I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 397 Lin Fei traces his child bride

[TB8766: Shocked jpg, what is going on? Lin Guiyan likes Lin Feisu? Aren't they two cousins? The Lin family, the mother's family of the fifth prince, has been in the limelight recently. These two people were even promoted as the young talents of the Lin family's generation. 】

[I love Muyuanxing Fruit Fishing so much: (☆_☆) It seems that there are big melons. Come on, hurry up. If anyone knows the inside information, please come up and tell me. 】

[Little expert at watching movies and eating melons: Yes, yes, it is better to talk about gossip than to fight a vicious beast. This is what I like. Is there anyone with knowledge who can come up and have a chat? 】

[Please call me brother Qing: Ha, isn’t this a coincidence? I just heard the news from my buddy a few days ago. Lin Guiyan is a child adopted by the Lin family. She has no blood relationship with the Lin family. She was raised in The Lin family and Lin Feisu grew up together, and they can be said to be childhood sweethearts. According to my buddy, everyone in their circle thought that Lin Guiyan was Lin Feisu's child bride. She might get engaged and married in the future. Unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared some time ago. A Shen Gefei intervened and rushed to have sex with Lin Feishu. No, wouldn't the childhood sweethearts break up! 】

[Super Big Popcorn: I also have inside information. Shen Gefei is from the Shen family of the fourth prince’s mother’s family. Although she is just a side branch, the elders of the Lin family still disagree with Lin Feisu being with her. They know a little about the upper-class affairs. Everyone in the crowd knew that the Lin family and the Shen family didn't like each other now. It was strange that the Lin family would agree to the two of them being together, but Lin Feisu probably really loved the girl from the Shen family. For her, even his own family The elders dared to contradict each other, but no, the Shen family, who originally did not agree with them being together, became ambiguous and acquiesced that they were together. 】

[Please call me brother Qing: Hahaha, the Shen family is planning to let Shen Gefei kidnap someone back to become their son-in-law. This is the best way to anger the Lin family. Lin Feisu is the eldest son of the Lin family and the leader of the next generation of the Lin family. It would definitely not be a loss to abduct him back. 】

The live broadcast screen was busy watching gossip, Lin Guiyan, Shen Gefei and others were also bickering fiercely. No one thought that they were at a critical juncture at this moment.

Suddenly one person finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn it, I asked you guys to stop arguing. I don't want to see what the situation is now. I'm about to be beaten to death. You talk about love and love. Now is the time to talk about love."

A roar mixed with anger was heard, and Ziji, the young man who was at the front among the seven and was responsible for most of the Rainbow Toucan's ferocious attacks, gave up!

He rolled on the ground to avoid the attack of the big bird. Then he had three bright red blood marks on his face, his eyes were red with anger, and he vomited a mouthful of blood in his mouth. He turned around and faced the few people behind him. The man who was still attacking from a distance shouted angrily.

They weren't struggling with their feelings. Damn it, one or two of them really thought they were young masters and young ladies who were traveling, and they treated him as their escort.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have coveted the 100,000 star coins to sign that contract to protect Zhou Lang. It was so fucking stupid!

Zi Ji gritted his teeth, looked hideous, and regretted it!

Lin Guiyan, Zhou Lang, and Shen Gefei looked at his miserable state and all fell silent. Then they looked up at the Rainbow Toucan, which flapped its wings arrogantly and looked at them with a pair of bird eyes full of contempt. It was over, it seemed. Forgot to run for your life!

Shen Gefei rolled his eyes and suddenly noticed Bai Qianchun standing not far away. He shouted happily, "There is someone there, hurry up, let's ask her for help."

After saying that, she dragged Lin Feisu, who had been protecting her, and broke away from the team and ran in the direction of Bai Qianchun.

Zhou Lang was confused by her move and cursed, "Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you trying to escape by yourself?"

Lin Guiyan also looked back, frowned, and muttered, "That's right, what use can that person do?"


The rainbow toucan, which was still in the air, suddenly moved its eyes and stared at the two fleeing prey. Even Zi Ji, who was vomiting blood on the ground, flapping his wings and ran away after Shen Gefei.

Zi Ji, Lin Guiyan, Zhou Lang and the two young men on the other side were left standing there in confusion.

"What's going on? Shen Gefei took away the hatred value of the big bird?"

"By the way, who was this bird chasing at the beginning?"

Zhou Lang rolled his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly woke up, "It seems to be Shen Gefei. She was the one who attracted the bird first, and then we were implicated and ran away together."

Lin Guiyan raised her lips mockingly in that direction, "That little bitch might have secretly taken something from the Rainbow Toucan without telling us, so it chased after it."

This time, even Zhou Lang didn't go against Lin Guiyan, because he thought so too.

Then he glanced at Lin Guiyan, who was about to chase her, and quickly stopped her, "Hey, you know that woman has tricked you, why don't you chase her and help her?"

Lin Guiyan glanced at him darkly with her beautiful eyes, and said in a sarcastic voice, "We can't let that little bitch harm others."

Zhou Lang looked at her back without looking back, and the boy with bangs who had caught Sun Li before followed him after hesitating for a while. His eyes were dark and he spat, "You know how to act like a hero blindly?" , it’s an exam now, and everyone present is a competitor, so your good intentions are of no use.”

Then he glanced at Zi Ji, who was treating the wound on the ground, and Sun Li, who was resting under the tree, and said, "Let's leave quickly while the big bird is chasing those people."

But after he finished speaking, both of them ignored him. One continued to tear off his clothes and bandage his wounds, while the other pretended to be dizzy and leaned against the tree without responding.

Zhou Lang stared at them and gritted his teeth angrily.

On the other side, seeing the S-class rainbow toucan chasing Shen Gefei and the others towards her, Bai Qianchun put the small wooden box into her backpack. On her back, she looked at the toucan that was delivered to her door with cold eyes. The S-class ferocious beast, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, now she didn't have to worry about whether to continue watching the third-rate romance theater or to grab monsters.


Just as the sharp claws of the majestic rainbow toucan were about to grab Lin Feisu's back, suddenly a huge object came from the sky, passed Lin Feisu's head, and hit the two claws.

Lin Feisu and the two of them only felt the hurricane passing above their heads, followed by a loud bang behind them, and the rainbow toucan above their heads suddenly screamed angrily.

They were stunned for a moment, then looked up again, and saw a white figure flying towards them, then stepped on Shen Gefei's shoulder, used the strength to rise up, grabbed the hair on the neck of the rainbow giant beak bird, and swung it twice. After three swings, he swung up like a swing, turned over and climbed up the big bird's neck flexibly.

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