The rainbow toucan does not have the hard scales of the forest crocodile, and its neck is its vital point. Before the big bird could react, Bai Qianchun took out his saber. The snow-white saber had a cold and ruthless blade, and he swung it fiercely. A stab in its neck.

There was a pop, the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, and blood immediately splattered.

This is a direct stab at the artery.

Bai Qianchun curled her lips. A few drops of red blood splashed on her cold and white face. The corners of her mouth were raised. She held the hair on the bird's neck with one hand and held the knife in place with the other hand. The saber struck one after another. Plunging down, the bright and eye-catching blood instantly dyed the feathers on the bird's neck red, and she was riding on it, looking like a ferocious bird-hunting female warrior.

Feeling the danger of death under him, the big bird screamed angrily and howled. It spread its wings and flapped vigorously. It flew over the heads of Lin Guiyan and others, and plunged into the distant woods, trying to use the surrounding obstacles to stop the person riding on its neck. Throw it off.

Bai Qianchun gathered invisible internal force all over her body, blocking the branches and leaves that were constantly coming at her and the poisonous snakes entangled in the trees. Her face was calm, her eyes were cold and sharp, and the movements of her hands did not stop. Down.

It was not until ten minutes later that the rainbow toucan, which had lost too much blood, gradually stopped struggling and fell to the edge of death.

Bai Qianchun grabbed it by the neck, turned it around and flew back toward the pool.

Lin Guiyan, Shen Gefei and others who were still looking towards them watched helplessly as the big bird kept dripping warm blood, and finally stretched its neck to let out one last neigh, wailed, and landed on the edge of the pool with a thud. superior.

On the ground, blood was dripping from its neck. The whole giant bird lay there, its legs twitched a few times, its eyes were wide open, and it was completely silent.

Shen Gefei and Zhou Lang were stunned, and then they all swallowed. The S-class beast died like this?

Is it so easy to die?

The forest crocodile a few steps away stood motionless with its tail stiffened in fear, pretending to have passed out.

[Call Me Dad: In fact, it is not difficult to kill S-class beasts. The Rainbow Toucan is the lowest ranked S-class beast and the easiest to deal with. Its biggest advantage is that it can fly and is fast. It also has sharp claws and a beak, but its weak point is also prominent on its neck. Now this candidate took advantage of its unpreparedness and directly identified its weak point to attack. The difficulty was reduced by several levels. It's even easier than dealing with a B-level ferocious beast. 】

[Did you fight the little monster today: Really? But I don’t think it’s simple at all. The bird was struggling before it died and plunged into the woods. If it were me, I would never be able to hold it steady. Just the branches that slapped towards the face with loud noises would have been very painful. , not to mention the venomous snake with its fangs exposed. If I bite me, I will be dead. 】

[Lemon Tea: The White Goddess is mighty. Hey, her clothes were just a little messy in the harsh environment just now, but her face was not injured. 】

The barrage was full of praises. Bai Qianchun, the person involved, had jumped off the bird's neck very calmly and was now walking towards Lin Feisu and Shen Gefei who were still staying there.

Shen Gefei concealed his jealousy and anger at being stepped on on the shoulder, and a soft smile appeared on his pretty face, "Miss, thank you for helping us just now."

Bai Qianchun raised her eyes and glanced at her lightly, "You're welcome. I'll take the thank you fee myself."

As she spoke, she pulled off Shen Gefei and Lin Feisu's number plates as fast as lightning, and slowly hung them around her waist. The three shell-sized number plates with their exam numbers on them clinked together. Sound.

Shen Gefei's smile froze on his face and suddenly turned very ugly. He looked at Bai Qianchun in front of him as if he had swallowed a fly, "You, didn't you take the initiative to help us?"

Bai Qianchun looked at her like she was a fool, "We are in the examination room now. We are in a competitive relationship. You actually expect me to kindly help you for free? You are not dreaming."

"Pfft——" Lin Guiyan couldn't help laughing behind her.

"You -" Shen Gefei's face was twisted and her eyes were gloomy. Just when she was about to say something, an arm suddenly slanted beside her. Lin Feisu, who had been silent and expressionless, spoke, " She deserves to be paid, you are not her opponent, and neither am I."

Lin Feisu understood that this person was not simple after Bai Qianchun killed the S-class Rainbow Toucan and returned intact. It would take at least five or even ten years for him to do this. She only took their two numbers. Cards as a reward are already considered benevolent and righteous. If there is a conflict with her, they will have to worry if she injures them or takes away their supplies.

"Brother Su." Shen Gefei shouted unwillingly with watery eyes. She also knew that this man was very strong, but it was no better now than before. This man had just killed an S-level ferocious beast, and his physical strength and powers must have been exhausted. Quite a few, probably just pretending to be okay, but actually they are strong enough to do it. If they take action now, they may not be able to defeat her.

But Lin Feisu had a cold face and remained unmoved. He just glanced at her and said in a stiff tone of comfort, "Be obedient."

Shen Gefei suddenly pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Bai Qianchun's cold eyes swept around the two of them, and finally withdrew his gaze, turning his back to them and walking towards the giant bird.

I heard that the meat of ferocious beasts tastes good, especially this rainbow toucan, which is also on the list of meats with excellent taste. I happened to be a little hungry after two fights.

After dealing with a B-class ferocious beast and an S-class ferocious beast in this area, as well as the hidden King Swamp Flower Queen, the danger is probably not much. After all, the ferocious beasts also have their own territory. Now it is completely safe to sit down and have a meal. OK.

Lin Guiyan felt very happy when she saw the deflated Shen Gefei. She happily pulled the young man from Changliuhai who was following her towards Bai Qianchun.

"Hello, I am Lin Guiyan, who ranked sixth in the literary test. This is a younger brother I know, named Qin Xiao. You are a big bird with so much meat that one person will definitely not be able to finish it. Can you please satisfy us? Desire. I was lucky. I came across a supply box as soon as I came down and got several bottles of clean pure water. The water in the pool may not be clean. If you don’t mind, I am willing to provide water for this meal and me. This brother is good at cooking, whether he is making soup or barbecue, he is delicious."

The young man who was dragged by Lin Guiyan shrank back, his eyes hidden under his bangs shrinking.

Lin Guiyan felt his resistance, and paused in her pulling action. Then she raised a smile, looked at Bai Qianchun and said, "What, my brother is a little afraid of society. You, the second best, are too bright." The shine was on and he was a little scared to get close.”

With that said, Lin Guiyan took out a mask from his bag and gave it to Qin Xiao. After he put it on, he followed Lin Guiyan obediently.

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