might think that she has evil intentions and wants to get close to her.

Seeing Di Yan put the medicine into the space like a treasure after receiving it, Bai Qianchun suddenly thought of it and casually mentioned it as if he was kind, "If these medicines can't cure your father, you can ask Mu Yuan Xingxing to Lord, please help me."

Di Yan was stunned for a moment, and then looked over with a stunned look on his face, "But I heard that the Master of Muyuan Star does not leave Muyuan Star and does not treat other people outside?"

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