I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 412 A textbook genius commander

[Lemon Tea: Awesome, awesome, hahaha. I am the most powerful, Goddess Bai. I was the first one to put together a flying car. 】

[Flowers bloom to the sun: As expected, commanding is still popular. There are more people, more power, space buttons, speeding cars, and a lot of points. Now it seems that Bai Qianchun should be the best in the game. The one with the most points. 】

[You will win if you love to work hard: Sheng Bei's encounter with Xiao Xiannan is not bad, is it? Although he failed to assemble a complete speed car like the second place Bai Qianchun, he also used incomplete parts to improvise and innovate. A small open-top aircraft came out. It's full of scientific research technology, okay? 】

[Flying Knight: Sheng Beiyu suffers from his temperament and professionalism. He is a mecha manufacturing professional and does not need to form a team. He also doesn’t like to talk to people. Except for Leng Xiao, the cool brother who can cook delicious food, he likes everyone. He doesn't like to talk to anyone, has no partners, and has no little brother, so collecting points is a bit slow. 】

[Tian Qing'an Hao: Who said Bai Qianchun has the most points in the game? Shui Weiqian and Shui Weiyi, the two Shui family geniuses, are not bad either. They have also recruited a lot of people, and their team members are even better than Bai Qianchun's. If you have more points, you will definitely gain a lot of points. 】

[Lemon Tea: This is not necessarily true. Although Shui Weiyi has more than thirty people under his command, which is more than three times the number of my goddess team, the number of people is more valuable than the elite. His command level is obviously far worse than that of my goddess Bai. Okay, and let’s look at what level of ferocious beasts his thirty-man team was hunting. B-level and A-level were the most common, and S-level only encountered one, and it destroyed their entire team. Most of the team members were injured, which is obviously due to insufficient command. How does she look like our White Goddess? She just killed an SS-level ferocious beast. Not one of the ten people in the team was seriously injured. The most serious injury was a newbie who was so nervous that she held the saber upside down and cut the palm of her hand. 】

[Lemon Tea: Also, the distribution rules of our White Goddess team have been set at 40% for the captain from the very beginning. It has always been consistent. None of the team members were unhappy, and every one of them happily rushed to join us. The goddess's team came, all the dirty work was taken care of, and they were still having fun together. Look at your two brothers Shui Weiqian. As captains, they only get 30%. The other team members are not convinced by them and assign them work. The team members are all hesitant and pushy. No one is willing to do it for fear of doing too much. . In this way, the contrast is obvious! Our White Goddess is said to be well-mannered, able to command, and capable of surpassing the Shui brothers in terms of mental abilities. 】

[Which one has the best boiled water: Ah, it would be great if there was a list of points that could be viewed at any time like in the literary test, so that there would be no need to guess and it would be clear at a glance who has the most points. 】

[Ayan on the street: Don’t just stare at these people in the front row of the literary test. The candidate named Li Gaodan is not bad either. The structure of his team members is very similar to Bai Qianchun, who ranked second in the literary test. There were only ten people, and he also got 40% as the captain. Every time he commanded, he was clean and neat, and he perfectly controlled the field to hunt the beasts. Even if he encountered an S-class beast, I had no doubt that he could lead it. He led his team to hunt and kill SS-level beasts. If he hadn't spent all his time looking for ferocious beasts and was unlucky enough not to meet high-level ferocious beasts, he might have been able to catch up with Bai Qianchun in terms of performance. The only difference between his team and Bai Qianchun's team was that of Quan Lang. Blame the machine. 】

[Soul of the foodie: Li Gaodan, I checked his information. The younger brother of Major General Li Heyu who was popular on the Internet in the past few months is said to have been with Major General Li and received his teachings. So it doesn’t matter if he has this level of command. What a fuss. After all, Major General Li is known as a "textbook genius commander". A single battleship broke the siege of three fleets of the Orc Empire, and he made a perfect surprise attack with more troops than fewer troops. 】

[I want to rise: Have you noticed that Mu Tao, the candidate who was different from Bai Qianchun in the liberal arts examination room, his command level is not bad at all. In a team of twelve people, three of them seem to be like him They are very familiar with each other, and the team members cooperated very well under his command. Unfortunately, he faced Bai Qianchun again in "Examination Hall No. 1", and his style was completely overshadowed by Bai Qianchun's team, otherwise his record would also be It’s very dazzling! 】

[Foodie Soul: Mu Tao, I also know his information. Hehe, he is the son of Major General Lin of the First Army. He was brought to live in the First Army by Major General Lin since he was a child. He trained and studied with him. Uncles in the army all Praise him for his first-rate military talent and his commanding genius. 】

[Young Master Duopeck: Has anyone noticed that the two Shen family members, the cousins ​​of the fourth prince’s mother’s family, don’t seem to be outstanding at all, or even stupid. Shen Junhao wanted to form a team, but he was tricked by a candidate named Zhu Bao. After helping him complete the required tasks, he quickly ran away, and it took him a long time to react. 】

[What do you want in life: Hahaha. I was watching this live broadcast just now. I came here for the cousins ​​of the fourth prince’s mother’s family, but I saw rubbish. However, Shen Junhao’s confused look after being deceived was quite cool. , I also took screenshots and made an emoticon package, which was quite popular in the small group. 】

[Don’t want Ma Bao: Hehe, the Zhu Bao you are talking about just cheated Shen Junyi’s two points, and she foolishly regarded Zhu Bao as a helpful little brother. Why do I feel that these two Shen brothers and sisters are a bit stupid. 】

[I want to rise: You might as well say they are stupid. I really think they are quite stupid and they are being deceived. But maybe it's not because they are stupid, but because Zhu Bao is too smart. 】

[What do you want in life: Zhu Bao is indeed a wonderful guy. When he meets someone who is nice to talk to and wants to recruit him into the team, he will be full of sweet words and flattery. Who wouldn’t like to hear these rainbow farts? The ones before The captain who wanted to recruit him into the team was so stunned by him that he favored him. Well, the result was good. This guy had no heart. After taking the advantage, he turned around and stabbed the captain, saying that he had poor command skills and could not keep this giant Buddha. Then he slapped his butt and left, while the angry captain chased him for thousands of miles. However, Zhu Bao's running skills were excellent and he failed to catch up.

When he encounters a strong person who wants to shoot him for points, he can also be shameless and beg for mercy, even if he is embarrassed, he will steal his points. I admire his eloquence and his rogue skills in selling misery. I think this kid may be able to do it in the future. He is also a powerful person, at least better than the stupid brother and sister of the Shen family who were deceived. 】

There was a lot of discussion on the live broadcast screen. It did not stagnate because most of the time for the martial arts exam had passed. On the contrary, it became more and more enthusiastic. There were more onlookers, and there were people who supported every candidate. Sometimes some of the comments were like a pot of stew, with relish. He was analyzing each outstanding candidate, and the others also enjoyed watching it. They would also chime in from time to time, and the atmosphere was fun.

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