Amidst a circle of wailing and shameless scolding, Bai Qianchun's eyes drifted and she walked aside silently.

It wasn't that she didn't want to join hands in searching for trophies, but the scene of searching for trophies was not easy to look at, and it was too eye-catching, so she remained silent and left the job to Qin Xiao and the others.

Besides, they were quite good at the detailed work of wearing their underwear, and they looked much more professional than her, so let's leave it to the professionals.

Then she began to look at the surrounding environment. This area is a rare highland in the wet rain forest. Although there are many dead branches and leaves deposited on the exposed ground, it is better than other places where it will be dented directly if you step on it. , so she decisively planned to set up camp here and rest here on the first night of the martial arts test.

The bonfire was lit.

The three people who had plundered Brother Huo's group excitedly walked toward Bai Qianchun with their loot. Oh no, it was mainly two people who showed their excitement. Although Qin Xiao was a little excited in his steps, his emotions were not so outgoing. Coupled with a mask, his expression was perfectly covered.

As soon as they walked up to Bai Qianchun, they took out the things as if they were offering treasures and counted them excitedly, "Boss, Brother Huo and his group have a total of thirty-eight number plates, eighteen of which are their own. Twenty of them were stolen by them.”

"There are also a lot of good things in their backpacks. They must have encountered the supply box. There are two packs of salt, one opened and one unopened. There is also a small pack of sugar, a bottle of soy sauce, a tent, and a dozen Firearms, and some mechanical parts.”

"Parts?" Bai Qianchun curiously looked at the pile of shining parts placed aside. There were big and small ones. The big one was as big as a face plate, and the small one was as thin as a finger ring.

The two candidates quickly replied, "These parts should be able to be assembled into an energy gun or a flying car. The ones here are only a small part. According to my guess, all the parts in the material boxes placed in each examination room can be assembled into one." An energy gun and a flying car."

Bai Qianchun said thoughtfully, "Oh, then once the speeding group is assembled, we can cross the examination room."

The two candidates were not optimistic, and muttered, "How can it be so easy to build a flying car? The parts here are only 5% at most. If you want to collect them all, you must not only rely on luck to come across all the parts." supplies box, and must be able to crush the entire examination room to keep these parts, or snatch the parts from others."

Seeing Bai Qianchun looking over, the two of them immediately got excited, raised their heads, straightened their chests, and smiled flatteringly, "What about that? What we are saying is that it is impossible for ordinary people to do it, but for sure, the powerful force like you, boss, is worth it." It can be done.”

Bai Qianchun glanced at the two flatterers lightly and asked, "What are your names?"

The eyes of the two people suddenly lit up and sparkled. Is their opportunity to join the big boss coming?

Regardless of whether it was true or not, they quickly stated their names to show their loyalty.

"My name is Sun Xin. I am 23 years old. I am 183cm tall and weigh 72kg. I am applying for the Department of Medicine. It is my dream to go to Muyuanxing Experimental Park to make balls. Through my hard work in the past few hours, I have collected several medicinal herbs. Now, when I find another star flower grass, I can make the most common healing potion on the market."

"My name is Yu Ou. I am 23 years old. I am 185cm tall and weigh 77kg. I am applying for the mecha manufacturing major. My dad is an engineer at a flying car manufacturing factory. I have been following my dad since I was a child. I can understand the structure of flying cars with my eyes closed. Draw it out, and if I can collect all the parts, I can perfectly put together the flying car. I also have an energy stone in my backpack that can be used as the energy source for the flying car."

After the two young men told them all their values, their eyes stared at Bai Qianchun eagerly and expectantly.

At first, I just thought that the two of them were pretty good, but then Bai Qianchun, who asked his name, suddenly felt a little moved. Let’s not talk about the one who can make potions. Although this person may be popular among other candidates, but to Bai Qianchun It was useless to tell her that she was interested in Yu Ou, who could make a flying car.

With the speed car, it would be much easier to collect points regardless of whether she wanted to cross the examination room or stay in the examination room. At least she didn't have to lead Qin Xiao and carry the bacon and walk step by step like today. Because of this slow motion, she reluctantly gave up on several waves of red dot candidates displayed on the electronic radar.

Qin Xiao silently squatted aside to collect the meat. Seeing Bai Qianchun's somewhat moved expression, he also twitched his lips and said silently, "I am also in the mecha manufacturing department, and I can also fly a car."

Bai Qianchun's impulsive eyes retracted.

Yu Ou's proudly raised chest slowly lowered, and the smile on his face fell.

No, big brother, you are all the official team members of the big brother. Why are you here to cause trouble at this time? Wouldn't it be better for everyone to equally share the favor of the big brother and the weight of the bacon?

Qin Xiao ignored his resentful eyes, lowered his head and continued to handle the bacon in silence, as if he had never said anything just now.

"Ahem." Bai Qianchun coughed slightly, drawing Yu Ou's attention back, "If you are afraid of being robbed next, you can follow us to avoid risks."

As for the other things, she couldn't guarantee it. It was up to them to follow or not.

If these words fall into the ears of the two of them, it will be a test for the boss!

There is another village where there is a bright future and a bright future! ! !

Sun Xin and Yu Ou immediately grinned and nodded hurriedly, "Follow, follow, thank you, boss."

Then he said very politely, "There are so many of these things, and the pieces are very heavy. Let's help the big brother carry them. We two brothers have nothing but strength."

Bai Qianchun also had a smile on her lips, and said with satisfaction, "Eat more meat at night as a reward."

Qin Xiao silently cut off another large piece of meat, which made him more pleasing to the two flattering people who wanted to share their favor equally. He was very happy to help him lighten his burden.

While the few people were talking, it soon became dark.

Brother Huo and his group, who were all in pain from being whipped, finally recovered and hugged the backpack that was returned. The backpack contained the things that Bai Qianchun returned after picking them out in disgust. They licked their faces and stood up not far away. We built a bonfire and didn't leave here.

They had investigated before the exam and found that the forest was the most dangerous at night, with the most poisonous beasts. In the past, most of the candidates were killed at night, so they did not dare to walk around at night just to be on the safe side.

Another point is that although they were beaten all over by the second person, they had to admit that with the powerful second person, the safety of their area was more guaranteed, so for the sake of the overall situation and their own lives, they I could only grit my teeth and stay here without moving.

Even if the smell of meat came from the bonfire next door, they could only hold their stomachs with envy and hatred, pour nutrient solution into their mouths, and endure it!

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