I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 377 The clown turns out to be myself

Well done, another wave of threats.

But Quan Lang said that this life and death contract also happened during the entrance exam for the First Military Academy.

Bai Qianchun moved her fingers and continued to click "Yes", and the next message popped up immediately.

[Friendly reminder: The empire's human resources are one of the most important resources. The resources are precious and all rely on everyone's protection. Although there is competition in the martial arts examination, we are all members of the empire, and killing them is not conducive to unity, nor is it conducive to the generation of important resources. If someone intentionally commits murder during the martial arts examination, he will be disqualified from all military school examinations and will never be admitted in the future. After the examination, he will be punished according to the imperial intentional homicide regulations. I hope all candidates will behave and cherish the lives of others! 】

[All exam prerequisite messages have been sent. Do candidates want to continue to refer? This is your last chance to make a choice, yes/no]

Bai Qianchun: "Yes."

[Ding Dong—Welcome candidate Bai Qianchun to take the First Military Academy Entrance Examination. Your candidate number is 19005. The random selection of the examination room will begin. 】

[Ding Dong - Candidate Bai Qianchun, No. 19005, the examination room is located in Room 308, Building 1, East Campus. Candidates are asked to go to the examination room by themselves. The examination will be held in fifteen minutes. Late arrivals of more than ten minutes will result in disqualification. Processing, countdown starts now, 00:14:59]

Bai Qianchun frowned and immediately opened the map navigation of the First Military Academy, but what was unusual was that the screen that was so fast just now did not pop up for a long time. After the two villains ran with sweat on their faces, only a screen popped up. Typesetting "Unable to connect signal."

Bai Qianchun's first thought was that the signal was blocked.

Sure enough, the candidates around them noticed the situation one after another and started to get agitated, "The signal is gone. Damn it, why don't you be so awesome? The signal was not blocked before the First Military Academy exams. They were all blocked after they arrived at the exam venue." .”

"Hey, how can I get to the examination room without navigation? I'm a fucking road freak!"

"Hey, look, look, there's a warning sign ahead. Flying cars are prohibited on campus and all technological means of transportation are prohibited."

The candidates who were still staying near the school gate all raised their heads and looked in the direction pointed by the screaming person. Sure enough, they saw a warning sign sprayed out at the top of the fountain pool of the military school. If it weren't for their eyes, Okay, I really can’t see clearly the small words on the warning sign.

Bai Qianchun's eyes deepened, and she immediately understood that the exam had already begun since the countdown.

Xu Can, who was beside her, was obviously a smart man, and he spoke quickly, "My examination room is in Room 508, Building 4, West Campus. Where is your examination room?"

Di Yan answered subconsciously, "Room 608, Building 5, East Campus."

Quan Lang also said quickly, "I'm also in West Campus, Room 300, Building 3, West Campus."

Xu Can's face tightened, "It seems we have to separate. Run quickly. We will arrive at the literary test room we selected on time within fifteen minutes for the first screening test."

Di Yan and Quan Lang also reacted immediately.

Quan Lang's face was tense, and he opened his mouth and shouted anxiously, "Yes, yes, run quickly. The First Military Academy covers a huge area. The East Campus and the West Campus are in completely two directions, and both campuses are far away from the school gate. If If the flight ban prohibits the use of all technological means of transportation, we will have to run by ourselves. According to the average running speed of the people of the empire, it is very difficult to reach the two campuses in fifteen minutes. In addition, we will be ten minutes late. We can barely make it, we have to hurry up.”

As he said that, he already stretched out his long legs and started running wildly in the direction of the west campus.

Xu Can didn't have time to say hello to Bai Qianchun and the other two, so he waved to them and quickly caught up with Quan Lang.

Di Yan said "fuck" and shouted seriously to Bai Qianchun, "Let's go to the east campus quickly."

As he spoke, he couldn't wait to jump out, and vigorously and swiftly joined the running army heading towards the east campus.

Bai Qianchun was unhurried and still had time to observe the topography of the school and the flow of people in both directions.

Those who are keen have already noticed that something is wrong and start to sneak away. Now they are leading in the direction of the two roads and are far ahead, forming a gap of more than ten meters with the second group of people who are making moves.

She narrowed her eyes and didn't know where Ye Yang and the others were. They had made an agreement before leaving Mu Yuanxing that they would not contact each other during the exam to reduce the chance of exposure, and they would find opportunities to "get to know each other" in the future.

As for Feng Tangwei, who was also a candidate this year, she had originally promised to take the entrance exam together, but Bai Qianchun was obviously not suitable to be with Feng Tangwei in her current state, so she had no choice but to reluctantly break the appointment, but she also She wasn't worried that Feng Tangwei would fail the exam. She had done a lot of training before she was born in the Feng family, so after appeasing Feng Tangwei, she still did the same thing, and they would look for opportunities to "get to know each other" after entering the academy.

Di Yan ran and didn't see Bai Qianchun following him. He was annoyed, thinking that after all, he was the one who sold pills to him at a discounted price, so he couldn't ignore it. If he could help, he would be a big help.

Thinking of this, Di Yan slowed down and turned to look for her figure.

Di Yan seized the position in the inner circle, and there was a green belt on the outside. In addition, everyone reacted one after another and started running. Bai Qianchun who stayed in the same place became even more conspicuous. His face suddenly darkened with anger. He yelled at Bai Qianchun, "Hey, what are you doing standing around? Hurry, run."

It's a pity that although the voice was loud, it was drowned out by the noisy crowd of candidates.

Di Yan gritted his teeth, and while he was running and hesitating whether to stop and wait for someone, Bai Qianchun's cold eyes looked at him accurately.

Di Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the figure move. With a few swishes, several white figures flashed among the dense crowd of running candidates. Bai Qianchun arrived at Di Yan's side in almost a few seconds and ran again. Arriving in front of Di Yan.

Bai Qianchun turned back and said expressionlessly, "What are you doing so stupidly? Follow me quickly."

Di Yan suddenly choked, the clown turned out to be me!

The veins on his temples were pulsing. Damn it, where did this running monster come from? He was as fast as a gust of wind!

Then he gritted his teeth, increased his speed, and soon surpassed Bai Qianchun's white figure.

Di Yan was satisfied. He turned his head and was about to say something, when he saw the white figure swishing beside him and overtaking him again.

Okay, Di Yan's damn desire to win came up. His eyes were blazing with fire, and he was suddenly filled with passion. At full power, he once again caught up with the white figure. This time he did not relax and overtook him. Then he ran with all his strength for nearly a minute before looking for Bai Qianchun's white figure.

Who would have thought that just as he turned his head, the white figure passed by him again and jumped forward.

Di Yan:.

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