I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 379 Licking the dog until there is nothing left

"The two young men at the front of the West Campus are pretty good too. They are both new faces, and they are on par with the two grandsons of the old man from the Shui family."

"Yes, the two precious grandsons of the Shui family are the treasures of the old man of the Shui family. It is said that they have been able to join the legion to participate in drill competitions since they were young. Their military qualities are extremely sharp and they are more successful than their father who is fighting hard."

"Yo yo yo, the two grandsons of the Shui family were surpassed by that good-looking boy, hahaha. That boy's little tiger teeth are so beautiful, so beautiful!"

"Tsk, tsk, that grandson of the Shui family even used his superpower, I can't bear to be angry. Oh, it's a pity that he didn't hit anyone. That little tiger-tooth boy is so fast and has a keen body, hahaha. That mean smile really impresses me. I'm sorry, old man, I like such a flexible and good young man, Lao Yu, Lao Yu, quickly, find out what this boy's name is, our Second Military Academy is short of such a good young man."

"The cold-faced young man behind him is not bad either. He was sandwiched between the two eldest grandsons of the Shui family who were fighting openly and secretly. He was not affected. He also took this opportunity to overtake him. Overtaken, overtaken, he passed to the first place. position."

"Oh, there's another one coming up. That's the kid from the Sheng family. I think his name is Sheng Nanxin. I heard that this kid made a mistake a year ago and was sent out to mine. Look at his dark face. The boys next to me are all a bit darker, let alone compared to other girls. Hahaha, this boy is also interesting, and he is also wearing an all-black training uniform. If it is night, he, this dark horse, may overtake everyone. People still can’t react.”

The wrinkled old man's face of the principal of the Second Military Academy became even more wrinkled when he smiled.

Several other military academy principals looked in the direction of his gaze with cheerful expressions on their faces. After teasing him for being as black as coal, they even said enthusiastically, "This kid's mining this year has not been in vain."

It's a good thing that Sheng Nanxin wasn't here and didn't hear these remarks, otherwise she would have cried in anger.

Sheng Nanxin was the admirer of the third princess Qin Yushan a year ago. She held a banquet in the Sheng family and deceived Feng Youyu into the Sheng family villa on the pretext that Sheng Beining was ill. The person who was openly scheming was actually the knife in Qin Yushan's hand. , after the incident was discovered, he was not only beaten so severely by Sheng Beining that he couldn't get out of bed for several days, but before his injury healed, he was packed up and sent out to mine by the old man of the Sheng family.

This matter is not a secret in the circle, especially after the true identity of the third princess Qin Yushan was exposed, and the things she had planned before were also exposed under the promotion of her plastic sisters. Sheng Nanxin, as the third princess’s subordinate Knife also has a good reputation in the upper class circle of the main star because of this matter. Of course, he has the reputation of being stupid and licking the dog until he has nothing left.

Several military academy principals brought this matter up and chatted for a while before returning their attention to the live broadcast.

Oops, the person running in front of the West Campus changed again and became Sheng Beiyu of the Sheng family. Like the Shui family, the Sheng family also had two grandsons come to take the exam for the First Military Academy. It seems that the two Sheng family and The two Shui family members were not very easy to deal with. In the blink of an eye, the two sides had secretly attacked each other several times. It was obvious that after the four of them ran to the front line, their speed slowed down, and one of them was wearing tatters. Damn it, a sloppy guy without any training clothes was overtaken.

The eyes of the principals of several military schools lit up again when they saw the sloppy boy, even brighter than when they looked at the candidates with some reputation before.

What does it mean to be a good young man who is slovenly and embarrassed and has not even bought a training suit? It means that he is easy to dig!

As long as they are good at poaching and getting scholarships, no ordinary poor kid can resist the temptation they offer.

As a result, the sloppy boy suddenly became the favorite of the principals of several major military academies.

Then several principals had a war of words over which military academy the boy belonged to.

It was not easy for the sloppy boy to have such a shining moment, but it was a pity that others were not present in person and were chasing after Ye Yang with all their strength.

In addition to these few emerging people, there are several Scuds from the West Campus who are competing for the position of the front team, and the competition has become more intense.

Compared with the West Campus where there are many talents, celebrities, fighting, and outstanding young girls of all kinds emerging in an endless stream, the East Campus is not so intense. The front line is still the front line, except for Bai Qianchun and Di Yan who have caught up before. Besides, there is no other excellent Scud that can catch up.

As for the first place, it is still the same as before, Bai Qianchun and Mu Tao take turns, but everyone can see who the uncrowned king is. If Bai Qianchun didn't know the way, he would have needed a guide, and Mu Tao would have been there long ago. What happened to Tao!

Mu Tao: It’s quite frustrating!

"Look, East Campus is here, I see Building 8."

"I've also seen Building No. 1. Brothers, work harder. We'll be there soon."

A tearful smile appeared on Mu Tao's face. It was finally here. Otherwise, if he continued like this, the shadow cast by the girl in white next to him would affect him for the rest of his life.

While running, Bai Qianchun raised his head and glanced ahead. Several rows of crimson bricks and very artistic teaching buildings appeared in front of them. The walls of each teaching building were thoughtfully inlaid with golden numbers. , "No. 1", "No. 2", "No. 3".

It is built irregularly, but at first glance, the location of the building is very comfortable. It is obviously specially designed. There are flower beds and small lawns under the teaching building for students to walk and relax.

The examination room Building No. 1 that Bai Qianchun was looking for was the first building on the left, and it was the building closest to their track.

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows, pursed her pink lips, and then looked at Mu Tao next to her, "We found the place. Thank you for your guidance. I'll take the first step."

As he said that, the figure swooped past Mu Tao, ran onto the wide road with no one in front of him, and then jumped into the lawn beside the road and entered Building No. 1 in a few moments.

Mu Tao's face was dull and his expression was slightly distorted. Damn, I didn't expect that she would run faster than a rabbit when she ran with all her strength. She had already reached her destination while they were still humming here.

Under the strong contrast, Mu Tao became depressed again.

Di Yan, who was a few steps behind and was still in the middle of the front group, looked at the people who had entered Building 1, and then looked at Mu Tao with more sympathy in his eyes. We were all being fooled at the end of the world, and he understood this brother's sadness!

On the campus live broadcast screen, the people of the empire who were watching the First Military Academy entrance exam slapped the table one after another.

[Domineering CEO Ergouzi: Three minutes, three minutes I want all the information about this woman. 】

[Zhan Tianxia: It’s amazing. The West Campus is wonderful. I jumped into the building one after another. The progress is faster than that of the East Campus. Wow, all the juniors and girls now have Scud. They will enter in the future. Now that we are in a military academy, we have to compare ourselves to seniors and sisters. I hope that the teacher will be a human being and not make us compete with our juniors in running competition, otherwise the seniors and seniors will not be able to save their face. 】

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