While munching on the delicious and fragrant barbecue, Sun Xin glanced at Brother Huo's group from time to time, and said warily, "Why are they still here? Do they want to wait for me to launch a sneak attack after we go to bed at night?" "

Yu Ou, who was beside him, immediately became alert and suggested, "Let's keep vigil separately that night."

Sun Xin also nodded in agreement, "Yes, we must keep a vigil. Not only do we have to guard against sneak attacks by these people, but we also have to guard against ferocious beasts and other candidates who act at night. The martial arts exams are most likely to occur during the period. At night, during the martial arts exam the year before last, a candidate snored non-stop and slept like crazy, but was snatched away by an owl that went out to look for food at night.

He woke up early in the morning and found that he had changed places and was sleeping in an owl's nest. He was so frightened that he almost died on the spot. Fortunately, the nest of owls had eaten enough before catching him, and they only used him as a reserve food, otherwise this guy would not have seen the sun the next day! "

Yu Ou also became interested and gave an example he knew, "I also remember what happened one night because they didn't keep vigil. Three candidates built a bamboo fence around them at night and thought they were safe and fell asleep. , who knew that three wild wolves suddenly appeared at night and got into their camp, huddled with them in the haystack and slept together.

Early on the first day, three candidates were so frightened that they screamed on the spot when they saw the wild wolf, and then a human-wolf fight started early in the morning.

The sleeping partners who were sleeping closely together at night turned against each other and became merciless. In the end, one wolf died and two candidates were seriously injured. In the end, they pressed the help button in time, and the teacher came to the rescue to save the lives of the three of them. Life. "

Qin Xiao lowered his head and gnawed on the meat, listening with great interest and muttering in his heart. Both of their examples were funny, and he knew the one that was more dangerous.

There is a group of candidates who can combine to dominate this examination room. On the last night of the examination, they unknowingly entered the territory of the gophers. Because they were blindly confident, there was no one keeping watch at night. As a result, they were killed in the middle of the night. The camp was directly surrounded by a huge group of gopher rats.

A group of people who had already been confirmed to enter the military academy suddenly suffered heavy casualties, and the camp was filled with wailing. Fortunately, the teachers before the live broadcast were serious and responsible. They also paid attention to the condition of the candidates at night, and came to the rescue in time to take them out of the gopher. Encirclement, otherwise this group of people may be completely annihilated, and everyone will be killed directly.

In the end, none of this group of candidates passed the martial arts test and entered the First Military Academy because of this accident. Many people who supported them before the live broadcast were upset, especially their families and relatives.

Therefore, vigil is a very important thing. If someone is awake and gives early warning, the situation will be much better. At least he can escape for his life and not react after being surrounded.

Of course Bai Qianchun had no objection. She had originally planned to keep a vigil. Being in such a dangerous environment made her easily think of her previous life when she was on a mission, and her Ziwutong team would always take turns to keep vigil at night.

"Bai, Team Bai." Qin Xiao, who was silent in fear, suddenly approached Bai Qianchun and spoke.

"Huh?" Bai Qianchun, who was thinking about whether to watch the night together or alone, looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Xiao subconsciously lowered his eyes to avoid looking directly at her, then pointed in the direction of their bacon and said concisely, "The weather is humid and hot, and the bacon will not last long. There may be problems tomorrow."

Bai Qianchun frowned. The spoiled meat was indeed unpalatable.

Moreover, the meat can't be exchanged for a few points. There are too few people like Yu Ou Sunxin who understand current affairs and exchange, so it's better for her to just grab it.

She hesitated and said, "Should I throw it away? Or feed it to the wolves?"

Yu Ou and Sun Xin listened to them with their ears bent, and their expressions were hard to express. They were really dying of waterlogging and dying of drought!

Brother Huo, who was not far away, looked even more sad and angry. Don't feed the wolves. You can feed them. There are more than a dozen of them here. Are the living people not as good as the wolves?

People watching the live broadcast were also heartbroken and unable to breathe.

[Little money loves to eat melons: Don't worry, it's a pity to feed wolves. This is the meat of an S-class rainbow toucan. It's hard to find outside, and even the nobles can't buy it. 】

[Still fighting for a hundred years: The First Military Academy should quickly open an examination room delivery and sales service. What a pity that all this meat is wasted. I feel so heartbroken that I can't breathe just by looking at it. 】

[Foodie Soul: Yes, yes, we also want to try what a rainbow toucan tastes like. The first place in the live broadcast room next door, Sheng Beiyu, and the cold guy also got a rainbow toucan, and the meat is the same I can’t finish it, ah, I’ll die of waterlogging, I’ll die of drought. If I can’t eat this meat anymore, I might just sign up to take the exam for the First Military Academy next year and catch it myself. 】

[I love eating meat buns: Hahaha, you have to be able to catch it. This is an S-level ferocious beast, and most candidates would not dare to challenge it. 】

[Bastard looking at mung beans: Hey, every year when I watch the martial arts exam, I feel heartbroken. The meat that the candidates have nowhere to put slowly rots and deteriorates, and finally becomes inedible. This year, I encountered the meat of two S-class rainbow toucans, which is especially heartbreaking. How about I Also try to actively work hard to take the military academy entrance examination next year? I am thirty-five years old this year. The rules for the military academy are that anyone between the ages of 15 and 40 can sign up. I still have five years of opportunity. If I work hard, I might be able to do it next year and successfully eat the meat of an S-class ferocious beast. 】

[Soul of a Foodie: No matter how hard I work, I will never be as lucky as the candidates in this year's No. 1 examination room. When I meet the second candidate Bai Qianchun who is so reasonable, polite first and then willing to trade meat for points, I would have been more lucky if I were a candidate in this year's examination room. Okay, I agreed to the exchange without even thinking about it. 】

Everyone sighed before the live broadcast, and the principals who were planning to set up camp here were also sighing and sighing in the principal's room. They also made suggestions to Yu Hai, the principal of the First Military Academy.

"Look, the people are so enthusiastic and sincere. How about opening a link to the examination room to sell meat as they wish."

Another principal retorted, "No, no, it breaks the rule of not communicating with the outside world, and there are so many people. Once the link starts to be sold, we won't be able to grab it. Oh, I mean it's not good to trade with outside star coins. It is more fair and realistic for us to give points. Students must use points after entering the military academy. The ferocious beasts in the martial arts examination room belong to the military academy, and they must be exchanged with points."

"Hey, I've even fed those little Cai Cai. They are considered to be raised by me. I'm not content with not being able to eat their meat."

Finally, after hard persuasion from the live broadcast viewers and the principals, Yu Hai, the principal of the First Military Academy, finally compromised.

As a result, all candidates in the examination room received a temporary interruption message on their computers.

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