Bai Qianchun was suspicious, "Would anyone be willing to change?"

Seeing that she didn't refuse directly, Qin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded seriously, "Yes."

Lin Guiyan, who followed closely, explained to him, "S-level rainbow toucan meat is rare on the market and cannot be bought even with money. Many nobles are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it. If they only spend one universal point, Otherwise, I think any candidate with some knowledge would be very happy. After all, general points are not a necessity for passing the entrance exam, they are just add-ons.

And if you can't take away the remaining bird meat, as long as we leave here, it will be defaulted as voluntary abandonment, and the teacher from the military school will come and take it away, so it is better to exchange the remaining meat with my brother, and use it Points of useful value. "

Bai Qianchun's black eyes flashed, and there was something in her heart. Just when Lin Guiyan thought the deal was about to be concluded, Bai Qianchun suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Qin Xiao, a socially fearful boy wearing a mask, "I invite you to join me. How is your team? I have a mandatory task to ensure that the team members pass the entrance exam. By becoming my team member, I can ensure your safety. These meat can also guarantee that you can exchange points instead of being robbed. The points exchanged are 2 for me and 1 for you. "

Bai Qianchun also had his own considerations when directly inviting him to join the team. First of all, Qin Xiao was willing to save Sun Li who fell in chaos and crisis, which shows that his character is not bad. Later, in the S-class Rainbow Toucan, he attacked her Flying over here, Lin Guiyan came to help. He was weak but also came over. He did not abandon his sister because of the danger and just watched. This also proved that he was loyal and would advance and retreat together with his companions.

The most important thing is that his cooking skills are really good. With this support member in the team, she doesn't have to worry about food, so she is happy to accept such a team member.

Qin Xiao's eyes hidden under the long bangs moved. It would be the best thing to have a powerful bodyguard who can guarantee that he will definitely pass the entrance exam, but this is the much-anticipated second place.

Lin Guiyan understood his social fear and unwillingness to attract outside attention, but if he wanted to be 100% sure of being admitted to the First Military Academy, then the second place in front of him, who could easily kill the S-class beast, was the best choice. She immediately pushed Qin Xiao, "Hurry up, hurry up and agree, you can't help but smile when the second person with your small body invites you to join the team. Anyway, in this examination room where there are so many masters, I can protect your sister." If I don’t support you, there is no guarantee that you will be admitted to the First Military Academy.”

She was telling the truth. Although she was arrogant, had a high level of superpowers, and could still fight, she was self-aware that it was difficult for her to defeat four hands with just two fists. She was 80% sure that she could not defeat him alone. Run away, and eventually get admitted to the First Military Academy, but with this little brother who is a drag, there is no guarantee.

But her "younger brother" has a special status, and it's not enough for her not to protect him. Now, if she has the opportunity to get the second place, she can't miss the express train to pass the entrance exam.

I don’t know how envious I am looking at Shen Feige’s little bitch eyes!

Qin Xiao nodded dullly, "Yes, I, I agree to join the team."

"That's good." Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows slightly coldly, took out the optical brain, and pulled Qin Xiao into his team to submit as a team member. Once submitted, no changes were allowed until the end of the exam.

After successfully recruiting a team member, she glanced at the outsiders who were still looking here, and said to Qin Xiao, "Go and prepare the bacon. We will set off soon to earn points and complete tasks."

Qin Xiao nodded obediently, and his excited steps walking back expressed his mood at the moment.

Bai Qianchun turned her attention to Lin Guiyan, "What about you?"

Lin Guiyan smiled and said, "I won't join. My mission is still suitable for one person."

"Yeah." Bai Qianchun looked back and responded calmly.

Six hours later.

In the forest with towering banyan trees and a gloomy environment, a group of people led by a muscular and sturdy boy blocked two lone candidates arrogantly. At first, they had a fierce confrontation, but in the end, there was no surprise. A person with more people will win against a person with fewer people.

After beating the two candidates until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, the group of people immediately happily plundered the contents of their backpacks.

"Hey, where are the number plates? Their number plates are missing, Brother Huo."

After hearing his brother's report, the muscular boy holding the two people frowned and glared at the two people on the ground fiercely, "Where is the number plate? Where did the number plate go?"

The two of them grinned in pain after taking a mouthful of mud. They struggled and turned to look at the people behind them, "Ah, bah, let me go first, let us go. Your arms are about to be broken by you. Isn't it just an entrance exam?" , why are you so cruel?"

Brother Huo was unmoved. He knitted his thick eyebrows, pressed his arm harder, and pushed the boy back under his hand to chew on the mud. He said fiercely, "Don't get too close. We are taking the martial arts exam seriously."

The brothers around him all responded, "Yes, stop the ink quickly and hand over your number plate."

"Brother Huo, are they hidden on them? Turn them over and see."

So the two people with bruises and swollen faces were immediately lifted up and slipped away. A group of wolf-like boys rushed towards them with excited green eyes, and the two people were so frightened that they kicked their legs and screamed, "No, don't pull this." My clothes are not there, they are really gone, hahahaha."

"The one who stepped on the horse tickled my flesh."

"Damn it, where are you perverts? I'm not gay."

"Don't shout. No one will come to save you even if you shout till your throat is broken. Just accept the reality."

The sounds of laughter came one after another. Behind a big banyan tree not far away, Qin Xiao's ears hidden under his long hair turned red after listening to such harsh words. He turned his head and looked at the person next to him uncomfortably, and whispered He asked anxiously, "I, do we still want to go there?"

Bai Qianchun looked calm and glanced at the person beside her. Her hearing was more sensitive than Qin Xiao's and she listened to the whole process completely, so she was different from Qin Xiao who only listened intermittently and found it quite bold and ambiguous.

She said calmly, "Let's go, walk slowly. This area is too big. There are not many candidates to be found, and there are even fewer candidates who are willing to exchange points for bacon. If you miss these few, you don't know when. We can meet other candidates again. We are carrying too much bacon, so we should finish the exchange early to reduce the burden, otherwise it will affect our journey."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao did not hesitate anymore and nodded solemnly. The bacon he was carrying was indeed too heavy. It was wrapped in big leaves and tied with vines behind the two of them. The weight could not be ignored. Qin Xiao felt that his His shoulders are worn out, and if he doesn't exchange points and go out, he will have to rest.

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