Bai Qianchun was not in the expectant mood of the principals and live broadcast viewers at this time. She was frowning, staring at the blue screen in front of her that was still displaying the title. The brows on her face were tightly furrowed and she did not let go for a long time.

It was she who underestimated this literary test. These questions really covered astronomy and geography at the top and humanistic knowledge at the bottom. They also extended to mecha repair, medical treatment, superpower training, etc. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is inclusive of all rivers.

She had gone through the first military academy's literary test question bank in the past ten years, but none of the questions were as tricky as this time. It could be said that the difficulty was increased by five stars, and some even set up small traps. For example, several of the questions were from the library. The question looks exactly the same at first glance, but in fact, two or a few words have been slightly changed, but it is enough to make the question completely different from the original answer in the question bank. In high-intensity and high-speed practice, It's easy to fall into such a small trap.

If Bai Qianchun hadn't sharpened his eyesight due to acupuncture, he would have been fooled by this little trap.

That's not all, there will also be some memory questions in the multiple choice questions.

What are memory questions?

For example, if you are answering the questions very hard, a question will pop up and ask, "How many questions about the use of mechas have you done in the previous questions?"

Bai Qianchun:

How to deal with such a question? No matter how good her brain is, assuming she has a photographic memory, she still has to pull out her memory and look through it, and then count how many questions she has encountered. .

In this way, time will be wasted.

Memory questions like this are so disgusting. It's better to just do a calculation question that requires many steps. At least with Bai Qianchun's mental arithmetic ability, no matter how many steps there are, it will be faster than recalling the memory questions again.

The most important thing is that memory questions like this will pop up from time to time among the multiple choice questions, and they will appear from time to time to disgust people.

Even Bai Qianchun had to admit that there was something a little ruthless about the literary test at the First Military Academy.

In the end, I had no choice but to waste my time, so I had to choose memory questions like this with my eyes closed. If asked about medical questions, she would be impressed, but if asked about mechas and machinery, she would be impressed. Yes, Bai Qianchun is really not sharp enough to answer the question.

In addition, the multiple-choice questions will also involve some in-depth questions, such as how to repair mechas in depth? What special parts are needed?

This is an in-depth expansion of the original basic knowledge that needs to be learned. People who have not studied the mecha major in advance cannot answer it.

In addition, it also involves matters related to medical treatment. It is probably because the medicine pills of Muyuanxing have been so popular in the past year. There are many topics about medical treatment and pills, and they are even somewhat frequent. This is This gave Bai Qianchun an advantage. She couldn't do the in-depth expansion questions on mecha machinery maintenance, but how could she, the original founder, not know the in-depth expansion questions on Yaowanzi Medical!

So she answered these questions quite smoothly.

Of course, in addition to the in-depth expansion questions on mecha and medical science, there are also in-depth expansion questions for other majors, such as history, conducting department, music department, etc.

It can be seen that although the First Military Academy is very tricky with the questions this time, and the difficulty is several times more difficult than the admissions test in previous years, and is trying its best to screen out a large number of candidates, it also gives opportunities to those who are in a certain field. On the one hand, he is an extremely outstanding student.

In short, after completing 1,500 multiple-choice questions, the originally ambitious and high-spirited candidates became a little tired.

Bai Qianchun was no exception and suffered some blows.

She frowned and thought, out of the fifteen hundred multiple-choice questions, she could only guarantee that a thousand of them would get points at most, but the other five hundred questions were ambiguous, or even chosen at random, just by chance. Let’s see if she’s lucky enough.

This was completely different from her previous expectation of a complete victory against all opponents and a massive killing spree!

Bai Qianchun pursed her lips, and subconsciously clicked on the test score ranking list on the right with a feeling of depression in her heart, and opened another small screen to spread it out.

Candidate test score ranking:

First place: Sheng Beiyu, candidate number: 03, score: 1320 points;

Second place: Shui Weiqian, candidate number: 10, score: 1310 points;

Third place: Bai Qianchun, candidate number: 19005, score: 1299 points;

Fourth place: Shui Weiyi, candidate number: 01, score: 1280 points;

Fifth place: Xu Can, candidate number: 19003, score: 1110 points;

Sixth place: Mu Tao, candidate number: 11, score 1009 points;

Seventh place: Jian Yang, candidate number: 1319, score: 1001 points:

Bai Qianchun scanned the top ten with one glance and breathed a sigh of relief. She was not too bad, ranked third.

It seems that out of the more than 400 ambiguous questions that can be chosen at will, more than 200 of them are correct, which is pretty good luck.

Looking at Sheng Beiyu, who ranked first, the difference between her and her scores was only 21 points, which was not a big gap. This showed that these questions that were somewhat difficult for Bai Qianchun were difficult for other candidates. It’s also quite difficult.

This puts her at ease.

After a quick glance, Bai Qianchun calmed down and continued to look at the next fill-in-the-blank questions.

The one hundred and fifty fill-in-the-blank questions still follow the same torture method as the multiple-choice questions. The basics are the easiest in the front, and the middle starts to become more difficult. The next fifty questions also expand and deepen the special nouns in certain fields. Those who don’t learn Understand a remote and rare term that a professional cannot answer.

Bai Qianchun sighed slightly, forget it, the ideal is an ideal, but the reality is skinny. She has a good understanding of in-depth professional and rare terms related to medicine. After Mu Yuanxing's in-depth exploration of the medical pharmacy industry that year , coupled with the exchanges between a group of "older students" from the Pharmacists Association, she is already considered a top expert in the medical field.

She knew all these in-depth and rare terms in the medical field, but she was more than enough to answer a few medical-related fill-in-the-blank questions.

However, apart from the medical field, she didn't know much about other in-depth questions. Except for the military command department she wanted to apply for, she had read a few books in depth beforehand. She could still answer a few questions, half-guessing and half-guessing. She had to fill in the blanks in this area, but she could hardly figure out other in-depth questions about history, mechas, etc., but she couldn't just rely on luck like multiple-choice questions, so she could only skip them blankly.

Fill in the answers to what he knew, and skip over what he didn't know, never giving in. So Bai Qianchun quickly completed one hundred and fifty fill-in-the-blank questions, leaving only fifty major questions.

But she also didn't have much time left, so she hurried and hurried, three hours passed quickly, and now there was less than an hour left.

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