I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 410 Quanlang, the magic weapon that attracts monsters

After Quan Lang joined the team, Bai Qianchun heard from his nagging mouth his adventures of fighting various ferocious beasts alone. After hearing this, she was quite satisfied, not only because Quan Lang was being chased by ferocious beasts. The fact that he can still hold on until now despite running in such a dangerous situation shows that his strength is good, and because Quan Lang seems to have the physique to attract ferocious beasts, all kinds of ferocious beasts come to his door just by standing there. Isn’t it a perfect monster-absorbing artifact?

Their team doesn't need such a monster-attracting machine right now!

After Quan Lang joined, ferocious beasts kept coming, one at a time, and now this SS-level double-headed black snake was heading towards Quan Lang as soon as it appeared.

Speaking of this two-headed ink snake, its concealment ability is really strong. They were passing through a rotten black and smelly swamp, and it suddenly sprang out from behind a few black stones. If it hadn't been for Bai Qian Due to his quick reaction, Quan Langke had to be bitten off half of his body and died on the spot.

There are eight people in Bai Qianchun's team with her, plus two people who were beggars on the road and were not included in the team during the assessment and observation. There are ten people in total. Each of them is holding a robotic arm or one issued by the school tremblingly. Saber swallowed and gritted his teeth, nervously looking at the tall, invincible and fierce two-headed snake in the black swamp, confronting it.

Look at this giant snake. Its head is bigger than any of them. It opens its bloody mouth and can swallow two people with one head.

Several people who encountered the SS beast for the first time were a little panicked!

While swallowing, Sun Xin poked the frightened Quan Lang next to him, and murmured in a low voice, "Next time, you should put away your monster-attracting charm. The previous S-level ferocious beasts will be forgotten. The SS-level beasts like this now are terrible." Don’t come again. If the car accidentally overturns, our entire team will be wiped out. We have redeemed a lot of points with Big Brother Bai before. It would be a pity if the car overturns and we are eliminated."

Quan Lang looked like he was about to cry, his face was wrinkled in pain, "I can't take away this charm if I want to. First of all, I have to know whether it was caused by me, and secondly, I have to know that I It’s easy for me to operate if there is something on my body that can attract monsters, but now I don’t know how I attracted monsters, or whether it was me.”

Sun Xin patted him on the shoulder, "Don't underestimate yourself and doubt your own charm. It almost swallowed you when it opened its mouth. It didn't come after you but someone else. There are also several waves of ferocious beasts that we encountered before. There is a serious disaster area around you. Walk around, walk over and get closer to the boss so that he can protect you. Today is different from the past. This one is SS-level. You must not be caught. The big snake took it away."

Quan Lang looked at him with a moved face, "Good brother, you will still think about me."

Sun Xin's macho tearful eyes made him hairy all over, with a stern look on his face, "I don't want the team's monster attracting machine to be gone. Before I met you, our team was too powerful and scared away the monsters." No, it’s too much trouble to find it by yourself.”

Quan Lang, who was being treated as a tool: Suddenly he wasn’t very moved!

Feeling Quan Lang approaching, the two pairs of scarlet snake eyes looked in her direction. Bai Qianchun did not panic at being targeted. Instead, she raised her eyebrows, feeling a little more curious about Quan Lang's physique.

When we met the A-level and S-level beasts before, although they did attack one after another after Quan Lang appeared, they attacked all of them at the same time. It was not like a two-headed giant snake with such a pointed direction. Qiang, clearly focused on Quan Lang.

Suddenly, the snake's vertical eyes shrank, and it couldn't hold it any longer, and swooped straight in the direction of Bai Qianchun with a fierce wind.

Bai Qianchun's face turned cold, and he commanded with a calm voice, speaking very fast, "Quan Lang, follow me, others disperse."


The group had been under Bai Qianchun's command along the way, and had worked well together, and now they had quite a tacit understanding. They almost reacted instantly to Bai Qianchun's orders.

"Bang -" As a giant snake head opened its mouth, revealing its sharp snake teeth, it rushed toward the ground. The figures around it had dispersed. Bai Qianchun grabbed Quan Lang's shoulder and jumped into the air, tapping her toes. The snake head that hit the ground jumped up, raised its eyes and faced another snake head that was still standing in the air and rushed towards Quan Lang.

A thorn vine grew rapidly in her hand, and its sharp thorns swayed towards the snake leaves that were spitting out from its open mouth without hesitation.


A hissing sound was heard, and the severe pain caused the snake head to attack in a different direction. Bai Qianchun and Quan Lang escaped smoothly.

Quan Lang, who was in fear, just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bai Qianchun advancing instead of retreating and taking the initiative to attack.

The thorns and vines were entangled, and with a twist and pull, the bloody snake letter was pulled out directly, and the blood-red fishy smell suddenly sprayed all over the ground.

Bai Qianchun carried Quan Lang away and avoided it. The giant snake hissed, and its scarlet eyes no longer looked at Quan Lang, but instead aimed at the anger that he had provoked with his own strength, and pulled all the hatred from it on him. Bai Qianchun.

With a violent roar, the giant snake swung its tail and attacked Bai Qianchun with both heads.

With the huge body of the giant snake, and the indestructible black snake skin as thick as a city wall, it is absolutely possible to crush someone to death.

Bai Qianchun looked cold. She carried Quan Lang and dodged. She jumped down from the air. After landing, she threw Quan Lang to the side. She turned around and quickly ran towards the giant snake with her feet. She touched the ground with her toes and soared into the air. He stood up and once again took the initiative to meet the two-headed giant snake.

In mid-air, a ball of green light exploded from her slender but muscular body, and eight thorns and vines as thick as thighs flew out and attacked the entangled giant snake. At the same time, her cold voice commanded again, "Gather the fire and attack." Seven inches of it.”

The nine people who were scattered around with vigilant faces and did not dare to act rashly immediately lit up their eyes, and then rushed towards the giant snake with resolute expressions. Even Quan Lang, who had just landed, was no exception. He gritted his teeth and defeated the snake after being captured just now. My legs were weak, and I rushed with my brothers in excitement.

The boss didn't say retreat and escape, which means that this SS-level beast can be captured.

This got them excited. This was an SS-level ferocious beast. Even soldiers who had been in the legion for several years might not be able to encounter it, let alone subdue it and kill it.

Now they met when they were taking the exam for the First Military Academy. The fledgling and enthusiastic teenagers suddenly didn't know how to write the word "fear", and they did what the commander said.

With Bai Qianchun controlling the thorn vine, Yifu was entangled and restrained by the two snake heads. The pressure on the nine people attacking seven inches from behind was greatly reduced. The more they fought, the braver they became. Soon the snake skin with strong defensive power was It was covered with bloody scars.

After more than half an hour of fighting and relentless attacks again and again, the two snake heads were pricked by thorns and vines, dripping with blood and covered with bloody flesh. Finally, with a bang, the giant snake's two high-lofted heads were smashed down. On the ground.

They finally captured this SS-level beast.

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