I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 373 Casting a wide net to try your luck

The manager thought to himself, who can say otherwise, but if it weren't for this random selection, his business of making extra money would be gone.

Fortunately, his family has no children who want to attend the First Military Academy.

The manager was happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Bai Qianchun glanced at the manager and asked, "What business are you talking about?"

The manager, who was deftly waiting for someone to vent his words with his eyes empty, suddenly heard this voice and subconsciously raised his head to look at Bai Qianchun's face.

He looked carefully for a few more times and muttered to himself, oh, this girl looked so cold, and her voice was also cold, which made him shiver.

Why was a girl who was obviously very beautiful and cool looking so inconspicuous before she opened her mouth? Could it be that his mind was completely confused by business and star coins?

The manager cursed in his heart, but still rubbed his hands with a smile on his face, "Girl, I see at a glance that your ability is definitely first-class. I wish you in advance that you will be admitted to the First Military Academy."

"My business is like this. There are two noble boys who really want to pass the exam and become students of the First Military Academy, so they came up with an idea. They will pay me to help them find some teammates."

Aunt Huang came back to her senses and frowned at the fat manager in front of her, "Didn't you just say it was a random selection system? Why, can you still find teammates?"

The manager wiped the sweat from his thin-haired forehead, smiled and quickly explained, "That's not the case, that's not the case. What they mean is that if you happen to be assigned to the same examination room and meet the two of them, I hope your children can protect them. Even if they are not teammates, as long as they are willing to lend a helping hand, they will give you a thank you fee. How many times you help will give you a thank you fee. You don’t have to worry about them breaking the contract after the exam. They will give you a deposit in advance.”

Good guy, this means casting a wide net and trying your luck!

It's a good idea.

Bai Qianchun frowned, and a complex look gathered in her narrow and cold phoenix eyes, but before she could speak, Aunt Huang spoke angrily, "Isn't this cheating? It's impossible. What if I am the first?" The military academy will investigate and disqualify my two children from taking the exam."

Uncle Xu also stared at the manager with a serious face, "Tell me, how many people have you helped to connect, but because our family is not well-dressed, you think that my family is poor and want to trick us. Humph, my family is not looking for money to get their children's future. Joker.”

These Prime Star people have really sinister intentions. What if this is a trap to eliminate competitors? You have to put your son's future on a tightrope just for this little money.

Aunt Huang and Uncle Xu were always kind to others, but once their son was involved, they couldn't help it. Their eyes stared fiercely at the manager who kept wiping sweat in front of them.

Even Xu Can, the shy green boy, had a frown on his face.

The frustrated manager quickly explained, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, brother and sister-in-law, please don't get angry yet. This is allowed by the military academy examination. Your child will never be disqualified from the examination. The military academy has always claimed that as long as it is not intentional, Killing people can be done by any means to pass the exam. The two candidates paying for help in the exam room are within the rules and there will be no problem.

Many candidates have already signed an agreement and received a deposit of 100,000 yuan. Each candidate who signed the contract has 100,000 yuan. Regardless of whether they will be assigned to the same examination room when the time comes, these deposits will not be required. Returned, if you didn't meet in the same examination room, it would be equivalent to getting 100,000 in vain.

However, if you are assigned to the same examination room, you must help once. Whether it is to remind someone or to save someone, as long as it is useful, it will be judged as valid. It is also easy to get the 100,000 star coins. If you sign It doesn't hurt to make an appointment. If my child hadn't participated in the First Military Academy exam, I would have been happy to let him sign the contract. In this way, even if he failed the exam, he would still have received 100,000 yuan. If he came to the main star I’ve earned my travel expenses back, and there’s still some extra.

If you get admitted later, that would be even better. Starting from this year, the First Military Academy will start charging fees, and one hundred thousand star coins can be used as tuition, so you don’t have to worry about running out of star coins on hand."

The manager strongly recommended it and listed several benefits of signing the contract. Everyone passing by was moved by the boast, but Aunt Huang and Uncle Xu were determined not to agree or agree.

When it comes to my son's exam, even if there is no problem after signing the contract, there can be no accident at all.

Besides, although their family is not very wealthy now, it is definitely impossible for them to spend hundreds of thousands of money like the two candidates, but they can't even afford the tuition and travel expenses, and they still let their son study abroad. Taking risks in the exam hall to help make money.

When Muyuan Star develops in the future, their family will definitely become rich. Their Dafuzi has analyzed it with the old couple. As long as nothing happens to the star master, their Muyuan Star will definitely have a bright future. Their group of star citizens who were the first to migrate here will definitely be able to enjoy the dividends and make a lot of money, so their family is not afraid of spending more money on the main star.

Aunt Huang didn't listen to the manager at all. She took the two children, greeted her husband and walked outside.

The manager patted his thigh and felt sorry for himself, then stretched out his hand and wanted to catch up and try to persuade him.

In fact, he noticed this family from the moment they came in. The parents were dressed plainly and they didn't look like rich people. It looked like they had scraped together money from low- to mid-level stars. It was best to encourage such people by showing them star coins.

The most important thing is that during the observation just now, he noticed that both of his children are good-looking, and they both look capable. The young man is tall and thin, and looks shy and young, but according to his years of experience, Judging from the way people look at people, this young man has clear eyes. Although he is not well-dressed, he does not have any inferiority complex, which shows that he is a capable person.

And that girl, at first glance, had no sense of existence. But upon closer inspection, she was beautiful and calm, and she still had an oppressive aura. It made him stunned for a moment. The moment he opened her mouth, fear rose in his heart. He was I have been the lobby manager here for several years and have never seen such an impressive candidate. It shows that she is a very powerful person. If she can be invited to sign a contract to help, as long as she is willing, she will definitely be able to get from those two big fat sheep, ah Phew, those two nobles got a lot of money.

As for his pimping, ah, this matchmaking business also comes with commissions. The more help this girl does, the more thank you fees he will get, and he will be able to get more commissions, and both parties will win. , how great.

It was a pity that he never expected that the peasant woman, who looked as simple as a lower-class star, would not give up for one hundred thousand star coins, and forcibly dragged the two children away from signing a contract with him.

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