I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 406 Grandpa, that thief old man

Sun Xin looked at him with a look of astonishment. He was also a wood-type superpower user. He knew that if he wanted to build such a small house, his A-level wood-type superpowers would cost nine out of ten to store, and not only would he need to spend such a large amount You must have precise control over the superpowers, otherwise the house will either leak air or the ceiling will fall apart.

This shows Bai Qianchun's precise control over supernatural powers.

But how much power did she consume?

If another person were to spend his powers to create such a flashy house to rest in, he would jump right out and call that person an idiot for consuming a lot of powers just to live in a comfortable place. This behavior is undoubtedly the stupid behavior of a rookie.

There are many dangers in the exam room at night, and they have no other lethal weapons. They can only rely on their own superpowers. If they consume most of their superpowers for a house, what if there is an unexpected accident at night, such as a sneak attack by a wild wolf? What to do if you are surrounded by gophers?

People without supernatural powers are no different than lambs waiting to be slaughtered! ! !

But it was Bai Qianchun who did this. Sun Xin stopped thinking about scolding the rookie as a fool. Instead, he was silently envious and wondered what level the boss's wood power was, and how generous it was to use it to spawn a house. , which shows that her power level is deeper and unpredictable than he thought. He is so envious!

As for the boss being a rookie, he didn't expect the crisis and accident at night to be completely out of his mind. The boss must be so strong, so he must have a trump card, so he uses his powers so recklessly.

Sun Xin, whose admiration for the boss has reached a new level, immediately laughed and clapped, saying that the boss is great, the boss is awesome, the boss should go to bed early, and he took his friend Yu Oumaliu to pick white hay to please him. Come here and prepare to make the bed for the boss.

Bai Qianchun didn't stop them, and allowed them to carry the white hay into the house and look around, and then actively helped her make the bed.

Outside the live broadcast, Feng Youyu gritted his teeth and almost shattered his teeth.

He could no longer rely on the bed and sat up directly, with his back straight and his eyes alert.

These two boys were so daring. It was his wife's bedroom, even if it was temporary, it was his wife's bedroom. They actually went in and helped make the bed. He had never been allowed to do this before!

Feng Youyu's face was full of resentment, and his eyes were staring at the two boys in the live broadcast, carefully memorizing their looks, so that he could practice them if there was a chance in the future. He must teach them two things about not being able to enter other people's wives' bedrooms!

"Dong dong dong——" The doorbell suddenly sounded outside the door.

Feng Youyu raised his brows and reluctantly reduced the live broadcast interface, then opened the button to link the hatch and gave the command to open the door.

The hatch slid open to one side, and Yao Wenxian walked in from the outside wearing a smart and upright suit. There was a circle of black hidden under the gold-rimmed glasses, showing his exhaustion and sleepiness.

As soon as he entered the door, his elite face couldn't help but yawned, and tears came out.

Then he looked at the man wearing a black nightgown and sitting lazily on the bed with dripping hair, and his eyes immediately showed sadness.

Then he sat down on the sofa next to the bed, collapsed, and asked resentfully, "You assigned everything to us, and you just sat here leisurely and prepared to sleep. Where is your conscience?"

Feng Youyu lazily leaned against the head of the bed, with a pair of long, slender and straight legs folded on the bed. Then she raised her peach blossom eyes and glanced at him lightly, "I'm quite busy watching my wife's live broadcast. .”

Yao Wenxian: Tsk, my love brain is hopeless!

Feng Youyu looked at him, still slumped there like a dead salted fish, his eyelids could hardly be closed, and then he asked him with disgust from the live broadcast interface, "Say Well, what’s going on? After saying that, go to bed early, the dark circles under your eyes are almost as dark as those two silly bears you captured.”

Yao Wenxian struggled to open his eyelids and glared at him angrily. Who could blame him for being so sleepy? It’s not that I blame him for being a boss who does nothing but act as a hands-off shopkeeper!

But he didn't have the energy to argue with this kid right now. He really needed sleep right now.

He yawned and told Feng Youyu the news he had just received from Adjutant Zhuang, "You said that my sister-in-law originally did not intend for us to intervene and wanted to contact Marshal Di Rong in person. But it’s not possible now, the news about her has been known by your old marshal, and he has also revealed it to marshal Di Rong.”

Feng Youyu raised his handsome eyebrows indifferently, and then snorted, "Don't worry about that old thief. Although the movements I made in the legion this year are hidden, I can't hide it from him. He is the marshal of the third legion. The actual controller, he must have followed my wife's direction, and it is possible that he knows my wife's identity. But if he knows, he can help my wife block those people and hide her identity. better."

"As for Marshal Di Rong, huh, that old man loves to play very much. He likes to talk half-way through the conversation. I guess that although Marshal Di Rong knows that the sole heir to the White Duke Palace is back, he definitely doesn't know who is her."

The corner of Yao Wenxian's mouth twitched, and he heard this man shouting "a thief old man". Then he looked at him suspiciously, "Are you sure you didn't leak the news and get the old marshal on board? You want the old marshal to take the initiative to help." Did my sister-in-law block prying eyes?"

Feng Youyu's lips curled up, and he smiled and said, "You are a lot smarter! There are so many people on the main planet, and I can't cover the sky with one hand. I'm still a little behind compared to the older generation of people in power. Anyway, my grandfather is a thief old man. I have a lot of free time as a shopkeeper all year round, and I still have time to steal the potted fruit trees given by my wife, so that he can do some work, she is also his grandson's daughter-in-law."

Yao Wenxian: As expected of you!

Then he said calmly, "I'm very smart, thank you."

Feng Youyu waved her hand towards him and rushed them away impatiently, "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back and rest as soon as possible."

Yao Wenxian glanced at him. He really didn't have the energy to argue with him, so he simply shut up and stood up with his hands on his knees, and then walked out the door while yawning unsteadily.

Feng Youyu, who was still lying on the bed, looked away after watching him leave, then enlarged the live broadcast screen and projected it on the opposite wall.

He scanned the screen with his eyes but couldn't find Bai Qianchun. Only the two boys beside the campfire were still humming and setting up a simple tent.

He looked at the small wooden house made of camphor vines on the screen with a depressed heart. Regret rose in his eyes. There was no picture of the inside of the wooden house. Otherwise, he could have watched his wife's sleeping face and slept together.

But he quickly shook his head, no, no, the live broadcast is not only for him to watch, but for everyone. If those people can see his wife's sleeping face, it will be easier for them.

Feng Youyu's face suddenly turned serious.

Forget it, it’s better to keep it this way, so you can have privacy!

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