The next day, inside the Ninth Legion's station.

Marshal's Office.

Marshal Di Rong, who was rugged and upright, with a hint of ferocity in his tough appearance, was fiddling with the optical brain in his hands. His thick eyebrows were knitted together, and he was muttering something to the adjutant at the next table. Chatting, "What do you mean by what you said to Old Marshal Feng? Are you really reminding me that the princess is back?"

The expression on the gentle and handsome face of the adjutant Lu Feng was also uneasy. He pointed at the light brain with his finger, his brows furrowed deeper than Di Rong said, "Well, there is no conflict between our ninth army and the Feng family's third army. Earlier, the Duke also I also had a great time cooperating with the Third Army when I was there. Besides, there is no need for Marshal Feng to lie to you. This news is most likely true."

"And I found out that there is indeed something going on at Bai Zhuangquan. Just now I asked the undercover to check. On the day of registration for the First Military Academy, the genetic data about the princess from the gene bank was retrieved. It should be that she really signed up. The First Military Academy exam is about to take place. The news cannot be concealed. There are only four dukes left in the empire. As the only heir to the White Duke's Palace, the princess's data in the gene bank is very important. Once it is retrieved, an alarm will be issued. Now the data on the main star is Several of you should already know about it, and the gossip has spread. Even if Marshal Feng doesn't remind you, my news network will send the news this afternoon at the latest."

Di Rong's brows relaxed slightly and he sighed, "That's good. The princess is back, and the Duke finally has a successor. He doesn't have to be afraid of Bai Zhuangquan's treacherous thief."

Lu Feng glanced at him sideways, but his expression was not relaxed, "Don't be too happy too early. What if the princess is back? Not to mention that according to the previous news, Bai Zhuangquan has already raised her to waste. Even if she escapes, How much can you grow after being away for two years? Besides, now Bai Zhuangquan has completely controlled the property of Duke Bai's Mansion. Even our ninth legion has been mostly penetrated by his minions. He is about to oust you and take over the army. Ninth Army, I'm afraid she won't be able to protect herself if she comes back at this time. Bai Zhuangquan will definitely not hand over the power and wealth that he has already talked about easily, and his actions will only become more fierce and ruthless when the time comes."

Di Rong immediately frowned, "You are right, that bitch Bai Zhuangquan is very vicious and treacherous, and his skills are astounding. Under my nose, he instigated most of the people left by the Duke in the Ninth Army to rebel. Even Zhou Ang The two people who were promoted by the marshal along with Ding Zhuo were secretly bribed by him. There is no guarantee that they will not attack the returning princess. No, I must find the princess before Bai Zhuangquan and give her protection."

Lu Feng glanced at him with disgust, "Marshal, I think you should still worry about yourself. You won't live much longer. Didn't you worry that you would die before, so you had already planned to separate your wife and Di?" That boy Yan has been sent back to Caohuaxing."

Di Rong raked his messy hair and let out a depressed snort, "You kid really can't spit out ivory. It's because of your mouth that I was deceived by that kid Ding Zhuo's sweet words. I thought You are the traitor."

The corner of Lu Feng's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, "That's because you are stupid."

Di Rong didn't take his ridicule seriously, "All my talents are focused on war command, and I'm not sensitive to these internal fights and calculations. That's why the Duke specially appointed you and Ding Zhuo as my adjutants to help me." Handle the internal affairs, otherwise that boy Ding Zhuo would have risen to prominence so quickly. Huh, that boy is not grateful at all. Now he betrays me and the Duke, and recognizes the thief Bai Zhuangquan as his master. Tsk, the Duke should not have put him in the first place. He was picked up from the garbage planet, and he was still funded to go to school and promoted to the Ninth Legion. That kid is not as grateful as you, who became a monk and followed the Duke."

There are really three sentences that cannot be separated from Ding Zhuo. This is so hateful!

However, Lu Feng sounded quite happy, and the corners of his originally mocking lips turned up.

He had long disliked Ding Zhuo, his rival as an adjutant.

At this time, Di Rong suddenly continued happily, "By the way, my little life may still be saved. Di Yan, that brat, was lucky enough to buy some pills with a girl from Muyuan Star a few days ago. Meatballs, it’s time to send them over.”

Lu Feng's face was slightly surprised, "Are you sure it works?"

Di Rong grinned his big white teeth, "It doesn't matter even if it doesn't work. That brat said that after you play a small game called Muyuanxing Farming Game, you can customize a pill. I've been playing this recently. I've already I got a small healing pill after passing a small level. After I pass the level, I will be able to meet the rumored miraculous Muyuan Star Lord. With her help, my life may still be saved."

This time Lu Feng did not sing the opposite, but said thoughtfully, "Well, although you are not very smart, you have always been lucky. You may not die this time."

As he spoke, Lu Feng lowered his eyes and silently closed one of the screen interfaces filled with some small buds.

He had known about this little game for a long time and had been playing it for a few days. Originally, he wanted to surprise Di Rong after completing the level, but until now he has not been able to plant a single tomato or even a small level. Passed, far behind Di Rong's progress.

I don’t know why the pastoral game of sowing seeds and watering is so difficult, but it’s Di Rong, the big boss, who is having a great time even watching it.

Not seeing Di Rong's hesitant smile, Lu Feng placed the five live broadcast interfaces in front of him on the opposite wall to enlarge them.

"Okay, let's get to the point. Let's first find out which of these five Bai Qianchun is the princess."

Di Rong was stunned for a moment, then simply turned off the finger he was searching for, looked up, and muttered, "Didn't it say that there are six Bai Qianchuns with the same name in this first military academy exam? Why is there one missing? ?”

Lu Feng: "There is also Bai Qianchun, whose test number is 1987, who did not reach the score during the literary test and was eliminated."

Di Rong: "Oh, that's definitely not the princess. The Duke is so smart, and the children he gave birth to are certainly not bad. How can a mere literary test stump the princess?"

Lu Feng squinted his eyes and thought, "Not necessarily. After all, Bai Zhuangquan has raised the princess since she was a child, and has not hired a teacher for her. It is possible that she cannot pass the literary test. Another possibility is that the princess is smart and will take all the students. Everyone's attention was on the First Military Academy exam, but I retreated in secret, so as not to arouse suspicion."

Di Rong nodded seriously, "What you said makes sense, then I'll have someone check this eliminated person first."

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