After several times of overtaking each other, the two of them had overtaken most of the candidates and reached the front line of the candidates running towards the east campus. Di Yan finally understood that this girl was just playing tricks on him. It was obvious that this speed was not difficult for her at all, she was not blushing or out of breath, she didn't even sweat a drop, and she could even run faster, but she slowed down after she passed him. When he overtook her, she speeded up to catch up with him. This was just a joke!

Di Yan panted and waved to her, "Let's go, let's go. I don't need you to wait. I can run by myself."

Bai Qianchun turned her head and glanced at him suspiciously, "I'm not waiting for you. I don't know the road. I haven't done a map guide of the First Military Academy before, so I don't know the road. There are quite a lot of forked roads here."

Moreover, they are as wide as highways. There are three-way intersections, four-way intersections, and even six-way intersections. There are no clear road signs, so it is easy to go the wrong way. Although she is fast, she can't bear to go the wrong way. Road.

Di Yan: Sudden!

The sweaty buddy who was running next to him looked at him sympathetically, oh, you can't be so sentimental, it's such a slap in the face, hiss, it really hurts!

There were also whispers of snickering among the people around who were gasping for breath.

Di Yan's face turned darker.

Bai Qianchun looked serious and looked forward. She was just telling the truth, it was none of her business!

However, the "harmonious atmosphere" created by Di Yan did not last long, and the candidates in the front line entered a tense competitive atmosphere again.

From the moment they entered the First Military Academy, the Star Network live broadcast began simultaneously. Not to mention other people who were paying attention to the school entrance examination, the principal and teachers of the First Military Academy must be paying attention.

Candidates who come to the First Military Academy all have the desire to become famous teachers and students. If they can be directly recognized by a big-shot teacher at the First Military Academy as a disciple, their future path will be dozens of times easier, so from From the moment they entered the campus, they tried their best to show themselves. Even in this preliminary running screening, they had to compete for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the simplest first level.

The person at the front will always be more impressive than the person at the back.

So one or two began to speed up to catch up, trying to crush Bai Qianchun and Di Yan, the two people who had caught up with their front group, back, and let them see the true strength of their front group.

Hey guys, just now they were conserving their energy so that you two could catch up. Now it’s time to show off our true skills!

Naturally, Bai Qianchun and Di Yan could clearly feel the increase in the speed of the front troops. Di Yan gritted his teeth and held his breath to keep up with the large army. He stayed in the middle of the large army and never fell, calling the candidates around him to follow him. I am impressed, he is a strong and perseverant cub!

Looking at the situation of the other girl in white, the candidates hissed twice. This is the real monster. Look, her thin and slender figure fell behind the large army whose overall speed doubled. For the first time, they overtook the most handsome cub in the team ahead of them, Mu Tao, who had always maintained the first place and led the way.

Mu Tao, who had been overtaken by a white figure five times in a row, was heartbroken at this moment. He glanced at Di Yan's thoughts and looked at the girl in white with sorrow and indignation. He asked in his heart whether he was playing tricks on him. Bar? Are you playing with him?

At this time, in the principal's room of the First Military Academy, several principals from other military academies came over.

Several people who looked either young or old sat together drinking tea and watching the live examination of the First Military Academy.

The principal of the First Military Academy, Yu Hai, pushed open the door and walked in. His handsome, mature face was frowning, and he glanced at the people in the office with disgust, "What are you doing here?"

The principal of the Second Military Academy looked over with a smile on his wrinkled face, "I heard that you bought a batch of good tea a few days ago. By chance, let's come over and have some tea together."

Yu Hai turned away with a look of disgust, not looking at his dazzling old face. After closing the door, he walked in and snorted, "What a coincidence. I think you guys are here to poach someone."

The principal of the Second Military Academy laughed and did not deny it. He simply admitted it, "Oh, Lao Yu, you have a clever plan. Hahaha, you are right. We are indeed here to dig out good seeds."

"In the past years, your First Military Academy has taken advantage of you because of the priority of strategic resources. All the good seeds have gone into the pockets of your First Military Academy. Only a few leaked out from the cracks of your fingers and landed on the few below us. Military Academy, but this year is different from previous years. The empire has ceased war, and resources will no longer be tilted toward your First Military Academy. Naturally, the same goes for human resources. Now it is time for our other military academies to step up."

Before Yu Hai could refute, the principal of the Third Military Academy preemptively said, "Don't say no to the people. People from the Ministry of Education have promised us that as long as the people are willing to come with us and go to our military academy, you can The First Military Academy has no right to stop the students. Lao Yu, what matters now is that a hundred flowers bloom, and there is no war overhead. Your First Military Academy's dominance will not be conducive to the students' future growth."

The principals of other military academies also echoed.

"Yes, yes, our military academies are starting to get up this year. Our military academies have also invited mecha manufacturing master Master Avalon as a special professor. I believe many young people with mecha talents are willing to come to our military academies to study. "

"Our military academy also invited Marshal Lin to come and give lectures."

One by one, the principals spoke with passion and saliva, and talked about the efforts made by their military schools for this year. They looked like their teachers were as strong as those of the First Military Academy.

Yu Hai walked to the office chair and sat down, raising his eyelids and watching them spit. Anyway, the First Military Academy is the eternal king. The prestige established by the First Military Academy over the years is not in vain. Good talents will only fall to them in the end. In the pockets of the First Military Academy, only a few things could be dug out, so it was a pleasure for a few old friends to see it leak out from between his fingers.

And what they say is indeed true. Without the pressure of war, it is not a good thing for the First Military Academy to come out on top. Other military academies will catch up, and only with competition can progress be made.

Old God Yu Hai listened to what they had to say and then moved to the live broadcast. Each of them stared at the live broadcast screen and pointed at the live broadcast screen, looking for good seeds everywhere.

"Oh, this little girl from the East Campus is pretty good. She can handle it like this. Well, she has good physical training. She is suitable for the mecha individual soldier department of our Second Military Academy."

"The kid who originally ran first has a bad mentality. A single mecha soldier has to be hit with cannonballs in front of him without blinking an eye. Now he has been surpassed by a female candidate a few times and his mentality has collapsed. Tsk tsk, you still have to practice.”

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