I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 399 The live broadcast room next door is also doing food eating broadcasts

The bonfire was crackling, and Lin Guiyan had already led the silent Qin Xiao to start plucking the feathers and cutting the meat from the rainbow toucan's legs.

Bai Qianchun was also cleaning the stone pot. When she was making the poisonous balls of swamp flower with poison to fight poison, the poisonous potion had been boiling for nearly an hour, and the stones had almost been marinated in the flavor, so as not to accidentally make the soup sticky later. The poison in the stone pot was also boiled out, so the pot still had to be cleaned.

The three of them divided the work and found a few small garlic and wild onions from the bushes. A picnic of meat and soup was arranged.

The younger brother Qin Xiao introduced by Lin Guiyan was really good at cooking. He lowered his head and worked hard. After a while, the broth in the stone pot wafted out with a strong aroma, and the giant bird legs on the barbecue rack were sizzling golden. The oily color and the aroma of barbecue swept over me, and the stomachs of everyone around me began to growl.

Bai Qianchun nodded with satisfaction. This exchange of meat for water and cook was not a loss.

While waiting for the broth and barbecue to be completed, she couldn't help but take out the shovel made of forest crocodile and dig a smaller stone pot. She set up a new stove and put the swamp flowers in to make more powerful poison balls. .

Shen Gefei froze next to him, neither leaving nor staying. He could only hold his stomach and resent Lin Guiyan for being ignorant and not inviting them to eat together.

Zhou Lang, who came over after smelling the smell, was a bit thicker-skinned than Shen Gefei. He came over licking his face, wanting to eat and drink, and arrogantly expressed his willingness to pay the bill with 100,000 star coins after the martial arts test was completed.

Unfortunately, Bai Qianchun, Lin Guiyan and Qin Xiao, who was silent and only grilled meat, ignored him and regarded him as nothing. Zhou Lang felt that he was very shameless and his face turned red with anger.

After a while, the broth was cooked and the barbecue was ready. Bai Qianchun and the other three began to drink the soup with a thermos cup in one hand and a wooden stick in the other hand to eat the meat. Their mouths were oily and happy.

Compared to the threesome who were not doing their job as if they were having a picnic, Zhou Lang and the others were having a much harder time. It felt really bad to be able to smell but not eat.

Being ignored, Shen Gefei's pretty face turned blue and white, but she couldn't help but beg Lin Guiyan for some food, so she could only huff beside her and fill herself up.

Next to him, Lin Feisu was taciturn and did not look in the direction of the barbecue. He just found a place to sit down casually and took out the nutrient solution issued by the college and poured it into his mouth.

The two injured people over there, Sun Li and Zi Ji, were self-aware and did not come over to scold him. They took advantage of this relatively safe place where someone was guarding them and quickly took out the nutrient solution and poured it into their mouths to recuperate their injuries and regain their strength.

As a result, the only two people present were Shen Gefei and Zhou Lang, who had not seen the reality clearly and were arrogant and unwilling to stand there, sulking.

However, after seeing Bai Qianchun's fighting power, they didn't dare to cause trouble here. Several candidates gathered together for a while, but the place was quite calm. Some people who liked to watch the excitement and excitement before the live broadcast were asked to watch the fight. The audience was very dissatisfied.

[Black Fighter: What’s wrong with this class of candidates? They just think about eating and have no fighting spirit at all. Bad review! 】

[You can still fight for another hundred years: Yes, if you don’t work hard on the task and plan to get the number plate, what’s going on? Is this a dangerous martial arts test or a gourmet live broadcast? It feels like the candidates enjoy it more than us, the audience, which is very embarrassing! 】

[Lemon tea: What’s the matter? It’s time to eat. The candidates have made a truce and sat down to have a meal together. People are like iron rice and steel. If you don’t eat for one meal, you will feel hungry. Even a true fairy needs to drink some dew. You're full, you guys are gibbering. 】

[Bastard watching mung beans: Hehe, I went to watch it in other live broadcast rooms. Sheng Beiyu, who ranked first in the liberal arts exam next door, was also doing a gourmet food show. He met a cool-looking handsome guy who roasted the whole lamb with one hand. The aroma of the food was overflowing. Sheng Beiyu exchanged the three hot candidate numbers he had just grabbed for a roast leg of lamb. The food he ate was like a casual, oily mouthed, indifferent genius. His character was completely shattered. It's all over the place and can't be picked up. 】

[The Soul of a Foodie: There is also Xu Can, the fourth placer in the literary test in Examination Room No. 5. He did not meet a good cook like the first place Sheng Beiyu and the second place Bai Qianchun. He can cook it himself. I am good at cooking. I am making a wild vegetable and egg drop soup in the live broadcast room next door. It is also paired with plump forest crabs and tender and delicious crab meat. It is very fresh and delicious at first glance! 】

[I love eating meat buns: Hey, hurry up and order takeout. First, I want a roasted lamb leg, then a fresh crab meat, and then a bowl of broth. It’s perfect, although it’s not as good as the colorful toucan broth. Drink it, but the chicken soup of Gu Gu Chicken is also very delicious! 】

[Soul of Foodie: Brothers, I went to check these candidates who are doing gourmet food broadcasting. Guess what I found? 】

[Bastard looks at mung beans: What did you find? Come on, come on, don't show off, let it go quickly. 】

[Soul of the Foodie: Hehe, I found out that these people who make food broadcasts are all from Muyuan Star. Not to mention Bai Qianchun, who was second in the literary test, and Xu Can, who was fourth in the literary test. After it was over, someone started to find out their origins. This time I went to check the cool candidate who was good at cooking food with Sheng Beiyu. He turned out to be from Muyuan Planet, his name was Leng Xiao, and he had taken the literary test before. The ranking is not low, ranking 26th! 】

[I love eating meat buns: Hey, I’m from Muyuan Planet. That’s okay. Since Muyuan Planet recovered, apart from pills, it is the most famous food. I heard that the star citizens on Muyuan Planet have not developed. , but cooking ingredients can be found everywhere to prevent the ingredients picked on the road from going to waste, so everyone has some cooking skills and can usually run a small stove. Candidates from Muyuan Star are not very good at cooking. Accident. 】

[I heard that old people are eating meat: Hahahahaha. Looking at their exam rankings, is this the real version of not being a good candidate if you don’t love food? 】

[A Sheep: It makes sense. The military academy only distributes ten bottles of nutrient solution to each candidate. Ten days is definitely not enough for candidates to stay in the examination room. They must master cooking skills to ensure that they are not If you are hungry and in good health, you can continue to take the exam, and eating well can also stimulate motivation. If you eat something unpalatable and your face turns green after eating, you will still have the motivation to continue working. So if you don’t like food, you will not be a good candidate. Makes sense. 】

As a combination of gourmet myths and gossip punches continued, the audience's attention was diverted, and a series of debates were launched on "the role of food on exam enthusiasm", ushering in a grand scene where different theories of candidates' exams bloomed. , the military school teachers were also very concerned about this, and they even thought about recruiting a good cook for the military school canteen to stimulate the students' training motivation.

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