Bai Qianchun, who still didn't know that she was being watched, was browsing the Star Network in her room, watching the excitement and eating melon with gusto.

She had known for a long time that the Fourth Prince was interfering in the Congress. No matter who was behind the explosion of Star Network civilians and for what interests, it was a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

Now that the matter has been exposed, in order to appease the common people, the Congress will definitely be purged, and the civilian representatives in the Congress will be more carefully selected. It is impossible for anyone to try to put people in it in a short time.

In this way, there are many people who may be behind this matter. The possibility of the imperial prince Qin Yuchen, who is regarded as the enemy by the fourth prince Qin Yurun, is the first to bear the brunt of the possibility. After all, there is no room for others to sleep on the side of the bed. Qin Yurun is jumping up and down to seize power. , the one who suffered the most direct impact on interests was Qin Yuchen, and he had enough reasons to take action;

In addition, there is the Lin family, the power of the fifth prince. They have been at odds with the Shen family for a long time. This plan will lower the reputation of the fourth prince. This will give the fifth prince an opportunity, so there is no possibility that the Lin family is responsible. Low;

After that, there are the Shui family, the Sheng family, and even the Feng family. Because there are four princes, the Shen family has been getting up and shaking recently, and it has threatened their family's status. They have taken action to weaken the Shen family's power. possible.

Bai Qianchun pursed her lips and thought, while talking to Feng Youyu across from her about her speculation.

Now that she has arrived at the main star and is in it, this time she was caught off guard and became the trigger of a power dispute. Therefore, although she did not actively participate in the chess game, she took the initiative to analyze the chess game.

Whether it's chess or the path she's going to take, it's not a bad thing to prepare early.

Feng Youyu cleaned up his slovenly appearance in the afternoon after not taking a shower for several days. He shaved and took a shower. At the moment, he was wearing a loose black satin pajamas and lazily leaning on the bedside. His black hair was Stained with moisture, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes looked at the person on the screen opposite, with a lazy smile on his thin lips.

"You guessed it right. Qin Yurun and the Shen family probably guessed the same way. However, my cousin and the Feng family definitely didn't take action. We are busy and have no time to play with Qin Yurun's idiot jumping up and down. If my cousin takes action, That's a thunderous critical strike, which directly knocks people to the bottom. It won't just cut people's hair and peel them like this, and it won't even hurt their muscles and bones."

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows, "You mean, the public opinion on this matter will subside soon?"

Feng Youyu's lips curled up slightly, looking at her pretty little head with admiration, "Well, the conflict between civilians and nobles has always existed in the empire. The people who instigated this time to use force to attack Qin Yurun are just those few families, but they are also Nobles, it will not do them any good if this matter gets too big, so after the matter on the Congress side is resolved, this matter on the Star Network will soon be suppressed."

Bai Qianchun nodded understandingly.

After that, Feng Youyu mentioned Marshal Di again, "I can invite him to come over for a marshal meeting in the name of my grandfather. Then you go with me. Maybe you can gain his trust and help him cure his illness." It will be easier for you to take over the Ninth Legion in the future."

Bai Qianchun smiled and shook her head, "No need, I have a better way to get close to him and treat him without making people suspicious."

Feng Youyu's expression became serious, "What can we do?"

Bai Qianchun curled her lips and smiled, "The Muyuan Star farming game was launched two days ago. You can let people in your legion play together. If you pass the test, you will be given free pills."

Feng Youyu's eyes lit up, "I will definitely let those monkey boys come to support me. A few days ago, we went to explore the void area of ​​the universe where there is no signal, and we also encountered a group of interstellar pirates. I haven't had time to read the news from you. .”

Bai Qianchun's eyes flashed, "The universe is empty without signals? Cut off all contact with the outside world. Are you going to test the group of people who are most likely to have problems?"

Feng Youyu narrowed her peach blossom eyes fondly, "I really can't hide anything from you. We are indeed going to test the last group of people. I was just planning to tell you about it. Some of them drank the red silk cell attractant. Something’s not right.”

Bai Qianchun became serious, "What's going on? What's wrong?"

Feng Youyu gathered up his open nightgown, and his face became more serious, and even showed a solemn look, "A few of them had splitting headaches after drinking the attractant, and they looked very painful, which is the same as when His Highness the Prince drank it." The appearance of the attractant was very similar, but different. After a painful struggle, those people showed some orcish characteristics on their bodies, such as orangutan hair, which was black and hard and grew in different parts. There was even a beastly roar coming from his throat.”

With such an obvious feature, Feng Youyu became even more convinced of Bai Qianchun's original speculation that the red silk cells were probably related to the Orc Empire.

Bai Qianchun also frowned, with a surprised expression on his face.

As far as she knew, red thread cells did not have the effect of making people have orcish characteristics, but the abnormal characteristics that appeared after drinking the attractant meant that the abnormalities in those people's bodies were indeed inseparable from the red thread cells.

Could it be an evolved version of red filament cells?

"What about those people now? I have to take the martial arts exam tomorrow and I can't get away."

Feng Youyu comforted her, "Don't be so anxious. You take the exam first. We haven't returned to the main star yet. We won't arrive in a few days. As for those people who can't die yet, I've asked people to prepare a big healing pill. Now they have nothing but They have a splitting headache, and despite the orcish characteristics appearing on their bodies, their lives are still guaranteed, and the situation seems to be improving and easing. As long as they no longer give them attractants, their situation should be stable."

"That's good." Bai Qianchun breathed a sigh of relief and was a little curious at the same time, wanting to study the evolved red silk cells.

After talking about the business, Feng Youyu's face softened again, "Okay, it's time for you to go to sleep. You have a martial arts test tomorrow, so go to bed early to regain your energy."

Bai Qianchun raised her eyes and glanced at him, and yawned subconsciously. Watery tears appeared in her eyes, softening her face that was particularly cold after taking the Yi Yong Dan. Her whole person became much more well-behaved. Feng Youyu's eyes became softer and softer.

She snorted softly and said hello to him, "Okay, I'm going to bed. You seem to be very tired looking like that, so you should go to bed early."

"Yeah." Feng Youyu's thin lips opened in a silly manner, and a low laughter escaped from her throat. She was in a good mood, she took the initiative to care about him, and her efforts to please him this year were not in vain.

He firmly believed that he would never lick the dog until there was nothing left, as Yao Wenxian said, he would definitely have everything after licking it until the end.

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