[When can I stop making up the exam: ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, hurry up and put your crow's mouth back, frightened face jpg, the teachers are all looking at people in front of the screen, what will happen if a teacher sees you? ! 】

[When will stupid students pass the exam: Very good, the first two students have great ideas. The teacher has seen your suggestions and your hopes. The teacher also understands. Wait for the teacher and I will arrange it for you later. 】

[Zhan Tianxia: Damn it! 】

[When can I stop making up the exam: Damn it! ! 】

[Did I get first place in the exam today: Damn it! ! ! 】

[I am the most handsome guy in the mecha department: Hahahaha, I also think this suggestion is a good one. Those of us who are seniors and seniors really need to give some advice to our juniors. 】

[Borrow from the sky for another five hundred years: Oh, that’s right. Although our mecha manufacturing department can’t compete with the juniors and juniors in Scud, we can compete with the mecha manufacturing. Don’t worry, the seniors and seniors will definitely take good care of them. Care for the younger students. 】

The students of the First Military Academy in the live barrage area were blown away one by one, and the scattered onlookers who were quickly crushed retreated and occupied the C position of the barrage.

The teachers of the mecha individual soldier department and the mecha manufacturing major department smiled and looked satisfied. Not bad, the students in their major departments are ambitious. As for those students who were frightened and shouted "fuck" Which department is it from? Those are definitely not students from their two departments. None of the students from their departments are cowards!

As for the teachers in other departments, they gritted their teeth and stared at the barrage shouting "fuck". They wanted to get in and dig out these students wearing vests. It was embarrassing. It was really embarrassing. After all, they were admitted to the First Military Academy. Students, how can they be so worthless? Why are they left here if they don't even have the courage to compete with the freshmen? Damn it, King Tianliang!

As the live broadcast was going on inside the car and the live broadcast was bustling outside, Bai Qianchun had arrived at Room 308, Building 1, which was a spacious space that could accommodate a hundred people.

[Ding dong—Please take candidate No. 19005 Bai Qianchun to sit in the first seat in the first row on the left. There are still three minutes until the exam starts. Candidates are asked to take a break and prepare for the literary test. 】

Bai Qianchun listened to the mechanical sound of loudspeakers coming from the classroom. She raised her eyes and glanced around the classroom. Inside were white tables and white chairs. The tables and chairs were the simplest bare boards. She just waited. Only after Bai Qianchun sat down did she understand the key.

She could feel the comfort of the chair as soon as she sat down. Even though it was hard, it still did not affect the comfort of human body mechanics. Bai Qianchun leaned back on the chair, and her bones suddenly felt a little sluggish in comfort.

Then a light buzzing sound sounded, and four transparent blue walls suddenly lit up in all directions around her, rising from the ground to surround her position.

There was also a ticking sound above the white table in front, and a blue light screen, which was smaller than the table, unfolded out of thin air. On it, word by word, was typed out: Candidate No. 19005 Bai Qianchun, confirmed, please prepare for the exam.

In the upper right corner of the screen is an exam countdown time [00:02:46]

The next second, when the exam countdown jumped to two minutes and forty-five seconds, a second person finally appeared at the door of the classroom.

It was Mu Tao who was panting.

Bai Qianchun subconsciously looked up.

One person is sitting in the classroom, and the other person is standing at the door of the classroom, looking at each other.

Mu Tao wiped the sweat from his face and focused his eyes on Bai Qianchun's face. He took another look at her familiar white training uniform with a red belt, and his eyes gradually became frightened.

Bai Qianchun saw six words from his eyes: Damn, the ghost is still here!

Bai Qianchun:

Okay, it seems that the effect of the facial mask on reducing the presence is not very effective. As long as the clothes are not changed, people will be able to recognize her in minutes.

But for this matter, Bai Qianchun really blamed Yi Rongdan wrongly. Mu Tao really didn't recognize her at first sight. He couldn't see his face while running just now. It's difficult to recognize someone by their face!

So he was judged by his clothes, and Mu Tao was the second one to run into the building before other candidates. Who else could run in front of him and already be seated? I guessed that Bai Qianchun was the one. Isn't that the examinee who played tricks on him several times and almost made him depressed?

Fortunately, Mu Tao's troubled look only lasted three seconds before he pretended that nothing happened and walked to the first seat in the second row to the right of Bai Qianchun, just across the aisle from her.

Just like Bai Qianchun, not long after he sat down, the blue transparent walls rose up to surround his entire position. Bai Qianchun glanced at the words on the blue screen interface in front of his desk. A state of total ambiguity.

I understand, these four transparent blue walls are a good isolation wall to prevent prying into other people's answers.

When Bai Qianchun looked over at him, Mu Tao subconsciously sat up straight, with a straight back and a look on his face that said, "I'm serious, don't even think about chatting with me."

In fact, he was giving himself psychological counseling in his mind: It's okay, it's okay, just keep an eye on her, her nose, her nose, her nose, her heart, what others are doing, if she can't run, then she won't be ranked, this literary test is the official test .

He studied the questions until he vomited. He often took the simulated exam on Xingwang for ten days, taking a major test and a small test every day. He prepared well for the exam. He believed that there was no question that could fail him in the literary test. Yes, he would definitely surpass her in the literary test. I'm afraid of her!

After all this mental construction, Mu Tao's expression calmed down, and the stone that was weighing on his heart was lifted. His heart suddenly became brighter, and he felt a hundred times more energetic. Then he looked at the countdown on the screen, with a face full of confidence. I am eager to try and can't wait to start the exam right now.

Bai Qianchun was idle and bored, turning her head to watch his change of expression. Now she saw him standing tall and fighting high, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

Coincidentally, she is quite confident in herself. If she wants to graduate and join the legion as soon as possible, she must show her true ability. As long as she is good enough and has talents and endurance that far exceed others, she will not worry about not being able to be like the Fengyou back then. Like Yu and Sheng Beining, they graduated early or were scrambled to join the legion early while they were still in school.

Then, another minute passed, and as the exam was about to begin, there was movement again in the classroom, and the third and fourth people came in one after another.

There are also several familiar faces, who were members of the previous frontline troops.

They glanced at Bai Qianchun, then at Mu Tao, the first person in the second row, and immediately recognized Bai Qianchun, and then a few pairs of eyes looked at Bai Qianchun more. Diudiu was in awe.

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