Aunt Huang also nodded beside her and asked with concern, "Yes, Xiaochun, although our Star Master is beautiful and kind-hearted, we never help people outside. How can we treat Di Yan's father?"

Bai Qianchun gave her a comforting look, her voice still cold, "Just because it was impossible before doesn't mean it's impossible in the future."

"I know some inside information. Muyuan Star will launch a Muyuan Star farming game on the Star Network. It will probably be launched in the next few days. As long as someone can play and pass the game, Muyuan Star Master will personally take action. Customize a pill for the person designated by the other party. If Di Yan can play this little game and pass it, he can naturally ask the Star Master to help his father tailor a pill for treatment."

"Really, this, this is great." Di Yan was excited.

For a person like him who has no money but plenty of time, this plan is the best for him.

Di Yan clenched his fists excitedly. His father was saved. He would go and tell his mother about it soon, so as to save her from worrying about his father.

As long as Muyuan Star Lord takes action, his father will definitely be cured. I heard that Muyuan Star Lord’s magical pills can even break the superpower core of the next door legion and cure blocked tendons. His father’s minor ailments will definitely be cured. No problem, Di Yan thought hopefully.

The people around were listening to the excitement and were talking excitedly. Although the interstellar people were all in good health, they were not completely free of patients. Every family had one or two relatives, friends or distant relatives who had health problems that were difficult to cure. , and just by playing a game, the mysterious Muyuan Star Master can do it himself. Who can refuse this?

Even if no one in the family is sick and it’s just a game, it’s not a loss!

So one passed it to two, and two passed to three. After a while, everyone in the market became excited, and there was a lot of noisy discussion. Even the fat man who was there just now and couldn't hold it in anymore and started wiping tears also widened his squinted eyes. , cocked his head and looked over, his little eyes full of excitement.

Isn't this just another village? As long as he can play and pass the game, he can designate tailor-made pills for that big shot. Moreover, the reputation of Muyuan Star Lord has spread throughout the Huayao Empire this year. It would be better to get her to take action than to give Huangzhi Guo directly.

After all, Huang Zhiguo may not be able to treat the symptoms, but the pills made by Muyuan Star Master himself are still tailor-made pills that can definitely treat the symptoms!

Only Aunt Huang looked at Bai Qianchun with some worry and tugged at the corner of her clothes, "Xiao Chun, wouldn't it be bad if this matter was revealed early? Will the Star Master blame you? .”

Bai Qianchun looked at her with a much gentler look, "Don't worry, Aunt Huang, this matter will be announced on our Muyuan Star's official website in two days. It doesn't matter if I reveal it in advance. It's not online yet anyway. By then, everyone will They all compete on the same starting line, and it’s not easy to pass the game.”

After hearing this, Aunt Huang breathed a sigh of relief, but the people around her who were listening for information were worried.

Then he sighed, yes, if the game was easy and everyone could pass it, there are so many people in their Huayao Empire, how could Muyuan Star Master take care of them.

Di Yan clenched his fists, his eyes full of determination, and was not affected by the news at all.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what happened?"

Gao Yang led several market managers and squeezed in panting, not knowing what was going on here.

Only then did everyone realize that the matter between Fatty and Huang Zhiguo was not over yet.

Aunt Huang heard the voices of the administrators calling Boss Gao Yang, and she screamed in her heart. This smooth and clever young man turned out to be the owner of this market. No wonder he looked so smart and clever!

After Gao Yang came, he really had good adjustment skills. In addition, after Fatty heard the good news, his mood was not as broken and intense as before. After Gao Yang persuaded him with a few words, the atmosphere at the scene quickly relaxed.

In the end, both parties took a step back. The fat man did not hold the child to pay compensation now, but signed an agreement with the child. If the child can pay back the 500 million he spent on Huang Zhiguo before he turns 18, If he clears the money, he will be cleared. If he still can't, then he will have to stay and work under the fat man for twenty years when he reaches adulthood at the age of eighteen.

Enthusiastic people such as Di Yan and Aunt Huang also helped to add some content to the agreement, such as working under the fat man for twenty years, but the fat man could not be abused, deliberately increase the workload, or do things that disrespect the labor law, and what if he was here? In the past twenty years, the child saved money and paid off 500 million in advance. Then he only needs to pay another 1 million in interest to terminate the agreement in advance.

Set it one by one, for fear that the children will suffer a loss.

The fat man also lost his temper. Did he hire an employee or an ancestor?

But there is no other way. If he doesn't sign, his money will be in vain. Now the child can't even eat enough to pay back. But if he takes the child in advance, he still has to take care of him. It’s not cost-effective to let him eat and drink.

After the agreement was signed, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Di Yan took the poor child back to change clothes.

Uncle Xu happily waved to the three people at the stall. There were giant apples and cherries on his stall. The cherries were big and juicy. He placed two transparent baskets. The apples were bigger than the head and were stacked into The pyramid shape occupies half of the stall at once.

Obviously, this family of three has been prepared for a long time. They brought a lot of fruits from Muyuan Star. The price is only 0.5 times higher than that in the Star Network store. Many people on the starship will buy it.

No, most of the people who dispersed walked towards his stall, obviously attracted by their larger size than ordinary fruits. Coupled with Mu Yuanxing's reputation, a queue formed in front of the stall after a while. There were two teams.

Aunt Huang didn't waste any more time and quickly pulled Xu Can to help.

They had already inquired with the star citizens who had been out there, and they could make a lot of money by selling some of the special giant fruits on the Jupiter star on the way to the main star. Anyway, they were idle on the way, and they could make 0.5 times the profit. The difference in price can also earn tuition money for my son.

Xu Can also made a flower pot, and like other stall owners, he promoted fruit growth and put it on the stall to sell.

In comparison, Bai Qianchun's attitude next door is much more leisurely. She doesn't sell fruits one by one, but fruit potted plants.

Needless to say, the business was not bad. The people who bought fruit potted plants were all rich people. She also made a small hundred thousand in one day. A few minutes later, Di Yan came back with his children to help Aunt Huang sell fruits. His eyes were red.

He was still whispering to Xu Can, it would be great if he was a wood-type superpower!

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