At dawn the next day, Bai Qianchun, Xu Can, Di Yan and Quan Lang gathered in the hotel lobby.

Quan Lang came over with a gossipy look on his handsome face, "Have you heard about what happened on the Star Network yesterday?"

Di Yan glanced at him, his unruly face showing some interest, "Congress matters?"

Quan Lang's eyes were shining and he nodded cheerfully, "Yes, yes, that's it. I heard that the Congress was thoroughly investigated and purged last night, and all the people who were originally placed there were kicked out in despair. , instead of the civilians who were originally replaced, those little nobles who rolled down the stage in dejection will have to suffer a lot."

When he said this, he did not hide his gloating at all.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Miss Bai's popularity. Otherwise, why would this matter have become such a big fuss and have the superiors handle it overnight?" Quan Lang sighed with emotion.

Xu Can's shy and gentle face wrinkled up now, and he glanced at him disapprovingly, "Brother Quan, this happened premeditatedly, and it's none of Miss Bai's business."

Di Yan also reacted quickly, frowning and nodding, "Yes, what does the important matter of the empire have to do with an ordinary candidate?"

Don't say this nonsense. If the Fourth Prince's people hear it, it will bring trouble to Bai Qianchun.

Quan Lang saw the two of them looking more serious than the other, and immediately realized that what he said was inappropriate. He quickly turned his head and looked around for a few times. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was paying attention to them, and then felt embarrassed. He apologized angrily to Bai Qianchun, "I, I, didn't think so much. I'm sorry, I almost got you in trouble."

Bai Qianchun didn't have any sense of crisis. She just said lightly, "It doesn't matter. Let's go to the First Military Academy first. The exam time is coming soon."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and go to the military academy." Quan Lang responded quickly, holding on to the embarrassment on his face, and then quickly turned around and walked out of the hotel, trying to prove that as long as I ran fast, embarrassment could not catch up with my fantasy. , but unexpectedly, when he was approaching the revolving glass door of the hotel, someone suddenly jumped out. Quan Lang, who had just turned his head, didn't have time to react, and his eyes widened in surprise before he collided with the person who jumped out.

Under the influence of the rebound force, the two people immediately staggered a few times in the opposite direction.

The man opposite Quan Lang was even worse. He hit the revolving glass door of the hotel with a loud squeak.

Everyone passing by looked over.

"Master Zhou, Master Zhou, are you okay?" A group of people behind him came running over and shouted anxiously, suppressing the apology that Quan Lang was about to blurt out after he stood firm.

Di Yan's ears twitched and he looked towards the person who was being slapped against the revolving glass door. Sure enough, he saw the familiar gloomy face and his originally slicked-back hair swaying down, giving him a good image of a noble young master. Nothing. Suddenly he couldn't hold back the smile on his face, pfft——

Zhou Lang threw away the follower who came to hold his arm. His face was ugly, and he walked towards Bai Qianchun and others angrily. His eyes were burning. He didn't look at Quan Lang, the person who collided with him. Instead, he directed all his anger at Di Yan. Go, "Di Yan, if you have the guts, just fight with me openly. What are you doing by sending a henchman to hit me? Huh, when did you Di Yan become so unscrupulous and secretly do something small? I tell you, you want to destroy me." No way, sooner or later my father will take over your father's position, and sooner or later you will be trampled under my feet."

Quan Lang: What a bitch? ? ?

Is this talking about him?

I'm afraid this kid has some serious mental illness. Is he as handsome and suave as a bitch?

Quan Lang felt indignant and couldn't say what he wanted to say to apologize. Besides, it wasn't entirely his fault that such an accident happened. Although he turned around a little anxiously, in the final analysis, it was the kid who made the mistake himself. It was too fast and too sudden, and it hit him directly. After that, his skinny little body was not heavy enough, and the lower body was not stable enough. He was bounced against the glass revolving door and went up. What does it have to do with him, an ordinary handsome guy? Son!

Quan Lang decided not to apologize.

Di Yan frowned and looked at Zhou Lang with an unhappy expression, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

He said he was okay. Anyway, Zhou Lang had never said anything nice since he was a child. He had long been used to it. But he said his dad was not good, especially since his dad had an accident before. Uncle Zhou, who he originally thought was kind and amiable, was even more... It was because he had turned against others a while ago and wanted to force his father to give up his position. His father had given up all the brotherly love for Uncle Zhou.

Neither father nor son of the Zhou family are good people.

Thinking like this, Di Yan's mood gradually became violent, his fists clenched loudly, his eyes became fierce, and he wanted to punch Zhou Lang's arrogant and proud face.

But before he took action, Bai Qianchun held his shoulder with one hand. She glanced around the lobby with her dark eyes. She looked at a few muscular people for two seconds, and then spoke in a cold voice. Ran said, "Don't start a conflict here. It's not worth wasting time on such a person. The martial arts test in a while is more important."

Di Yan's body stiffened, and the anger in his heart seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Then he looked at Zhou Lang, who looked across from him and said, "Hit me, hit me." He frowned and took several deep breaths to calm down.

Bai Qianchun reminded him that Zhou Lang must be surrounded by people who protect him. It would not be a good thing for him to have a conflict with him now. If those people took advantage of the chaos and attacked him, he would be injured. Not being able to pass the First Military Academy exam would be more of a loss than a gain for him.

Now his father can't protect himself, and it's difficult to protect himself anymore. Only by entering the First Military Academy and having the First Military Academy to protect him can he not be a burden to his father and make those people scrupulous and not do anything to him.

So now it is a top priority for him to enter the First Military Academy.

Di Yan thought to himself, and shouted angrily at Zhou Lang in front of him, "Zhou Lang, how dare you open your mouth to frame people, benevolent people see kindness, and adulterers see adultery, do you really think that I can't do it alone like you?" You're doing something behind the scenes. Who knew that person was you when you popped out just now? I don't care about scheming against you. Huh, forget it. You don't have to quibble. You and I know the truth. I'm too lazy to tell you. Waste your words, get out of the way, we’re going to take the exam.”

With that said, Di Yan walked over directly without turning around, knocking Zhou Lang who was blocking the front and staggering, and walked out the door in a swagger.

Quan Lang and Xu Can saw this and hurriedly followed.

Bai Qianchun glanced at Zhou Lang, who had blue veins popping out on his forehead in anger, jumping up and down, and cursing and venting behind Di Yan's back. He shook his head inwardly. The temper of this irritable Sky Monkey was not very good. He would explode at the slightest moment. Like a man capable of great things!

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