I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 411 There are speeding cars and space buttons

Several painted-faced teenagers with bright red blood on their faces immediately cheered, "Great, we finally killed this two-headed snake."

"That's a lot of meat. Each kilogram of meat from an SS-level ferocious beast can be exchanged for 3 points. This one costs at least a thousand kilograms."

"Hahaha, then each of us can get a lot of points. I didn't expect the first pot of gold to be so easy. Hehe, those seniors in the past must not be able to earn points as much as we are this time."

Several people grinned happily to the back of their ears. Without waiting for Bai Qianchun's instructions, they quickly picked up their sabers and flew toward the giant snake, and then began to skin and divide the flesh.

The meat was distributed according to the team as agreed before, with Bai Qianchun, the captain, accounting for 40%, and the remaining 60% being divided equally between the seven regular team members and two people who were still undergoing testing and observation.

The team members did not feel that they were at a loss for this allocation, or that there was anything wrong with Bai Qianchun monopolizing 40%. After all, she contributed the most when fighting the two-headed giant snake just now. Without her to restrain them, how could they possibly kill an SS-level snake? As for the ferocious beast, even if Bai Qianchun doesn't take action, as long as she, a commander who can intimidate the whole audience, can suppress them, they can take action without hesitation.

"Hey, there's a supply box hidden here."

Suddenly, the two young boys who were splitting the snake's tail suddenly had their eyes shining and shouted excitedly.

"I didn't expect it to be hidden behind a rock. If the big rock in front of it hadn't been shattered by the snake's tail, we probably wouldn't have discovered it."

The other team members who looked over after hearing this also leaned over to take a look, and then nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, this supply box is too weird to hide. It actually uses environmental mimicry. Normally you wouldn't notice it at a casual glance. Something is wrong."

"Quick, quick, open it. We have worked hard on this supply box. There must be good things hidden inside."

Bai Qianchun also got interested and opened the lid himself under the warm greetings of several team members. Oh well, a lot of the things inside were indeed good as they had guessed.

Not to mention the seasonings of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, they had been collecting parts for the speed car for several days and finally found the last three important parts in this supply box. With these three indispensable parts, they carried them on their backs. The parts of the flying car that have been collected all the way can finally be put to use and assembled into a flying car.

As for the last thing, it is the space button.

When several heads came over and saw this, they were all crazy with joy. Good guy, with the space button, they no longer have to work so hard to carry large and small bags.

Especially those parts for the previous speed car. Even if there were ten of them, there were too many and too big parts, and it would be tiring to carry them.

Now that an SS-level ferocious beast was killed, the two important achievements of flying car and space button were completed. Several people flew away with grins on their faces. They quickly picked up the space button in the supply box and handed it over to the commander Bai Qianchun. The captain keeps it for safekeeping.

Bai Qianchun looked at the ring-shaped space button on her wrist, and a smile appeared on her lips. Carrying so many things along the way was not only miserable for the team members, but she was also not happy to carry them, not only because of the weight, but also because of carrying them around. They were all inconvenient and seriously delayed their walking speed and hunting process.

Next, the team did not leave, and the master of arts boldly sat on the spot and repaired.

Several people from the mecha manufacturing department were led by Yu Ou to assemble the flying car. Two people from the medicine department sat down to prepare the treatment potion. The others waved their sabers and continued to divide the snake meat. After dividing, the few kilograms were sent to Qin Xiao as usual. Fire it up and let’s all try it together.

An hour later, the flying car was assembled and the test flight went well. Everyone in the team regained their strength after eating the snake soup carefully cooked by Qin Xiao. Bai Qianchun took other materials that everyone collected scattered along the way to the space Newri. As soon as it was finished, a group of people were full of energy and ready to go.

"Captain, where are we going? Our examination room has almost been ransacked by us. Other candidates are afraid when they see us. They all run faster than rabbits when they see us. How about we go to the examination room next door to see look?"

Sun Xin looked eager to try, and he also wanted to show off.

After all, the candidates are all young, energetic, enthusiastic teenagers who love to show off, and several other team members are obviously very attracted to Sun Xin's proposal.

Bai Qianchun thought for a second and said, "Okay, let's go to the examination room next door."

"There is only room for five people on the flying car now. If you squeeze in, you can fit seven, but the remaining three cannot fit. I plan to use vines to hang you and fly, or you can sit on the roof of the flying car."

When the two candidates who were still in the observation period knew that their opportunity to perform had come, their heads immediately stood up and they raised their hands and shouted excitedly, "I, we are willing to sit on the roof of the car."

Bai Qianchun glanced at him appreciatively and said, "Okay, then you can sit on the roof of the car with me. Also, you performed well just now when you cooperated to fight SS-level beasts. You can officially join our team. Become my team member."

"According to the rules I made before, you can first talk about your one required task and three optional tasks. During the hunt, our team will give priority to helping you complete the tasks first and get the tickets to enter the First Military Academy."

The eyes of the two newcomers suddenly lit up. This wave of self-recommendations is good. Sun Xincheng does not deceive us. As long as he joins the boss team, he will really help them with their tasks.

Fortunately, they did not panic during the observation period and did not rush to complete their own tasks first. Instead, they actively cooperated with the team's actions.

After thanking each other profusely, the two people quickly told them about their unfinished tasks. While talking, they didn't waste any time and took the initiative to climb on the roof of the speed car.

Bai Qianchun also jumped up and stood up on the speeding car. Then she bent down and took out three vine seeds. A green light flashed, wrapping her and the other two people sitting on the roof of the car and fixing them, acting as seat belts. .

The other seven people also hurriedly got into the flying car. Yu Ou, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, shouted happily to the roof of the car, "Captain, are you ready? We are going to start flying."

Bai Qianchun responded calmly, "Fly."


Suddenly, the speeding car rushed towards the sky. The three people sitting on the roof of the speeding car were covered in wind. The strong wind slapped their faces, and their faces were deformed.

Bai Qianchun's ancient martial arts skills were unleashed, and he sat there calmly, as if he was sitting quietly in the air. His hair was only slightly swaying, and he half-squinted his eyes to take in the surrounding scenery, which was not to mention very comfortable.

The two people, whose faces were ruthlessly blown by the knife-like wind, looked at the leisurely and comfortable Bai Qianchun with two pairs of eyes, full of surprise and envy. This is the relationship between people. Is there such a difference in time? How on earth did she manage to be invulnerable to all evil and untouchable by the wind?

In response, Bai Qianchun just silently handed them two big pots and asked them to hold them in their hands. There was a dense rainforest area in front of them. If you didn't want to be slapped in the face by the cruel leaves, just hold the big pots in your hands. Block it.

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