I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 374 Registration at the First Military Academy

The two groups of candidates and their parents who had been hearing it for a long time saw that the manager was still trying to chase the four people, so they quickly grabbed him with a flattering smile on their faces, "Manager, manager, they don't want to miss it." Forget about such a great thing, no matter how kind you are and want to help them make money, they still have to accept it themselves."

Another person also advised, "Yes, yes, if they are not willing to sign, our two children will be happy to sign. Manager, look at my two children who also have to take the First Military Academy exam."

The manager was pulled by the two families and missed the best opportunity to catch up. He frowned and looked at the two children pointed at by the two families. One had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and the other was as fat as a pig. These two losers wanted to get into the first place. Military academy? I'm afraid it's hard for them to even pass the literary test.

The manager had a stern face. He was a matchmaker, but he was not willing to work with anyone. These two discerning people knew at a glance that they were just making up the numbers. How could he dare to sign a contract with them? You must know that he didn't have much money to sign a contract with them. Take it, but it will ruin his reputation and reputation, and make the two Gods of Wealth think that he is not doing his best, and just pulls two people to make up for it. How can he still fool around then?

The manager was not stupid. He hurriedly waved his hands as if to shoo away flies and told them to get out of here and stop taking advantage of them.

The two families chatted, and when they walked away, they couldn't help cursing, saying how their children were so good, how many times better than the weak boy and the girl just now, it was the manager who didn't know what he was doing.

Bai Qianchun, who didn't know that she was looked down upon by others, was pulled by Aunt Huang, and she walked quickly to the door of the hotel as if being chased by a pig. She happened to meet Di Yan who was walking in this way.

Di Yan raised a smile and quickly climbed up the steps in three steps at a time. He quickened his pace and came to them, "Aunt Huang, just wait in the hotel lobby. There is so much sunshine outside."

Aunt Huang's smile froze when she saw him. Could she say that she came out to avoid the manager who wanted to brainwash her?

Fortunately, Xu Can came out to help relieve the embarrassment, smiled at Di Yan and said, "Just come, we have reserved a room for you, but you have to go to the front desk to register your accommodation information in person. By the way, The manager will also give free meal coupons to our candidates and their parents, and you can get some when the time comes."

Di Yan's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly, "Okay, I understand. I heard in the compound that my brothers and sisters who were a few years older than me and passed the First Military Academy said that during the First Military Academy exam, they were available in nearby hotels. Free meal coupons are given out, I didn’t expect this tradition to continue this year.”

He smiled, revealing a row of big white teeth, and his unruly face suddenly became much gentler and brighter. He was quite happy. It would be great to spend less money. He is short of money now.

After that, Aunt Huang also took the initiative to mention the random selection examination mechanism, and the manager's pimping to get them to sign contracts to help people in the examination room. After hearing this, Di Yan, who was short of money, was actually quite excited. That was 100,000 yuan. Star coins, for him who is short of money and still owes money, it's hard not to be tempted.

But Aunt Huang told him sincerely that it was not a good deal. She was afraid that the two people would be assigned to the same examination room because of their inconvenience. In addition, the two families in the lobby who wanted to sign a contract but the manager ignored them were still not interested. Hearing their sour words, Di Yan lost his temper and complied with Aunt Huang's wishes, reluctantly rejecting the manager's offer.

Di Yan took a deep breath, forget it, the most important thing now is to be admitted to the First Military Academy, just like Aunt Huang said, what if, what if those two are not fuel-efficient lamps, or the mud can't hold up the wall If he is involved, it will be difficult to get rid of him. It is better to be cautious about such an important exam.

After settling in the hotel, Aunt Huang and Uncle Xu happily took their three children to the First Military Academy to register. Unfortunately, the First Military Academy was not open to the public and only set up a temporary registration point at the gate.

The three of them lined up and asked a teacher from the First Military Academy to read the information on the optical computer. They also took some blood and compared it with the citizen information in the gene bank to confirm that they were themselves, and then the registration was successful.

After signing up, Bai Qianchun took a small healing pill, and the blood spots on her fingers healed immediately.

The identity information comparison for the admissions of the First Military Academy was already expected against Bai Qianchun. Fortunately, it only compared the match between blood genes and optical brain, not the face, so Bai Qianchun, who had taken the Yi Rong Dan, could easily pass.

However, this blood sample comparison obviously passed the gene bank data. The gene bank data has been changed, and the news that she, the sole heir of the White Duke, has returned may be leaked.

Bai Qianchun thought for a while and asked Feng Youyu and Lou Yuchen to help her cover it up. It didn't matter if the old fox Bai Zhuangquan knew that she had taken the first military academy exam and the news leaked out, but he couldn't be allowed to directly trace her through the gene bank. Head up.

The information of the Citizen Gene Bank is originally concealed from the outside world and has the right to privacy. It is impossible for Bai Zhuangquan to find out her information through formal means, but informal means can. What Feng Youyu and Lou Yuchen have to do is simple, Feng Youyu Yu strengthened the firewall of the gene bank to prevent anyone from breaking in and conducting a forced investigation. As the prince of the empire, Lou Yuchen could openly and strictly investigate the gene bank staff to prevent them from leaking information to the old fox Bai Zhuangquan.

Bai Zhuangquan likes to make friends with people, and he will make friends with all kinds of people who are beneficial to him. In order to investigate her traces, he would inevitably think of the gene bank, so Bai Qianchun had reason to suspect that there was an insider in the gene bank that the old fox had befriended.

After Feng Youyu strengthened the firewall of the gene bank as she requested, she also brought her good news. In addition to her, there were five candidates named Bai Qianchun who took the First Military Academy registration exam this time. The best thing is that they are actually the same age as her, they are both twenty years old.

Bai Qianchun was surprised after hearing this. Even though there are many people named "Bai Qianchun", the probability is too high, right?

Two of them were specially arranged by her to confuse the public, but what about the other three?

However, people named "Bai Qianchun" are doing good things, and they also stir up troubled waters. Oh, that old fox in Bai Zhuangquan is really unlucky!

What Bai Qianchun didn't know while gloating about his misfortune was that these other three "Bai Qianchun" had been arranged by Feng Youyu a long time ago. After knowing that she was determined to use her original name to take the exam for the First Military Academy, she would then sneak into the First Military Academy. When the Ninth Army went to seize power, he had already secretly selected three girls who looked very similar to her, had them change their names, concealed their past identity information, and applied for the military academy under the name "Bai Qianchun".

Feng Youyu only intends to be the hero behind the scenes in this matter, and does not intend to let Bai Qianchun know about it. Bai Qianchun does not know the identities of the other three people, and it is safer and less likely to be exposed without any involvement.

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