The second level is the material collection point.

The robot voice with the tall round head in front of him, who was still waiting for someone else, narrated in a serious manner, "Candidate No. 19005, Bai Qianchun, applied for the command department. The supplies he received were a backpack, two sets of camouflage uniforms, a folding saber, an electronic radar, and a thermos cup. , ten bottles of nutrient solution. Candidates are asked to count the items in person and check whether the items are damaged. The robot will not be responsible after leaving the supply point."

Bai Qianchun looked at a few scattered things on the table, fiddled with them expressionlessly, and finally picked up the electronic radar to check.

Different from the current detailed map radar of Interstellar Technology, where you can view detailed map distribution and images with just one click, this electronic radar is just a fool's machine, with only the green dots represented by itself and the red dots represented by other candidates distributed on it. Dots, red dots and green dots overlap and cover each other so densely that it is impossible to tell who is who. I don’t even know what the distance between the two points represented by the dots on the electronic radar is and the distance between the two people in reality. , we have to wait until we have an on-site inspection in the examination room before we can conduct data analysis.

"No problem." Bai Qianchun answered the robot that distributed supplies after reading the electronic radar. Then he picked up the backpack on the side and put everything into the backpack, except for a folding saber that was put in his pocket.

Then she held her backpack and found a seat nearby, waiting for others to come in.

The two checkpoints in the flying boat are both in the lobby, so Bai Qianchun can clearly see the candidates who are entering the checkpoints and receiving supplies while sitting here.

This is probably also a benefit that the military academy provides to the first few candidates for the liberal arts exam. After she enters first, she can observe in advance the majors applied for by all the candidates in her own examination room.

The major you apply for will most likely determine what the candidate is good at. Of course, there are also hidden ones. For example, she is good at pharmacy, but she applied for the command department, so applying for the major can only be a preliminary judgment, and you cannot truly understand what a person is good at.

"Didi didi - illegal items found."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the first level, and Bai Qianchun subconsciously looked up.

I saw a boy who was so anxious that he even took out two pockets on his body and shouted, "I really don't have anything else to hide, teacher. I really don't have anything else. Is this robot broken?"

The middle-aged female teacher looked at him seriously, "It's impossible. The robots in our First Military Academy are strictly inspected before they go to work. If it says there are illegal items on your body, there must be illegal items. You also have a small shirt. I haven’t opened my pocket yet, so I’ll take a look.”

The male candidate broke the jar and pulled it out while holding his clothes. A black thing floated down from inside.

The middle-aged female teacher reached out and quickly took it, and saw that she had an open palm with a small black rapeseed on it.

The male examinee's eyes were cross-eyed, and his expression was hard to explain, "No, a small rapeseed is also an illegal item?"

The middle-aged female teacher put the rapeseed into a transparent bag in his new space, then gave him a cold look and said sternly, "The rapeseed will grow into green vegetables after being spawned by a wood-type superpower. It’s food supplies, so of course it counts.”

Male candidates:.

Other candidates:.

They hurriedly rummaged through their pockets to avoid hiding any seeds. If seeds as small as rapeseed fell into the gaps in their clothes, they would not notice it for a while.

The male candidate who handed in the rapeseed was finally released through the scan this time. It can be seen that it was indeed the fault of the rapeseed that he was stopped just now.

Bai Qianchun silently watched them enter the flying boat one after another. She also found a few acquaintances among these people.

Needless to say, Quan Lang is not mentioned for now. In addition, there is Lin Guiyan, a girl other than her in the top ten; Mu Tao, who was very upset about her in the literary test yesterday; Lang.

It's a good thing they didn't sign the agreement just to get a small advantage, otherwise they would have to act as bodyguards for Zhou Lang.

In addition to the people, she also discovered that the materials received were also different depending on the majors she applied for.

Camouflage uniforms, folding sabers, nutrient solutions, and thermos cups are all standard, but electronic radar is only available to those who apply for the command department, and the mecha individual soldier department distributes a robotic arm;

The Department of Medicine allocates a four-piece set of equipment (palm-sized pot, beaker, test tube and igniter);

The mecha manufacturing department is a crane;

The war hymn series is a sheet of music;

The medium plant line is the seeds of three mutant vines;

The Department of Management is a discriminator that can view the majors applied by other candidates;

As for the economics department, there is nothing, only 50 original general points. It is probably money used to buy lives.

After all candidates passed the two levels, the flying boat started.

The surroundings of the Feizhou are completely dark, and the outside situation cannot be seen. The activities of all candidates are limited to the Feizhou hall, which means that they cannot obtain any other information except waiting and observing other candidates.

Bai Qianchun hugged her backpack and leaned on the back of her chair with half-squinted eyes. She observed the candidates in the same examination room without saying a word. If there were no accidents and they did not cross the examination room area, they would be her in this martial arts examination. competitors.

Quan Lang looked at the cold look on her face and didn't dare to come near her. Instead, he secretly found the nearest seat and sat down, hoping that they could act together when they entered the examination room.

He had read a lot of posts last night about the literary test of the First Military Academy. Among them, the name of Bai Qianchun, the second placer in the literary test, was mentioned the most besides Sheng Beiyu, the first placer. Her popularity was even vague. There is a tendency to surpass Sheng Beiyu.

So he also knew what happened during the run on the east campus yesterday. Netizens on the post said that this is the real hidden boss. He seems to be weak, but in fact he is very strong and his powers are definitely not weak according to visual inspection. If she hadn't known the way, she would have been able to distance herself from other candidates in minutes and reach the examination room in three or four minutes.

When he saw the news, Quan Lang also specially found a shared video on Xingwang and watched the video of the live literary test from beginning to end. Although the literary test competition on the East Campus was not as good as the one he was in yesterday, The battle between the dragons and tigers in the campus was fierce, but it was not bad, so Bai Qianchun was the first person to crush all the candidates from the East Campus, and his speed was evident.

In addition, the distance from the school gate to the East Campus and West Campus is the same. Judging from the time, Bai Qianchun was also the first person from the two campuses to arrive at the examination room.

If you can team up with her, it will definitely be much safer.

Quan Lang, who was assigned to an examination room, immediately felt high in morale. He was thinking about how to form a team with her and let him pass the martial arts examination with ease.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed, because the military school announcement rang again.

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