The candidates who were asked about fifty questions were equally tortured and wanted to live and die. The same pattern, the same rules, the same progression from easy to difficult, hey!

The candidates in the examination room felt very sad and exclaimed that the person who asked the questions was really tricky. They almost cried when they answered the questions. People outside the examination room, after getting the examination questions and scanning them with interest, also said that the questions were so scary. Hey, the teacher who came up with the question is so stupid!

Especially the seniors of the First Military Academy who were still locked in the dormitory and not allowed to go out, they all shed a few drops of crocodile tears for the juniors who were trying hard to get into the First Military Academy.

It's tragic, it's really tragic. It's really difficult for the juniors and girls of this class!

Look at what the question teachers asked, in-depth expansion questions. The sophomores and seniors stared at it, and the juniors and seniors were also shocked. This is not them. Is it new content that was just taught in class some time ago?

Just put it directly into the test questions of the academic exam?

The seniors and seniors seriously doubted that their teachers did not want to accept students anymore. How many people had to be screened out in such a big wave? It was simply not at the same level as their entrance exam.

The fact was just as they thought, the three hours came quickly, and nearly half of the candidates were cut off by the big waves.

After the time expired, some people's faces were pale and their eyes were dull, as if they had lost their souls; some people were in pain and wailing; some people had calm expressions and looked stable.

Although Bai Qianchun was not one of the three, she still looked a little bad. This time the exam was really difficult. It was so difficult that she felt a little wilted.

But she is guaranteed to pass the liberal arts exam.

She did not leave in a hurry. Instead, she sat in her original position and looked at the ranking list of candidates. She had not had time to look carefully while answering questions before, but now she had time.

Except for a few candidates who were already sure that they would fail the exam and began to break down and cry, the other candidates, like her, stayed where they were after the time expired, and then immediately opened the ranking list to look for their names and scores.

Bai Qianchun finally scored 2530 points. She broke out at the last moment and answered a big medical-related question correctly. She pocketed all 20 points without losing a single point. Then she overtook Shui Weiqian who was in front of her and sat down. Got into second place.

Ranked first is still Sheng Beiyu, with a total score of 2540, a full 10 points higher than Bai Qianchun, which made Bai Qianchun a lot more interested in him.

Sheng Beiyu, as soon as he heard this name, he knew that this should be Sheng Beining's biological brother. However, he didn't know much about him, Bai Qianchun. We only knew that he was famous for his talent at a young age. Even in the dream, "Bai Qianchun" "I haven't seen him either. He seems to have stayed in the First Military Academy and is a top student.

That's all she knew. She didn't know any other information about Sheng Beiyu.

As for the third place, it was Shui Weiqian who was squeezed out by her at the last moment. There was only two points between him and Bai Qianchun. This person must be very angry now. After all, the second place was almost his. , the difference between the third place and the runner-up is still there.

What they didn't expect was that at the last moment, Xu Can, who was originally ranked fifth, actually broke out at the last moment and moved up one place, pushing Shui Weiyi, who had always thought that the fourth position was stable, to The fifth position is gone, which is really shocking.

It's surprising that Bai Qianchun can surpass Shui Weiqian, but Xu Can can't surpass Shui Weiyi. Within three hours, Bai Qianchun and Shui Weiqian always took turns to sit in the second place. This means that Bai Qianchun was also in contention, so she made a last-minute comeback, overtaking Shui Weiqian and climbing into second place. Although it was surprising, it was not too shocking.

But Xu Can and Shui Weiyi are different. Because the positions of the top four are extremely stable, the onlookers have already tacitly understood that the top four are those four people. However, Xu Can, who has been wandering around fifth and sixth, unexpectedly At the last moment, he suddenly overtook Shui Weiyi and climbed to the fourth place, which surprised everyone!

Suddenly, Xu Can's hot discussion surpassed that of Bai Qianchun, and everyone even went to Xu Can's live broadcast review to see how he quickly accumulated dozens of points to surpass Shui Weiyi at the last moment.

Now that the signal was back, Bai Qianchun looked at the lively barrage on Xingwang and the live broadcast room. He felt a little curious and looked at it a few more times.

Then she continued to look at the test score ranking list of candidates.

Ye Yang did not disappoint her and also advanced into the top ten list, becoming seventh with a score of 2470 points.

Next is Jian Yang, ranked fifteenth with a score of 2330 points, followed by Leng Xiao who is ranked twenty-fifth with a score of 2200 points;

Bai Qianchun squinted her eyes and continued to scroll down the list.

Feng Tangwei ranked 26th, just below Leng Xiao, with a score of 2199 points;

There was also Quan Lang, whom they met in the hotel and came over with. Bai Qianchun also checked his score. He was ranked 293rd with a score of 1990 points;

Later, at the 783rd position, Bai Qianchun finally found Di Yan's score, 1890 points, which was 90 points higher than the passing score, which was considered a low score.

The rankings continue to slide down, and dozens of people below have scores that overlap and rank in the same ranking. Especially when the passing score is close to 1800 points, there are especially many candidates who have rescored.

But that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the rankings overlap. As long as you pass the exam, it will be fine. Except for the top 100 students who will get some glory because they are on the list, those at the back will not care about the glory or not. , the ranking is not the same, the most important thing is to pass the next martial arts test.

A very typical example is Di Yan.

He wiped his sweat after coming out of the examination room. He was quite happy after passing more than 700 exams. He even saw Bai Qianchun grinning at her when she walked out of Building 1, showing her big white teeth and smiling very happily. , sweeping away the irritable temper before entering the examination room.

Bai Qianchun walked over and looked at him, then walked over quickly with an expressionless face, "Let's go, let's wait for Xu Can at the school gate."

"Yes." Di Yan put his hands in his pockets, looking bohemian, and responded with a smile on his lips, saying he had no objection. But just when he was about to turn around, his steps suddenly stopped. He glanced sharply in the direction behind Bai Qianchun and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Bai Qianchun asked suspiciously.

Di Yan narrowed his eyes and raised his chin in the direction behind her, "Someone is staring at you."

Bai Qianchun turned her head and glanced behind her, her eyes falling on Mu Tao who had just walked out of Building 1. This man must have been ranked twelfth after looking at the candidate rankings.

Bai Qianchun nodded to him distantly, with a faint smile on her cold lips. Then she looked away and said to Di Yan beside her, "Let's go. It's just that a competitor who can't compare with me is unwilling to give up. There is no threat."

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