I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 381 The Literary Examination Begins

Bai Qianchun raised her lips to them in a friendly manner, making them shrink their heads in horror and look at the line. Then they looked away and sat up straight in their seats.

The time is coming!

Mu Tao looked at their cowardly behavior and felt disgusted. They were really worthless!

Then he quickly sat up straight and stared at the screen in front of his desk with his eyes. The time countdown in the upper right corner of the screen had reached [00; 00; 00], and it was time for the exam.

At this point, more than half of the people in Classroom 308, where Bai Qianchun is located, have arrived, and at least forty more people have not arrived within the scheduled fifteen minutes.

Then the mechanical horn sounded without hesitation, and the familiar ding-dong sound came.

[Ding dong - the exam time has begun. Candidates please prepare for the literary test. The literary test lasts for three hours and has a total of 2,000 questions, including humanities, history, machinery, mecha, medicinal materials, medical care, materials, mathematics, etc. etc., comprehensive all-rounder, all subjects, the questions are divided into three categories: multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and large-scale questions. Each multiple-choice question is worth 1 point, each fill-in-the-blank question is worth 5 points, and each big question is worth 20 points. The total score is 3550 points, passing points are 1800 points. If you pass, you can enter the next martial arts test. The test score ranking list is in the upper right corner of the screen. Candidates can check it at any time. The top ten in the literary test will have priority in the next martial arts test. 】

[Note: The First Military Academy wants hard-working students with real talents and preparation, so remember not to whisper to each other during the exam. If anyone is found to be cheating, he or she will be immediately disqualified from the exam. The exam starts now, time is entering Exam countdown, 03:00:00]

After the announcement in the classroom, the school-wide announcement also sounded, [Ding dong—candidates who have not yet entered the examination room, please enter the examination room as soon as possible. The literary test has begun. If candidates have not entered the designated examination room within ten minutes, the examination will be cancelled. Qualification, now starts the ten-minute countdown, the remaining time is nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds, nine minutes and fifty-seven seconds.]

The countdown sounds outside the classroom all the time like a curse. The candidates who were still running the marathon outside suddenly felt extremely anxious. They were anxious and out of breath. The double pressure of psychological and physical strength cast a shadow on their hearts. A huge shadow.

Some people are panicked, some are anxious, and some grit their teeth and refuse to give up, trying their best to make the final sprint.

The seniors and seniors of the First Military Academy who were ordered not to come out of the dormitory building looked at the candidates who were still running on the road and sweating. They expressed emotion, "Look at the juniors and seniors, and suddenly realized that our previous entrance examination was really... So happy."

"Yes, when we first came to take the liberal arts exam, there was no such thing as a marathon. There was an automatic navigation to help us take us to the exam point. Now, look at it now. Before the liberal arts exam even started, a small person came to meet us. The test was a critical hit as soon as it came."

"Hey, it seems I wasn't being alarmist before. This year's entrance exam has really become much more difficult. After passing the exam and qualifying for admission, they have to pay their own way. It's so cruel! Fortunately, I took the exam last year."

In the Fanchun Hotel, the couple from the Xu family breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the three children already seated in their seats during the live broadcast.

Aunt Huang: "I didn't expect that the child Xiaochun would be the first to sit in the seat. I was afraid that she would be weak physically as a girl, but now it seems that our son is the weakest among the three of them. .”

Xu's father also nodded seriously, "If I had known, I would have asked Xiao Can to practice more with his brother, even if he didn't practice physical training techniques, it would have been better to practice fighting skills."

Seeing the crowd of talents on the live broadcast, his son's echelon on the west campus was pushed to the middle, and Xu's father was also worried.

Aunt Huang comforted him, "Don't be in a hurry, just arrive at the exam location on time. The next literary test is our son's strong point. He usually reads a lot of books, so there will definitely be no problem in the literary test."

Father Xu nodded, and then clicked on the separate live broadcast room in the classroom where Bai Qianchun and Di Yan were located. Along with Xu Can, the three live broadcast room screens appeared in the room and they watched together.

Aunt Huang was watching the live broadcast while peeling the fruit. She glanced at the live broadcast room where Di Yan was sitting, and felt worried, "Di Yan's grandmother has told me that her eldest grandson doesn't like to study. I don't know that he is like this." How about the palindrome test?"

"This is indeed a problem. The literary test is not easy."

The two of them felt uneasy, but the three people in the live broadcast room had officially entered the exam state with serious faces.

Bai Qianchun looked at the questions that popped up on the screen, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. They were all the types of questions in the question bank that she had seen this year. Although there were some changes, it was a change of soup rather than medicine. She moved and adjusted. With a comfortable posture, you pick up the reading pen beside you and start answering questions on the virtual screen.

Brushing, brushing, her beautiful and cold phoenix eyes twinkled, her movements were light, and she wrote with energy. She almost completed a multiple-choice question with just one glance, and then turned to the next page, and the next page, and the next page.

There are a total of 2,000 questions, and the time is only 3 hours. If she wants to complete them all, she must complete more than 660 questions per hour, and at least 11 questions per minute. This does not include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions and big questions. If the questions need to be distinguished, the fill-in-the-blank questions will definitely take longer than the multiple-choice questions, and the answer to the big questions will definitely take longer, otherwise you will not be worth 20 points for each question.

Therefore, the previous multiple-choice questions must be answered quickly, and the faster the better, otherwise there will be less time left for fill-in-the-blank questions and big questions, especially the big questions. Although it accounts for at least fifty questions, in the large number of 2000 questions It only accounts for one-fortieth of the question, but its weight reaches nearly one-third. It occupies a large proportion and must not be underestimated. Sufficient time must be reserved for these big questions.

In this way, it is necessary to shorten the time for multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions. One second is the best for multiple-choice questions. Bai Qianchun's mind is precise and smart, and his brain that has gone through countless question banks can do this.

Moreover, while answering questions, she also saw many multiple-choice questions that were exactly the same as those in the question bank, which greatly reduced her thinking time. In addition, turning pages was smooth and smooth, and she could answer two questions in one second without any lag. questionable.

There are many people in the same situation as her. There are many smart people in this star, and some of them have been learning this knowledge since they were young. They are more prepared than Bai Qianchun, who has only been in the star for two years and has only one year to prepare for the exam. They have solved more questions, done more questions, and have richer knowledge storage. These are advantages that Bai Qianchun cannot match.

So even though Bai Qianchun came here to be first and was working hard on the questions right now, it wouldn't be that easy to widen the gap with them and come out on top.

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