[Ding dong - In order to comply with the virtue of diligence and thrift introduced by the empire this year, the First Military Academy has specially launched a meat and herb recycling function. During the martial arts examination, if candidates have excess meat and herbs that are difficult to dispose of, they can exchange points with the military school official. The exchange list is as follows: B-grade ferocious beast meat 1 point per two kilograms, A-grade ferocious beast meat 1 point per kilogram, S-grade ferocious beast meat 2 points per kilogram, SS-grade ferocious beast meat 3 points per kilogram; medicinal herb categories and ferocious beast meat The exchange conditions are the same. 】

[Special note: The herbs and meat in the rainforest belong to the military academy. Candidates have no ownership rights and are not allowed to take beast meat or herbs out of the examination room. Candidates are advised not to collect more. Those who collect more can choose the points list to redeem points. . 】

Next to the clearly extinguished bonfire, Sun Xin had a slumped face and muttered, "I can only redeem so many points. The school is too stingy."

Yu Ou, who was also looking gloomy at first, immediately jumped up and slapped his friend on the shoulder fiercely. When Sun Xin looked over with his teeth bared in pain, he immediately winked at him and cursed fiercely with bravado. , "What are you talking about? This exchange system has already taken good care of our current batch of candidates. There was no such thing before. Moreover, the wool comes from the sheep. It is already a great kindness that we can use the wool to exchange points with the sheep. How can you not know how to be grateful?"

Sun Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately realized that his friend was hinting that the teachers and principals before his live broadcast were watching. He quickly changed his face, corrected his attitude, and nodded sincerely, "You are absolutely right, I just said I was just a bit confused and couldn't react for a while. I definitely don't mean to complain. I'm grateful. I'm so grateful. Thank you to the First Military Academy and the teachers at the First Military Academy for taking such good care of us and giving us the opportunity to earn points. , I love the First Military Academy and the teachers."

Bah, bah, bah, it's all the sound of slapping rainbow farts. Although most people can tell that this guy is making a show, some teachers can't help but feel comfortable and look at Sun Xin more. I appreciate the praise that a child can be taught.

Bai Qianchun twitched at the corner of his mouth next to him, and then clicked on a window sent by Guang Naoshang's military academy, which indeed led to the redemption list.

She said to Qin Xiao who had not left yet, "Let's distribute the meat according to the original proportion. I'll take 2 and you 1 to exchange for points."

Qin Xiao's eyes hidden under her long bangs flashed with a surprised look, and then she quickly waved her hands, looking at Bai Qianchun with a blushing face, and stammered and hurriedly refused, "No, no, I, I didn't."

Bai Qianchun glanced over and said with force in his cold tone, "Just like I said, this meat is the bacon you made and carried it all the way. I would have left it there without your suggestion." By the pool."

Qin Xiao was so stunned that she swallowed the words back in her throat, her Adam's apple rolled, and finally she just said "Okay" with a stiff voice.

Then Bai Qianchun took out his saber and divided the meat quickly, and scanned the meat separately with Qin Xiao to redeem points.

After discarding some bits and pieces of internal organs and bones, only the pure meat of the S-class Rainbow Toucan was left here, which was only about 150 kilograms. Bai Qianchun didn't save any of it, and planned to use it all. Exchange it into points. Anyway, there are many ferocious beasts in this rainforest, and you can hunt them anytime you want.

She divided one hundred and fifty kilograms of meat into two parts, which was one hundred kilograms, and could be exchanged for two hundred points; Qin Xiao divided it into one part, which was fifty kilograms, and could be exchanged for one hundred points.

Sun Xin, Yu Ou, Brother Huo who was peeking here not far away, and other people swallowed their saliva and looked at Qin Xiao with envy and jealousy, this man favored by God.

This guy must be very lucky. He formed a team with a big boss right away, and the big boss generously gave him meat to redeem points. Another boss would definitely not be so generous and generous.

Sun Xin and Yu Ou looked at it with eager eyes, and their eyes became even more intense. They must perform well to enter the gangster team. As long as they join the gangster team, they will not only pass the exam and enter the first military academy, but also the first bucket after entering the military academy. Gold is also on the horse.

Qin Xiao, who was secretly envied by everyone, didn't notice their looks at all. After redeeming the points, he absentmindedly poked at the fire and glanced in Bai Qianchun's direction.

After a few minutes, he looked away, and there was a hint of gloom in his shrinking eyes.

These points were a timely blessing for him. His mother was opposed to him taking the exam for the First Military Academy. For this reason, he froze his account and locked him in a room. He ran out secretly, but luckily he was in the First Military Academy. It costs points. Even if his account is frozen, he can support himself by earning more points.

Bai Qianchun didn't notice his look, but since he didn't say anything, she didn't ask any more questions. After all, they were just temporary teammates.

With this thought, she stood up and prepared to rest.

Sun Xin and Yu Ou looked over with discernment and asked in a flattering manner, "Boss, are you ready to take a rest? There is a tent here. We just found it from Brother Huo. We will set it up right away."

Bai Qianchun raised her eyebrows lightly and asked casually, "Where are you sleeping?" "

Yu Ou immediately replied, "There is fresh white hay growing over there. We can just lay it on the ground and sleep. We grown men are not afraid of mosquito bites, nor are we afraid of the open air."

Sun Xin also nodded and said with a chuckle, "Yes, yes, I can also weave a hammock out of vines and hang it on a tree to sleep. The big boss doesn't need to worry about us. We rough guys can sleep there no matter what."

Bai Qianchun looked at their attentive faces with big white teeth exposed. He was silent for a moment, and then said, "No, you and Qin Xiao can sleep together in the tent. I'll make the resting place myself."

As she spoke, she threw a handful of seeds into a clearing not far from the bonfire, arranging them to form a square.

Bai Qianchun held a ball of green light in his hand, then bent one knee and pressed it on the ground——

The seeds quickly penetrate the ground and begin to grow.

Camphor vines with clear green roots, as thick as a strong man's thigh, rise from the ground. The roots are inseparable and grow straight upward. After growing to a height of about three meters, they begin to stretch out in the center, forming a cone-shaped circle. After the top covered the top, Bai Qianchun slowly retracted his hand and stood up straight.

Just like its name, camphor vine has a bit of fragrance. It has an elegant and leisurely light fragrance and has the effect of calming and calming the mind. It is perfect for making a sleeping cabin.

She had specially collected the seeds on the road just in case of emergencies. If there were no seeds from the dwarf trees, she could also use camphor vines to build a small house. Now she has used them. It looks and smells better than the dwarf tree house. .

The only drawback is that the power required to build such a small house is five times that of directly using dwarf tree seeds to build a dwarf tree house.

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