I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 400 Number plates exchanged for bacon

After eating and drinking, Bai Qianchun and the other three got busy again. There was so much meat from the Rainbow Toucan and they didn't have space to take it all away. So Lin Guiyan suggested that Qin Xiao take action. Bai Qianchun agreed and took advantage of the opportunity. Since it was still early in the martial arts exam and there was plenty of time, I killed half of the bird and made it into bacon and took it with me as rations on the road.

When Sun Li and Zi Ji saw this, they also wanted to exchange for some bacon. After what happened just now, they wisely expressed their willingness to exchange points and number plates.

S-level ferocious beast meat has the effect of nourishing the body and can speed up the healing of injuries on the body. Zi Ji is very thoughtful. He was injured once because he signed a contract to protect Zhou Lang. It will hinder everything he does next. Now he can recover from his injuries. The most important thing is that he can only participate in the crazy infighting of the candidates in the last three days of the martial arts test and fight their way out after his injuries are better. Otherwise, even if he keeps the number plate now, he will not be able to protect himself until the last three days. Ability will also be snatched away by other candidates.

And in this situation, they are under someone else's roof. Although the second powerful candidate Miss Bai has not taken action against them before, it does not mean that she will not take action against them in the future. It is better to take the initiative to take out the number plate and exchange some pairs. They have good bacon.

Li Sun had the same idea, and followed Zi Ji and expressed his willingness to exchange the number plate for bacon.

As for the number plate income, of course it was given to Bai Qianchun. Bai Qianchun originally shot this rainbow toucan. Lin Guiyan and Qin Xiao took advantage. Now they are making bacon and using manual labor in exchange for bacon. We've already taken advantage of it, so naturally we can't give out number plates anymore.

Bai Qianchun accepted the number plate with satisfaction and weighed it in his hand. Then he looked at Li Sun, and his cold tone became much kinder, "I don't need to exchange points anymore. You can also exchange points."

Li Sun's heart tightened. Did she know that she was from the economics department and had fifty raw points?

Facing those cold and insightful black eyes, Li Sun didn't dare to refuse, and said with a dry smile, "Okay, okay, then I'll exchange for two more points. It's too heavy for me to carry anymore."

Bai Qianchun, who wanted to empty him out, could only look at him with regret, "Okay."

Li Sun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly stretched out his brain to touch Bai Qianchun, transferred two points, and then he and Zi Ji hurriedly came over to help smoke the meat.

At this time, Lin Feisu also came over with a bag of salt, and said in a dull voice with an expressionless face, "Can I exchange it for salt?"

Bai Qianchun glanced at the unopened salt bag in his hand, which was smaller than a palm, and nodded, "Okay."

Then the transaction was completed. Bai Qianchun threw the salt into his backpack, turned away from Lin Feisu in front of him, and glanced at Shen Gefei who was standing under the tree not far away and looking sadly at this side. Then he looked away calmly, and then Turn to Zhou Lang.

Zhou Lang, who didn't know yet that the danger was coming, was sitting there gnashing his teeth and looking at the two traitors, Sun Li and Zi Ji, with resentment in his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that Bai Qianchun, dressed in white, was standing in front of him and looking down at him. When he raised his head and met those cold and emotionless eyes, Zhou Lang's body trembled subconsciously. Shaking, he drew his neck back and asked in frustration, "You, what do you want to do?"

He saw a thin white hand stretched out in front of him, and a cold voice above his head came, "Number plate."

Zhou Lang's eyes widened, "I don't want to exchange bacon, so why should I give you a number plate?"

He said angrily, stood up and wanted to leave angrily, but it was too late.

Bai Qianchun's eyes turned cold, she stretched out her hands into claws, grabbed his arm and twisted it to his back, kicked his knee socket, and quickly and accurately pushed him to the ground, making his arrogant white face dry up. The rotten branches of the ground came face to face, and the stench poured into his mouth.

Zhou Lang rolled his eyes so hard that he spat out the dirt in his mouth. The resentment in his eyes solidified, and he struggled to resist in anger.

But no matter how much he struggled and fluttered, the slender arm behind him still twisted his arm like a sea-fixing needle and pressed him to the ground. The rancid-smelling mud continued to touch his face intimately, and kept pushing into his mouth. Zhou Lang's stomach was churning with nausea as he was squeezed inside. He couldn't hold on for more than a minute, and finally gasped and begged for mercy, "I'll give it, I'll give it, please let me go, let me go."

Bai Qianchun didn't embarrass him this time. She let go of her hand neatly, grabbed his arm and lifted him up, and then took away the number plate he put in his pocket.

Zhou Lang, who was slumped on the ground and coughing hard, looked at her in fear, with a bit of sadness in his twinkling eyes.

You obviously already know where his number plate is, why don't you just take it away and push him to the ground?

Lin Guiyan, who was squatting there, chuckled and watched the show happily. She felt that the second place was intentional.

Unexpectedly, she was cold and aloof, and there was still a narrow-mindedness hidden under her appearance of being indifferent to the world!

Alas, it's a pity that Shen Gefei's number plate had already been taken away by the second place as a thank you fee. Otherwise, if the second place had snatched her number plate the same way as Zhou Lang's number plate, her performance would have been even more exciting.

Witnessing the whole process with their own eyes and looking at Zhou Lang's miserable appearance lying there retching, Sun Li and Zi Ji felt complicated and relieved at the same time. Fortunately, they had been smart enough to exchange their number plates for bacon, otherwise they might not have gotten along with them. Zhou Lang ended up alone.

After Bai Qianchun rolled off the number tags of everyone present except Lin Guiyan and the cook Qin Xiao, she walked to the small pot where she was brewing swamp flower poison and checked the heat while hanging a string of number tags in a good mood.

Shen Gefei and others present, including Lin Guiyan, did not dare to ask her what she was making like a witch making soup, and they kept their mouths shut knowingly.

Here, Bai Qianchun has become the person at the top of the food chain among several people. Lin Guiyan, who was full of arrogance before, also smartly chose to avoid his sharpness after Bai Qianchun killed the Rainbow Toucan neatly, and even took the initiative to gain favor.

Facts have proved that her decision was right. She only paid a few bottles of water, a pinch of salt and labor in exchange for a delicious meal of wild vegetables and later bacon rations. She could also watch a good show and make a lot of money!

Zhou Lang was frightened. After he recovered, he didn't bother to wait for Sun Li and Zi Ji, and ran away in a hurry.

Shen Gefei's face turned pale, and she was frightened and wanted to leave here. However, Lin Fei's bacon was not ready yet, so she could only stamp her feet, suppressing the anxiety in her heart, and stood there without mentioning leaving.

In such a quiet atmosphere where the whole audience was shocked by Bai Qianchun, the cook Qin Xiao, who had not spoken a word from beginning to end, walked towards Bai Qianchun.

"I, how many points do I need to exchange for the remaining Rainbow Toucan?"

"Huh?" Bai Qianchun raised her head to look at him, her eyes narrowed, "What do you want to do?"

The expression on Qin Xiao's face hidden under the mask was unclear. At this time, his eyes were drooping, and his hands were holding his pants nervously. His voice was dull and weak, "I want to trade meat with other candidates for points."

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