So Di Yan, whom she met halfway, became the most reliable bodyguard in her eyes.

Di Yan's father is an officer. He has been trained since he was a child and his strength must be the same. In addition, some officers live in a compound and there must be playmates of the same age. If Di Yan is caught, he is afraid that he was in the compound before. If your playmates don’t come together, then the team members will come too!

Although Aunt Huang looks simple, she is still very sensitive for her son.

Di Yan thought about it and nodded and agreed to sign up together, but instead of meeting at the First Military Academy, he asked Aunt Huang to greet him after finding a place to live and help him book a room first.

Aunt Huang's eyes lit up and she immediately agreed. She patted her chest and promised to find a good hotel.

As for Bai Qianchun, who was defined as needing protection, she didn't know what Aunt Huang was thinking at this time. She originally wanted to say goodbye to Aunt Huang, and Feng Youyu gave her the small apartment she lived in in the main star. She could have rested there, but Aunt Huang tried her best to persuade her to stay.

Bai Qianchun thought for a while. Now that she had changed her identity and had no relationship with Muyuan Star Master, it was not suitable for her to go to Feng Youyu's small apartment. Although her residence was kept secret in the past, it was inevitable that there would be The oversight may have given it away, and since she wanted to use a new identity, it was best not to go to that apartment.

So she agreed to Aunt Huang's request to stay, and went with them to find a comfortable hotel near the First Military Academy to stay.

The First Military Academy is located on the outskirts of the main star and covers a very large area. It even has a wild tropical rainforest area specifically used as a venue for candidates to take the martial arts exam.

Outside the First Military Academy, there are many villa areas and vacation and leisure areas scattered around, as well as many places to stay in hotels and the like.

In addition, transportation is now convenient. From the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere of the main star, it only takes two or three hours for a flying car to travel at full speed. You don't need to live close at all, you just need to fly over.

Therefore, the hotels near the First Military Academy were not overcrowded because the First Military Academy was about to take exams and there were too many candidates to take part. The business was only better than usual. Bai Qianchun and Aunt Huang's family came over. When I arrived, I found a hotel very smoothly. After shopping around, I found a relatively cheap, comfortable hotel with a view of the First Military Academy and stayed there.

The name of the hotel is Fanchun Hotel. After they finished cleaning up upstairs, they came down to wait for Di Yan.

When they arrived at the lobby downstairs, the manager walked towards them with a polite smile and said, "Four guests, please stay."

Bai Qianchun and the other four paused in their steps. They stopped and looked at him without knowing why. They were stunned after confirming that the manager was calling them.

Aunt Huang came out as the representative with a friendly smile on her face, "I wonder what the manager wants from us?"

The manager came over. With a plump and honest face, he first smiled and nodded at Aunt Huang, then looked at Xu Can and Bai Qianchun behind her, with a glint in his eyes, "This sister-in-law, your family The two children are also coming to take the First Military Academy exam, right?"

Aunt Huang glanced at him warily, "Yes, why do you ask?"

The manager quickly smiled and explained, "It's nothing, nothing. Sister-in-law, don't be nervous. Our hotel just wants to contribute to the empire. As long as you come to take the First Military Academy exam, we will give free meal coupons to the candidates and their parents." , with this meal voucher you can eat ten times in the buffet restaurant of our hotel.”

Aunt Huang was surprised, "Is there such a good thing?"

Xu Can and Xu's father's eyes also lit up. They heard that prices on the main planet are high. If they can eat ten meals for free, they can save a lot of money.

The manager laughed and said, "Of course, everyone in our main star government department knows about this. You can rest assured that we will not cheat anyone, and it is not only our Fanchun Hotel, but other surrounding hotels as well. They will serve candidates and candidates Parents give free meal coupons, but the number of free meals varies. Our hotel has 10 free meals, which is one of the highest among all hotels. If you are still not convinced, you can go and ask first."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Since you have said so, manager, why should we be worried? If this is a lie, it will be exposed immediately. A smart person like you, manager, will definitely not do it." Aunt Huang praised the manager excitedly. Bo, then reached out to take the free meal coupon in his hand, turned around and happily divided it between Xu Can and Bai Qianchun.

He even forgot to explain what the manager just asked about "your two children."

Bai Qianchun took the buffet coupon and flipped through it. It was made of waterproof material and had photos of various delicacies on it. It looked very tempting.

You can try it, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it.

Seeing her interested look, the manager's eyes lit up, then he rubbed his hands and looked at Aunt Huang, "Sister-in-law, I actually have a private business that I would like to ask you and two of your family members to take the exam. Talk to your children.”

The smile on Aunt Huang's face froze, and there was a murmur in her heart. She knew that the people on the main star had many tricks, and there was no free dinner. She suddenly felt that the free meal coupon she had just received was a bit hot.

The manager seemed to have noticed her concerns and was not in a hurry. He explained skillfully with a smile, "Don't worry, what I agreed to do is a private business and has nothing to do with you getting free meal coupons. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this is Free meal coupons will not be taken back.”

Aunt Huang hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Xu Can and Bai Qianchun. Xu Can smiled shyly and looked like he was the one who made the decision.

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "It doesn't hurt to listen."

Aunt Huang also slapped her thigh, "Okay, manager, you can talk to me first, but we have agreed in advance that we may not agree."

The manager smiled and said, "Of course, of course, I'm not someone who buys or sells by force, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay in this hotel any longer."

Then he looked more serious and said, "Here's the thing, we have some inside information about the First Military Academy. This year's admission test for the First Military Academy is more stringent than in previous years, and there are more people taking the exam, even more than in previous years." It was twice as high as before. Therefore, in order to increase the difficulty and prevent candidates from connecting in tandem, the First Military Academy introduced a random selection system, which means that the examination room personnel randomly selected which examination room to go to. The registration names were no longer ranked higher than before. It will be easier to get an exam room soon."

Aunt Huang's eyes widened, and her head suddenly buzzed like a bolt from the blue.

Damn it, once this random selection system came out, wasn't it all a fool's errand that she just helped her son find Di Yan as a teammate?

Aunt Huang's face immediately became worried, "Well, what about that? If they are assigned to an examination room where no one knows anyone, then they will have to fight alone."

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