[2: Candidates are not allowed to change the examination room in any way during the transportation of the flying boat. Candidates can go to other examination rooms across regions after they are dropped off at the examination room; ]

[3: The same material boxes will be placed in each examination room, and candidates are asked to obtain them according to their ability;]

[Four: The martial arts test lasts for ten days, and no early withdrawal is allowed. 】

[5: Candidates with different majors have different tasks. Candidates with the same major also have different tasks. Each candidate will have five tasks assigned by the military academy, of which one is a required task and four are optional tasks. Candidates need to complete one Only the required tasks and the three optional tasks can be considered as passing the first level of basic assessment, and are eligible to enter the First Military Academy and become military students (the tasks will be issued after the candidates are placed in the examination room);]

[Six: There is also competition among candidates during the exam. Each candidate will have a number plate provided by the military school. Each candidate's number plate won by another candidate will increase one point of general points. The points will be included in the candidate's points value in the military school in the future. After the exam is completed The total score is calculated based on the number plate in the candidate's hand. In the end, the First Military Academy will admit the candidates who have completed the four tasks of the first level and have the top 500 points as freshmen. {Friendly reminder, universal points are the common currency within the military academy. After entering the military academy, universal points will be used for transactions, replacing external star currency transactions. }]

In other words, after entering the military academy, everything will be equal and they will start over. No matter how rich you are outside, if you want to obtain the resources provided by the school after entering the military academy, you have to earn general points again through your own efforts. Redeem for purchase.

This is undoubtedly good news for poor students. Through this, it will greatly improve the gap between the rich and the poor among students and the differences between aristocrats and common people caused by the wealth gap, and reduce unnecessary class conflicts.

Bai Qianchun quite agreed and was optimistic about this.

The reason why she chose the military academy before was that it was a good place to study because it had such a new and fair rule.

Although there are still many loopholes to exploit under this new rule, it is already very good in this empire where nobles and commoners are already deeply entrenched.

After the broadcast was completed, Bai Qianchun just finished walking through the underground passage and arrived at Feizhou.

There is a huge open space on the flying boat, with scattered chairs for sitting on it.

An entry search point and a material distribution point are also set up at the entrance of the flying boat.

The first level is the search point.

A middle-aged female teacher stood there with an expressionless face and looked at Bai Qianchun who walked in. Behind her, a tall robot with a round head and round brain began to explain the situation in a robotic voice, "Please take out the test takers voluntarily." The space is connected to all materials. If the candidate hides materials or anything privately, the candidate will be disqualified from taking the exam. Candidates are asked to actively cooperate."

"Yes." Bai Qianchun responded lightly. Under the cold supervision of the middle-aged female teacher in front of her and the curious gazes of the students who had been arriving one after another behind her, she pulled it from her neck without expression. He took off a jade pendant and took out a beautiful jade bracelet from his wrist.

Then he took out a gold needle bag and several porcelain bottles from his pocket, put them behind the silver lotus bracelet on his right wrist, and put the silver bracelet into the empty bag opened by the robot.

Just when the students were sighing that the girl in second place was quite rich, they saw her continue to dig into her pockets and took out a gem brooch, a leaf brooch, a key-shaped brooch, a musical note diamond brooch and an emerald brooch.

Ding-ding sounds sounded one after another, and the small transparent bag in the robot's hand was filled.

The candidates who were crowded with more and more people behind them were dumbfounded!

Oh my god, this cool-looking second place actually likes brooches so much. However, this is not the point. The point is that there are so many space buttons, and these space buttons are so damn expensive!

Not to mention the value of the space button itself, let’s just say that the gems, diamonds and emeralds decorated on the surface of the space button are worth money.

If they could just steal one, it would ensure that they wouldn't have to worry about eating and drinking for hundreds of years in the rest of their lives!

So they looked at Bai Qianchun with gradually awe, this sister is a super rich man!

Even the expressionless middle-aged female teacher's face changed slightly, and she looked at Bai Qianchun with a bit of envy.

Quan Lang, who was hurriedly coming from behind and was squeezed among countless candidates, saw this scene and his eyes turned green.

Woohoo, he felt that he had been greatly deceived. What if he didn't have the money to buy thermal weapons or mechas as promised?

Just take out two space buttons here and you can buy them.

Bai Qianchun didn't notice the envious, jealous and sad eyes behind her. After taking the last jade brooch, she signaled to the female teacher that she had finished handing it over.

I didn't care about those space buttons at all.

In fact, she didn't buy these fancy space buttons herself, they were given by Feng Youyu.

After giving away the jewelry, the man Feng Youyu saw that she found it troublesome and didn't like these gadgets, so he specially invested in a spatial nexus laboratory under the Feng Group to combine expensive jewelry with spatial nexus, which was both beautiful and beautiful. practical.

No, don't mention it. After this new idea came out, Feng's Group's space news business soared.

After the combination of expensive jewelry and space buttons, it became the favorite of many noble ladies. They all abandoned the simple and plain version of space buttons and bought Feng's expensive jewelry space buttons.

I have to say that this operation was really unintentional. Not only did Feng Youyu not lose money because of his investment to pamper his wife, but he also made money.

Yao Wenxian, who was deeply worried about Feng Youyu's love brain, also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that the love brain has such benefits!

Later, Bai Qianchun gradually accepted these fancy space buttons. Other gem necklaces, belts and hairbands, etc. were too grand and not suitable for ordinary wear. She stayed on Muyuan Planet without bringing them with her. Some are relatively less flashy and suitable for everyday wear.

In particular, brooches are the best to wear. You can wear them on any outfit without looking cumbersome. You can choose a brooch to match with any outfit, which is very convenient, so she has the most space for brooches.

She had changed into a set of training clothes before, so in order not to look high-profile, she put these space buttons in her pockets and did not wear them outside. Unexpectedly, when she handed them over, she would still look high-profile.

Bai Qianchun sighed inwardly, but didn't pay much attention.

The female teacher calmed down her hatred of the rich, patted the robot beside her, and asked it to seal and place these things. Then she arranged for another robot to come over and scan Bai Qianchun's whole body to confirm that she did not have any space on her body. She was then allowed in after removing the new items and other illegal items.

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