"Come on, come on, the idiot is here." Quan Lang suddenly shouted, and then quickly changed his words, "Ah, no, I mean those two noble young masters are here, standing in the transparent elevator over there, tsk tsk, with style It’s just different from us ordinary people.”

Quan Lang's face was filled with envy.

Di Yan also nodded seriously, "Well, the aristocracy is really powerful."

"Hey." Quan Lang suddenly shouted again, pointing at one of the people in the transparent elevator and shouting, "Look, that's the noble boy who was cheated of three small healing pills yesterday."

Di Yan looked at his finger, his eyes narrowed, and his face suddenly darkened, "It turns out it's him, hehe, he's a good trick."

Then he looked rejoicing, "Fortunately, Aunt Huang stopped me from signing the contract yesterday. Otherwise, if I was asked to protect this kid, I would regret it."

Bai Qianchun looked over with faint eyes, "Do you know him?"

Di Yan nodded solemnly, "Well, it turns out that he lives in the same legion compound as me. His name is Zhou Lang. He is my sworn enemy. I didn't expect that he would spend money to hire someone this time. But it does fit his style. He has been with us since he was a child. Just like that, he likes to spend money to recruit some younger brothers who praise his smelly feet to show off in front of me."

"Oh." Bai Qianchun narrowed her eyes and looked up at Zhou Lang thoughtfully. His surname was Zhou, and he was Di Yan's mortal enemy. That was the Admiral Zhou in the information Feng Youyu gave her. Son.

General Zhou Ang was born into a noble family and was quite capable. Their Zhou family was once a family attached to Duke Bai's palace. Later, Zhou Ang was promoted to the army by Bai Qianchun's father, Duke Bai.

But according to Feng Youyu's investigation information, General Zhou is now close to the old fox Bai Zhuangquan, and they are colluding with each other. There is a high probability that he has already sided with the old fox.

According to people on Feng Youyu's side, Admiral Zhou was probably the one who would be pushed to take over the position of Marshal of the Ninth Army after Marshal Di Rong abdicated.

Bai Qianchun lowered her eyes, her face still cold and emotionless.

But there were ups and downs in her heart. It seemed that she had to ask Mi Lao and Jian Zhan to help Di Yan cheat and reduce the difficulty of his farming game. Marshal Di Rong's health must get better as soon as possible to prevent others from being exposed. Take advantage of the opportunity.

At this time, Bai Qianchun, who was thoughtful in her heart, turned to look at the noble young man next to Zhou Lang. She was also familiar with this person. He was none other than Bai Chengjun. That old fox Bai Zhuangquan was putting his good relationship with General Zhou in jeopardy. It's come to light.

The First Military Academy Examination will be broadcast live to show fairness and justice. Marshal Di Rong will definitely pay attention to the live broadcast because Di Yan, his son, will also refer to it. Naturally, Bai Chengjun and Zhou Lang will be seen together. Is this a demonstration or anger? He also completely cut off General Zhou's retreat.

That old fox in Bai Zhuangquan is really good at calculating!

After meeting the two noble young masters, the people gathered in the lobby slowly spread out. Bai Qianchun, Di Yan and other people who were squeezed at the end also walked out of the hotel door five minutes later.

First Military Academy.

Different from yesterday when I came to register, the gate of the First Military Academy was open at this time, and the majestic four characters "First Military Academy" were engraved on the high-hanging college wall, symbolizing the glory and history of the First Military Academy.

And now, the crowds of people walking in through the gate of the military academy can be described as a sea of ​​people, just like a famous scenic spot. They are all wearing the training uniforms recommended by the school, but the colors are different, red, green, white, and floral, and there are only a few here and there. Nothing to wear.

But no matter what, just looking at the flow of people entering the gate of the military academy, it can be seen that there are really many people here for reference this time.

According to Quan Lang, who has taken the entrance examination for the First Military Academy twice since he was 20 years old. During the three years of recuperation, he still pays attention to the First Military Academy. He vows not to give up if he fails to pass the examination. An experienced candidate who went to work as a security guard on Muyuan Star said that the number of candidates taking the exam this year is definitely the largest in the past.

"Ding dong——" As soon as Bai Qianchun stepped into the gate of the First Military Academy, a notice from the First Military Academy came on the optical brain.

After glancing at the candidates who were looking down at the news, she also opened the notification.

[Dear candidates, welcome to the First Military Academy Entrance Examination! But here I would like to remind you of a cliche. Once you step into the military academy, it will mean that one day you will go to the battlefield and participate in a cruel war. Once the smoke of the Orc Empire ignites again, except for those who are already in the legion, our first The students of the First Military Academy will be the first to be recruited into the legion. At that time, they will also be the ones who face the danger of war and lose their lives at any time. It is related to the safety of the Huayao Empire and the honor of the Huayao Empire. Students from our First Military Academy will never be allowed to appear. Traitors, if you value your life and do not want to go to the battlefield, I will give you a chance. Please withdraw as soon as possible to avoid wasting examination resources. 】

After a notice full of threats and venom, the next message popped up at the bottom: [Do you want to continue taking the entrance exam for the First Military Academy, yes/no]

For a moment, some candidates were really frightened and their faces turned slightly pale.

According to Quan Lang's previous analysis, the reason why the number of applicants for the First Military Academy this year is the highest in history is probably because the Huayao Empire signed a peace agreement with the Orc Empire. Some people want high education but don't want to die. people came to register for the exam.

And these people were directly attacked by the First Military Academy who had an insight into their thoughts.

Bai Qianchun glanced around and saw a few candidates with pale faces.

Quan Lang looked suspicious at the side, "When I took the exam the first two times, the entrance notice of the First Military Academy was not like this."

Bai Qianchun asked curiously, "Oh, what is that like?"

Quan Lang scratched his head, "Well, he was probably very kind and encouraging. He also drew us a bunch of cakes, saying that after joining the legion, he would be promoted to an official position, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the top of his life. Similar encouragement if."

Bai Qianchun: Ah, the First Military Academy is really flexible!

In the past, when there was a shortage of talents on the battlefield, the candidates would be given sweets to eat and paint pie cakes for the candidates. Now that the war has subsided and there is no shortage of people, but there are too many candidates, they will be given arsenic to persuade them to quit. You really have yours, First Military Academy !

After Bai Qianchun came to her senses, she decisively clicked "Yes".

Then another message popped up.

[Life and Death Contract: Instructions for taking the examination of the First Military Academy. The entrance examination of the First Military Academy is divided into a literary test and a martial test. During the martial test, except for the use of mecha thermal weapons, supernatural powers and other cold weapons can be used. The danger level is five stars. Over the years, accidents have occurred that have endangered the lives of candidates, so a life and death contract must be signed before taking the exam. 】

[Whether to sign a life and death contract, yes/no]

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