I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 409 The suspicion of Bai Zhuangquan and his wife

Bai family.

Bai Zhuangquan was wearing an expensive suit. At first glance, he looked gentle and mature, but the cold and sharp light in his eyes made people understand that he was not as rich and gentle as he appeared on the surface.

At this time, he was also watching the live broadcast with a headache. He squinted his eyes and analyzed which one was the real Bai Qianchun on the screen. He didn't even care about his son taking the exam.

Sitting next to him was a gorgeous woman in bejeweled clothes. She raised her eyebrows and stared at the live broadcast screen with delicate eye makeup. She had an ugly and sinister look on her well-maintained face, and she gritted her teeth and cursed. Said, "I know that little bitch is not a cheap person. She has known how to seduce my son since she was a child, and she even took the opportunity to escape. Now she has taken the exam of the First Military Academy under false pretenses. Humph, I don't think I need to look for him anymore. The one from before She will definitely be eliminated."

"I've been watching that little bitch since she was a child, and I even cut off her star network. She can't learn anything even if she wants to. It's only been two years. How can she pass the First Military Academy exam, even though our family has carefully trained her? My son only passed the liberal arts test after passing the exam. There is no way that little bitch can be better than our son."

Bai Zhuang's brows furrowed and he glanced at her lightly, "You bastard, you still have the nerve to say that you really thought I didn't know about the commotion at Fanchun Hotel before. You gave them the idea, right?" .”

Wei Ru's face stiffened, and then she said with a sneer, "Isn't it for our son? What's wrong with me spending star coins to get those candidates to sign contracts to help my son? It's something you and I agree on, and no one else can find fault with it. Speaking of which, this is all your fault. Although your son is studying well in the Eighth Military Academy, you still want our son to be admitted to the First Military Academy before agreeing to let him marry the third princess. Let me tell you, the third princess is also pretty good. She is The status of the princess is more respectable than that of the orphan girl from the Shen family. Even if it costs 60 billion as a betrothal gift, it’s not like our family can’t afford it."

Bai Zhuangquan snorted calmly, "Short-sighted, you pay for the Fanchun Hotel yourself."

Wei Ru was very dissatisfied with what her husband said about her. She would pay for it by herself. Her family had money, so she could afford such a small expense.

Wei Ru's chest rose up and down angrily twice, but Wei Ru quickly calmed down again. Who could tell that this was a capable husband she had chosen by herself.

She snorted softly and reluctantly compromised and said, "We are now discussing about that little bitch Bai Qianchun. Don't change the subject. Who do you think is the bitch?"

Bai Zhuangquan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed softly, "Your previous analysis also makes sense. She grew up under our noses. Now she has only escaped for two years. No matter how smart she is, she can only learn so much. That one was eliminated. I will check it, and there is also this number 898. It is possible that I passed the literary test."

Wei Ru was satisfied, and then echoed, "I also think it's one of these two. It can't be the excellent second place anyway. Husband, you have a good idea. The more I look at No. 898 Bai Qianchun, the more he looks like him." , looks similar, and has a similar temperament to this cowardly little mouse. I will also find someone to check her background. Just give a little girl to my parents' side. They are doing business and can collect more information than you. There are many of those under my command.”

Bai Zhuangquan nodded calmly, "Then leave it to my father-in-law to check. By the way, the other four named Bai Qianchun will also check together. The matter of me taking over the title of Duke is now at a critical juncture. Keep an eye on I have a lot of people. That little girl Bai Qianchun can't make any mistakes. Find the people first. Don't act rashly on your side. Don't ask people to pour dirty water on me, so as not to inherit the inheritance. Being tripped up."

Wei Ru, who originally wanted to secretly kill the little bitch, paused and reluctantly responded, "Okay, I understand."

Bai Qianchun, who was stamped by Marshal Di Rong and Bai Zhuangquan as the most unlikely second placer in the literary test, was leading a group of people to attack an SS-level two-headed black snake.

Ever since the school suddenly announced a rule that night that points could be exchanged for B-level and above ferocious beast meat and medicinal herbs, the martial arts candidates have turned their heads and no longer just stared at the competitors around them. Instead, they all focused on the ferocious beasts in the rain forest.

Candidates can only earn one point by grabbing each one. The most they can get from candidates in the economics department is 51 points. But it is different when fighting a vicious beast. Each beast requires at least hundreds of kilograms of meat. The points exchanged More.

Another thing is that it takes time and effort to find someone to grab candidates' points, but hunting ferocious beasts doesn't require that. They don't need to look for them. The ferocious beasts just come to their doorsteps. Comparing the two, of course it is better to hunt ferocious beasts to earn points. cheaper! Anyone with some ability will go back to hunt ferocious beasts.

No, since the second day of the martial arts exam, most of the candidates have started looking for teammates and started hunting ferocious beasts with great fanfare.

Bai Qianchun also officially accepted Sun Xin and Yu Ou into her team in the afternoon of the next day. In the following days, she successively accepted several candidates who had passed the test and showed good strength and character into her team.

Quan Lang, who was in the same examination room, was also among them.

Speaking of which, Quan Lang's luck was really bad after he came in. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was surrounded by bad luck.

As soon as he came in, like Bai Qianchun, he was sent to the door of the beast's house and became a snack. Fortunately, it was only a C-level beast. He was so embarrassed that he managed to kill the beast and survived. . After that, he seemed to be stepping on an unlucky circle. After killing the C-level beast, he was stunned for a few minutes before he encountered a B-level beast that came to seize the territory. It chased him all over the forest, and even almost came to an end. If you step on a trap made by a certain candidate, you will die.

Fortunately, he was also a capable person, so he didn't die. He used the trap to avoid the B-level ferocious beast again, and then he continued running like a tenacious little strongman, and the ferocious beasts continued to appear.

When Bai Qianchun led a group of people and met Quan Lang, he was in ragged clothes, with blood scabs everywhere on his body. He was paralyzed like a wandering savage, and he was still squatting on the tree next to him. A ferocious giant bird, as if it would just wait for Quan Lang to die and it would pounce down and snatch people away.

In short, there is only one word, "miserable"!

Quan Lang, who was desperately planning to press the button to exit the assessment, couldn't tell how excited he was when he saw Bai Qianchun. After Bai Qianchun killed the giant bird and resolved the crisis, Quan Lang was filled with snot and tears. He hugged her thigh and said that he would join Bai Qianchun's team no matter what. He no longer wanted to fight alone as a savage.

Bai Qianchun did not treat him preferentially because he was an acquaintance. Instead, he followed the rules and asked him to observe with the team first. After passing the observation test period, he was allowed to join the team.

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